The objective was to work on future plans for Fazilka region. The need arose due to general migration and brain drain from the region to National and International metros.
Mr. Devinder Pal Singh President Press Club Fazilka, Adv. Umesh Kukar, Mr. Devinder Aggarwal, Prof Dr. Bhupinder Singh were at the podium. Mr. Rajiv Prashar was the guest of honour.
About 50 people from two groups were invited to participate in the seminar and about 35 reported to make the Programme get going at 7-30 pm and the discussions were carried till 10.45 pm.
A short movie ‘Ek Bangla Bane Nyara” created by Er. Navdeep Asija was projected through LCD projector to apprise the participants of Seminar about the various aspects of life in Fazilka
The Programme was a complete success in lieu of the points focused by the speakers
Er. Nitin Setia conducted the stage management. Thanks giving were carried by Ad. Manoj Tripathi and the dinner was served by courtesy of Er. Navdeep Asija
The speakers who expressed their opinions are listed herein;
Adv. Umesh Kukar, President GWAF
Prof. Dr. Bhupinder Singh patron GWAF
Mr. Rajiv Prashar, SDM
Mr. Surinder Ahuja, Entrepreneur
Mr. Anilesh Mahajan, Journalist, Times of India
Mr. Vikram Ahuja, Entrepreneur
Mr. Manoj Tripathi
Dr. Amar Lal Baghla, Journalist, Dainik Jagran
Mr. Devinder Aggarwal
Mr. Bajrang Gupta
Er. Navdeep Asija
The deliberations at this seminar were a valuable contribution towards cultivating future programmes, which will enhance the 3Es objectives of the GWAF. The deliberations were made from local to national level problems.
Some comments, which need to be recorded, are outlined herein;
The brainpower of the region is of standards come across anywhere in the world and proper guidance will enable the youth of the area to show better performance and become achievers.
The resources in the form of better citizens by investing in Primary Education rather than Nuclear Power Plants will be a better project, so that children of 5 years age in 2007 can after another 4 years get transformed into well-cultured Indians. A start at Fazilka may be made even though the government has never cared for Human resource development for the last 60 years. India of 2047 should be inhabited by better homosapiens.
Tree Plantation in and around the town should be immediately undertaken. A belt of trees along the newly dug drain site where very large number of trees can be planted. The administrative machinery along with Forest department and Citizens of Fazilka should w3ork out the feasible plans for this venture.
Brand name in terms of products of Fazilka should be cultivated. Tosha and Sunehri Jutti have already made a mark in this direction. More effort is needed to develop call centers etc.
Global Warming is at the doors of Civilization and if left unchecked the life on the planet will be annihilated. Programmes like pedestrian, pedal power should be used.
The role of journalists was well recognized. Their responsibility was emphasized.
A Pedal Power Call Center may be installed so that citizens in residing at the periphery of the town can avail the services of pedal three wheelers (Rickshaw) by making a call. This service of Rick calling is very much desired as a very large number of senior citizens suffer from Osteo-arthritis due to Fluoride ridden ground water. This facility will of its kind in the world as with Mobile set available, the rickshaw pullers can be contactd. Some venturesome citizens have already issued Mobile sets to Rickshaw pullers to call them for movement in the town. Earlier its was done by making calls through epistles or verbal messengers
There is need for reviving the Badha Lake, which has grown dry.
The problems of citizens having lands across the Barbed Fence near Radcliff line should be sorted out at the administrative level.
The rail link to Karachi should be revived not only for the prosperity of Fazilka region, but also for the very poor people of Bahawalpur region of Pakistan.
News Paper Coverage:
1. Partap Kesri 15th August, 2007
2. Punjab Kesri, 15th August, 2007 (jalandhar Edition)
3. Sarhad Kesri, 15th August, 2007

Danik Jagran, Aug 14, 2007
फाजिल्का को आदर्श नगर बनाने की योजना पर जुटे माहीर
फाजिल्का-ग्रेजूएटस वेलफेयर एसोसिएशन ने फाजिल्का के विकास के लिए विजन 2047 के संबंध में सोमवार रात को लाला सुनाम राय मेमोरियल केंद्र में विचार गोष्ठी का आयोजन किया। कार्यक्रम की अध्यक्षता उपमंडल अधिकारी राजीव पराशर ने की। गोष्ठी का शुभारंभ दीप प्रज्जवलित से किया गया। एसोसिएशन के अध्यक्ष एडवोकेट उमेश कुक्कड़ ने कहा कि भारत-पाक विभाजन से पूर्व फाजिल्का एशिया की सबसे बड़ी ऊन मंडी थी। सीमावर्ती इलाका होने के कारण 1947 के बाद यह शहर आर्थिक, शैक्षणिक, राजनैतिक दशा हर वर्ष बिगड़ती गई। श्री कुक्कड़ ने जीडब्लूए की स्थापना पर भी रोशनी डाली। उतरांचल के रूड़की इंजि. कालेज के सेवानिवृत्त डा. भूपिंदर सिंह ने फाजिल्का को ग्रीन बेल्ट में तबदील करने पर जोर दिया। उन्होंने हवा व जल के प्रदूषण से बचने के उपाय बताए। सूर्य व इंसान के ऊर्जा शक्तिके उचित उपयोग के लिए लोगों में जागृति पैदा करने के लिए कहा। उद्योगपति सुरिंदर आहूजा ने खेतों में नहर के किनारे व स्कूलों में अधिक से अधिक वृक्ष लगाने के लिए सुझाव दिया। उद्योग प्रति विक्रम आहूजा ने फाजिल्का की परंपरागत तिल्ले वाली जूती व तोशा मिठाई के कारोबार को बढ़ावा देकर देश व विदेशों में फाजिल्का ब्रांड को प्रसिद्ध करने का सुझाव दिया। डा. अमर लाल बाघला ने शिक्षा के फैलाव व विद्यार्थियों को उचित करने के लिए कहा। इंडियन एक्सप्रेस समाचार पत्र चंडीगढ़ के पत्रकार अखिलेश महाजन ने फाजिल्का की सुंदरता बढ़ाने पर जोर दिया। दिल्ली से आए इंजीनियर नवदीप असीजा ने फाजिल्का धरोहर घंटाघर, बाधा झील, शहीदों की समाधि व अन्य स्थानों के विकास के लिए सुझाव दिए। नगर परिषद के पूर्व अध्यक्ष बजरंग लाल गुप्ता, दविंद्र गुप्ता, प्रेस क्लब के अध्यक्ष दविंद्र पाल सिंह व अनेक गणमान्य व्यक्तियों ने गोष्ठी में भाग लिया। उप मंडल अधिकारी राजीव पराशर ने फाजिल्का विकास के लिए सरकार सहायता व सहयोग के लिए पूर्ण आश्वासन दिया। मंच संचालन एडवोकेट मनोज त्रिपाठी व नितिन सेतिया ने किया।http://in.jagran.yahoo.com/news/local/punjab/4_2_3646453.html/print/
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