Thursday, December 29, 2011

Integrated agri-biz model for wasteland in the offing

Fazilka, December 28
The barren waste land owners are likely to get a boost as the Punjab Government (Punjab Agro Industries Corporation), Kirloskar Group and a local private firm (NASA Agro) have entered into an historic agreement to install a Rs 500 crore integrated agriculture business model for wasteland development in the Malwa region of Punjab.

In the project, being installed as Sampuran Agri Venture in village Penchanwali in the Fazilka sub-division, bio-fertilizer shall be produced which would change the barren land into a fertile one. The company shall install a water treatment plant which would make brackish seepage water fit for agriculture purposes.

The Agri Venture shall also install a one MW power generation plant and would make the use of power for running the project. The project would be set up in about 90 acres of land.

"About 3 lakh acres of land has been adversely affected by the brackish water of the seepage drains which terminate at a point between the villages of Chananawala and Sivana of Fazilka sub-division. The most affected villages are Sivana, Kerian, Ramkot and Chananwala and others where the fertile land is turning into barren," claimed Sanjeev Nagpal, Managing Director of NASA Agro. Nagpal said the salt content in the brackish water is alarmingly high and has been ruining the land.

The tripartite agreement was inked in presence of Chief Secretary of Punjab SC Aggarwal, Managing Director Punjab Agro Sanjay Kumar, CMD Kirloskar Group Atul Kirloskar, Chairman Punjab Farmers Commission GS Kalkat, Chairperson CII Punjab Council Kamna Raj Aggarwal, Directors of NASA Agro Sanjeev Nagpal and Sameer Nagpal on December 23 this year.

The project is a major success to revive the Malwa belt which is reeling under innumerable socio-economic problems with its depleted resources, vanishing cultivable land, alkaline soil and un-potable brackish water that is endangering the lives and health of the residents.

"Kirloskar Group under the leadership of Atul Kirloskar, Chairman cum Managing Director, has developed paddy-straw based biogas plant specifically for this region with forward integration to use brackish water for biogas digesters," informed Nagpal.

क्रिकेट प्रेमियों के आकर्षण का केंद्र बना फाजिल्का

जागरण संवाददाता, फाजिल्का

इडियन टी-20 क्रिकेट फेडरेशन की ओर से पंजाब स्टेट टी-20 क्रिकेट एसोसिएशन तथा फाजिल्का टी-20 एसोसिएशन के सहयोग से शुरू सरदार वल्लभ भाई पटेल सीनियर टी-20 क्रिकेट चैंपियनशिप शहर के साथ आसपास के इलाके के क्रिकेट प्रेमियों के आकर्षण का केंद्र बन गई है। सोमवार को दूसरे दिन सरकारी मुंशी राम कालेज में पहला मैच पेप्सू व आईपीसीएल फाइटर के बीच खेला गया। इस मैच में तहसीलदार आत्मा सिंह बतौर मुख्यातिथि थे।

वहीं दूसरे मैच की शुरुआत हरभजन इस्टीट्यूट के मैनेजिंग डायरेक्टर हरभजन सिंह ने की। दोनों मैचों के मुख्यातिथि तहसीलदार आत्मा सिंह व हरभजन सिंह ने कहा कि हालांकि ये मुकाबले राष्ट्र स्तरीय हैं। लेकिन फिर भी इन मुकाबलों में पंजाब से संबंधित तीन टीमें भाग्य आजमा रही हैं। इन टीमों में पंजाब भर के खिलाड़ियों को प्रतिभा दिखाने का मंच मिला है। ऐसे आयोजन समय-समय पर होते रहने चाहिएं। इस मौके पर गुरु राम दास कालेज ऑफ इजीनियरिंग एंड टेक्नीकल के वाइस चेयरमैन छिन्दरपाल, बंटी बजाज, प्रदीप बाजवा बाबू, गौरव झाब, लक्की प्रणामी, सन्नी बजाज, आईटीसीएफ इंडिया के फाउंडर महासचिव पीयूष राणा, आईपीसीएल के कमिश्रन्र पंकज धमीजा, रवि खुराना, स्टेट अवार्डी पम्मी सिंह, नरेश गोगी, डीसी डीएवी पब्लिक स्कूल के प्रिंसिपल वीके मित्तल, राकेश सेठी, गीता सॉफटेक कम्प्यूटर्स के संचालक विनोद कुमार, संदीप अबरोल, गगन सिंह और कालेज के प्रिंसिपल त्रिभवन राम आदि मौजूद थे।

युकां ब्लाक अध्यक्ष रिणवा ने किए विजेता सम्मानित

जागरण संवाददाता, फाजिल्का

इरादे मजबूत हों तो कोई काम मुश्किल नहीं होता। इंडियन टी-20 क्रिकेट फेडरेशन (आईटीसीएफ) के लायजन आफिसर और इंडियन प्रीमियर कार्पोरेट लीग अहमदाबाद के कमिश्नर एवं मूल रूप से फाजिल्का निवासी पंकज धमीजा ने इसे साबित किया है। यह शब्द ब्लाक यूथ कांग्रेस के नवनिर्वाचित अध्यक्ष सिद्धार्थ रिणवा ने फाजिल्का में जारी सरदार पटेल टी-20 नैशनल क्रिकेट चैंपियनशिप के क्वार्टर फाइनल में बतौर मुख्यातिथि शिरकत करते हुए कहे। इसके अलावा उन्होंने विजेताओं को सम्मानित भी किया।

रिणवा के अलावा दूसरे क्वार्टर फाइनल मैच के मुख्यातिथि दीपक मुदगिल व चंडीगढ़ से पधारे सरकारी वकील मनु कुक्कड़, रोहित रिणवा, जिला महासचिव सत्यजीत झींझा, प्रेस सचिव कुणाल मक्कड़, योगेश शर्मा ने भी आयोजन की सराहना की। उन्होंने कहा कि टांग में फ्रैक्चर होने के बावजूद धमीजा ने अपनी टीम के साथ इतना बड़ा आयोजन करवा शहर का मान बढ़ाया है। मेहमानों ने सरकारी एमआर कालेज स्टेडियम में आयोजित दोनों मैचों की शुरूआत करवाई व खुद भी मैचों का लुत्फ लिया। समापन पर फेडरेशन की तरफ से मेहमानों को स्मृति चिह्न भेंटकर सम्मानित किया गया। इस मौके पर आईटीसीएफ के लायजन आफिसर पंकज धमीजा, मैनेजर रवि खुराना, पीआरओ संदीप अबरोल, अंपायर बंटी शर्मा, मनोज वाणी, सिद्धार्थ, दीपक कुमार मौजूद थे।

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

500 करोड़ रुपए की लागत से बनेगा एग्रो पार्क

पंजाब एग्रो इंडस्ट्रीज कार्पोरेशन और संपूर्ण एग्री वेंचर्स के बीच हुए करार के तहत फाजिल्का में 500 करोड़ रुपए के निवेश से मालवा क्षेत्र में वेस्ट लैंड को एकीकृत कृषि कारोबार के लिए विकसित करने का मार्ग प्रशस्त हुआ है। 
प्रोजेक्ट के तहत 90 एकड़ क्षेत्र में नासा एग्रो द्वारा पार्क स्थापित किया जाएगा और वहीं बायोगैस प्लांट को संपूर्ण एग्री वेंचर्स द्वारा किर्लोस्कर के तकनीकी सहयोग से स्थापित किया जाएगा। यह जानकारी देते हुए संपूर्ण एग्रो के निदेशक संजीव नागपाल व डायरेक्टर सुमीर नागपाल ने बताया कि मालवा क्षेत्र सीमित संसाधनों, कृषि योग्य क्षेत्र के लगातार कम होने, जैविक तत्वों की कमी से जूझती जमीन और अधिक उपयोग न हो सकने वाले खारे पानी जैसी मुश्किलों के चलते गंभीर सामाजिक और आर्थिक समस्याओं से जूझ रहा है। उन्होंने बताया कि पहले चरण में 1 मेगावॉट बायोगैस पॉवर प्लांट को फाजिल्का में स्थापित किया जाएगा जो कि एक साल के अंदर चालू कर दिया जाएगा। इस क्षेत्र के लिए विशेषतौर पर धान के छिलके पर आधारित एक बायोगैस प्लांट को भी विकसित किया है, जो कि बायोगैस डाइजेस्टर्स के लिए खारे पानी के उपयोग के लिए इंटीग्रेट किया गया है और प्रोसेसिंग धान भूसा के अवशिष्ट को सिलिका, सेल्यूलोज और लिगनिन सामग्री के साथ बॉयो-फर्टीलाइजर में बदल देगा। जो कि बेकार पानी को भी प्रभावी ढंग से उपयोग में लाने और धान के छिलका को अन्य सहायक गतिविधियों में उपयोग के लिए प्रोत्साहित करेगा, जिससे क्षेत्र के आर्थिक विकास को सहारा मिलेगा

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Sampurn Agri-Ventures to set up Rs.500 crore Agro Park in Fazilka

Chandigarh, December 26:

Panjab Agro Industries Corporation and Sampurn AgriVentures have signed a historic agreement on 23rd December, for a Rs.500 crore integrated agri-business model for wasteland development in Malwa region.

Mr. S.C. Agrawal, Chief Secretary, Panjab, Mr. Sanjay Kumar, Managing Director, Panjab Agro, Mr. Atul Kirloskar, CMD, Kirloskar Group, Mr. G.S. Kalkat, Chairman, Punjab Farmers Commission, Mrs. Kamna Raj Aggarwalla, Chairperson CII Panjab Council,
Mr. Sanjeev Nagpal and Mr. Sameer Nagpal, Directors of Sampurn AgriVentures, presented the highlights of this integrated agri-business model for wasteland development in Fazilka here at CII today.

This project is a major success to revive the Malwa belt which is reeling under innumerable socio-economic problems with its depleted resources, vanishing cultivable land, alkaline soil, and unpotable brackish water that is endangering the lives and health of the residents.

The Rs.500 crore projects involves setting up 90-acre agro park by NASA Agro at a cost of Rs.400 crores and a biogas plant based by Sampurn Agri-Ventures in technical collaboration with Kirloskar.

In the first phase, a 1MW biogas power plant is being set up in Fazilka which would be commissioned within a year's time, Sanjeev Nagpal informed.

Kirloskar Group under the leadership of Mr. Atul Kirloskar, Chairman cum Managing Director, has developed paddy-straw based biogas plant specifically for this region with forward integration to use brackish water for biogas digesters, and processing paddy straw residue into bio-fertilizers with silica, cellulose and lignin content ideal to revive the alkaline soils and promote other allied activities for the economic development of the region.

Tracing the history of Fazilka's glorious past and as a cotton belt, and subsequent deterioration of the area through brackish water from upper Punjab jeopardizing the fertility of the land in Fazilka turning it into a desert, Sanjeev Nagpal said that it deeply impacted the lives of the farmers as well as the industry.

It was in consultation with Punjab Agriculture University under the guidance of Dr. G.S. Kalkat, currently chairman of Punjab Farmers Commission, that the agri-business model was envisaged to convert the wasteland for sustainable development.

A dedicated team of PAU scientists led by Dr. A.K. Dhawan, head of entomology, Dr. Asha Dhawan, head of fisheries, and Dr. Meena, an expert in acquaculture, worked relentlessly to develop this integrated model since 2005.

The Agro Park to be developed by Nasa Agro shall empower the farmers to start dairy, poultry/duck and fish farming, cultivation of high quality fruits, vegetables and mushroom.   The entire agri-business needs to be a successful value chain that is ergonomically sustainable, environmentally sensitive, socially responsible and economically viable both nationally and globally, that delivers tangible benefits to all stake holders.

Fazilka girl wins international contest

Praful Chander Nagpal

Fazilka, December 26
Anjali Garg (12), a student of class VII of the local Sacred Heart Convent School, has won the fourth rank in the International Competition of Universal Concept of Mental Arithmetic System (UCMAS) held at the Multimedia University (MMU) in Kuala Lumpur recently.

She successfully answered 190 out of a total of 200 questions in a short span of eight minutes in "Intermediate A" category of the UCMAS competition in which 400 students of 42 countries from across the world participated.

Overall, 3500 students from different categories appeared in the UCMAS competition.Pankaj Garg and Shashi Garg, proud parents of Anjali, said that she bagged the first prize in state-level UCMAS competition and 8th prize in the national competition.

"I got inspiration from my teacher and my mother who herself is a mathematics teacher," said Anjali.

"Anjali has the talent and the skill to solve mathematical questions rapidly," said Gaurav Doda, director of a local computer centre where Anjali received her coaching.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Punjab-based firm plans to set up agriculture park

Vijay C Roy / New Delhi/ Chandigarh December 27, 2011, 0:32 IST
Punjab-based Sampurn Agri-ventures, a subsidiary of state-based NASA Agro has plans to set up integrated agri-business model for wasteland development in Punjab's Malwa region with a project cost of Rs 500 crore. The Rs 500 crore project involves setting up 90 acres agro park by NASA Agro at a cost of Rs 400 crore and a biogas plant including two digesters by Sampurn Agri-Ventures in technical collaboration with Kirloskar Integrated Technologies.

Speaking to Business Standard, Sampurn Agri-Ventures, Director, Sanjeev Nagpal said, " Initially, we are putting up 2 digesters and 1 MW biogas power plant in Fazilka with an investment of Rs. 32 crore which would be commissioned within a year's time. In the project, the Kirloskar Integrated Technologies will have 10 per cent stake, Punjab agro 11 per cent while rest would be of NASA Agro and promoters equity. The digesters would produce 120,000 cubic metres of gas which will act as raw material for power plant, 150 tonnes fertilizers per day, fodder etc. "

He added, " We have technical collaboration with Kirloskar Integrated Technologies for bio-gas plant." It is worth mentioning that Kirloskar Group has developed paddy-straw based biogas plant specifically for this region with forward integration to use brackish water for biogas digesters, and processing paddy straw residue into bio-fertilizers with silica, cellulose and lignin content ideal to revive the alkaline soils and promote other allied activities for the economic development of the region. He added that Kirloskar group would not only provide the patented biogas power plant, but also would have equity participation of 10 per cent in the project.

He added, " Further, NASA agro would be setting up an integrated agro park spread over 90 acres having all the requisite infrastructure with a project cost of Rs. 400 crore in two phases The first phase is likley to be completed in a years time. In the first phase, the agro park to be developed by Nasa Agro shall empower the farmers to start dairy, poultry/duck and fish farming, cultivation of high quality fruits, vegetables and mushroom. The entire agri-business needs to be a successful value chain that is agronomically sustainable, environmentally sensitive, socially responsible and economically viable both nationally and globally, that delivers tangible benefits to all stake holders."

"In the second phase we have plans to set up storage facilities including cold chain, packing and packaging facilities etc," he said. As far as funding is concerned, Nagpal added that it would be funded through promoters equity, private equity and term loan from banks.

It is pertinent to mention here that this project is a major success to revive the Malwa belt which is reeling under innumerable socio-economic problems with its depleted resources, vanishing cultivable land, alkaline soil, and unpotable brackish water that is endangering the lives and health of the residents.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Kids’ marathon marks Vijay Diwas celebrations

Praful Chander Nagpal

Fazilka, December 19
A students marathon of 431 school-children, including 125 girls, marked the celebration of Vijay Diwas at the historic Indo-Pak War Memorial at village Asafwala here on Sunday.The programme was jointly organised by the Shaheedon Ki Samadhi Committee and the Army formations at Fazilka.Brigadier Arul Dennis flagged off a nine kilometer marathon for boys while social activist Sudesh Kumari Nagpal flagged off a two kilometer race for girls.

Later on, wreaths at the sanctum sanctorum in the memorial complex were placed by chief guest, Punjab Cabinet Minister Surjit Kumar Jyani, Brigadier Arul Dennis, additional deputy commissioner Charandev Singh Maan, Commanding Officer, 12 Dogra, Colonel Pankaj Dhayani (Kirti Chakra), Commanding Officer, 10 Jakrif, Colonel Anil Yadav, Commanding Officer, 18 Garhwal Rifle, Colonel Rajesh Sah (Vir Chakra), Shaheedon Ki Samadhi Committee president Sandeep Gilhotra and other senior officials and dignitaries of the Fazilka area.

"The war memorial of Asafwala is a most serene, pious place of obeisance and a great source of patriotic inspiration," described Surjit Kumar Jyani described while addressing the gathering.

He lauded the efforts of the Shaheedon Ki Samadhi Committee for maintaining the memorial and Armymen for their co-operation in organising a grand Vijay Diwas programme. He presented a cheque of Rs 5 lakhs for facelift of the memorial.

Brigadier Arul Dennis, while paying glowing tributes to the martyrs of the Indian army, called upon the youth to make a disciplined effort for the progress and development of the country.

"The civilians too should follow the pattern of the army and be disciplined in discharging their duties while working for the building for the nation," said ADC Charandev Singh Maan.

A colourful patriotic cultural programme was presented by the students of the Government Girls Senior Secondary School, the Jyoti B.Ed College, the DAV B.Ed. College, the Shri Guru Hari Krishan ITI College.

A play on martyrs Bhagat Singh Rajguru and Sukhdev, a mime on terrorism and individual song by Suchita Trikha left the audience spell-bound and emotional.The dignitaries distributed cycles to winners of first and second positions of the marathon while 16 other students, eight each from boys and girls, were given consolation prizes.

The war memorial is a site to commemorate the supreme sacrifices of 225 army jawans of 4 Jat, 15 Rajput and 3 Assam Regiments, who had laid down their lives while defending the country in the 1971 Indo-Pak war in Fazilka sector.

The collective cremation of 82 jawans of 4 Jat Regiment was performed at the site of the memorial after the cease- fire on December 16, 1971. The indebted residents of Fazilka town with their own efforts had raised a memorial for "The Saviours of Fazilka" on a small piece of land.

The memorial has been in due course of time developed in an area of about 5.5 acres comprising a unique war memorial museum, a community centre, a children's park, a high school and a dispensary.

Uma Sharma, Public Relations Officer, Chandigarh, retired SDM BL Sikka and senior vice-president of the Samadhi Committee Amar Chand Bhateja, traced a brief history of the war and subsequent raising up of the memorial.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Eco-friendly rickshaws for better environment- All India Radio

Cycle Rickshaw came to India about 100 years ago. For short distances, it is a economical means of transport. In the present scenario, when safe guarding the ecosystem from pollution is the top most priority, rickshaws are pollution free mode of transport.

This source of earning for poor has undergone a tremendous change. From normal, heavy rickshaw, its design has now been changed into a lighter version. These are called eco-friendly rickshaws.

Graduates Welfare Association of Fazilka (GWAF), a border town in Punjab, had conceptualised the idea of such rickshaws couple of years ago and is now working in the interest of the environment as well as the public in cooperation with some other NGOs and the state govt. These rickshaws have been christened as eco-cabs. These are lighter in weight, more efficient and sturdy.

Now, besides being eco friendly mode of transport, such cabs can be called on phone, like a taxi, at couple of places in Punjab, More than 1,000 eco-cabs are presently plying in Fazilka, Patiala, Amritsar and a few other districts in the state. Out of these districts, call-a rickshaw facilitiy is available in Fazilka and Patiala. Sangrur would also provide this facilitiy soon.

The General Secretary of GWAF, Navdeep Asija told AIR that besides conceptualizing this idea, the health of eco-cab drivers or rickshaw pullers has also been taken care of. The association has tied up with ten private doctors in Fazilka for providing free medical treatment to them.

Some medical stores have also been tied-up for providing discounted medicines at Fazilka and Patiala also. What's more, in Amritsar and Patiala, these people will double up as tourist guides.

A programme to train them in etiquette, behavioural skills and expertise required to be a tourist guide is said to be on the anvil. To avoid exploitation of rickshaw pullers in financing their rickshaw, some state banks are providing finances on less interest rates as compared to private financers.

The uniqueness of the concept has lured the UT administration of Chandigarh in exploring possibilities of starting the project in the city beautiful also.

Taking a suo-motto notice, Punjab and Haryana High Court had directed the Haryana Government also to launch the light-weight, eco-friendly rickshaws in its cities.

After all the hard work in making this idea click, the Graduates Welfare Association Fazilka (GWAF) has been awarded with the National Urban Mobility Award-2011 by the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India for promoting the cycle rickshaw as a para-transit means of transporat.

The award was presented by the Union Minister of the Urban Development Kamal Nath on December 6th at the concluding day ceremony of the fourth Urban Mobility India Conference-2011 in New Delhi.

How many rivers & lakes in India? Nobody knows

Vibha Sharma/TNS

New Delhi, December 18
In yet another scathing indictment tabled in Parliament, the Comptroller & Auditor General of India (CAG) has reported that successive governments have made no effort to compile a list of water bodies in the country.

Neither the states nor the Union Environment Ministry, the report states, has a comprehensive list of major rivers, lakes and other water bodies. "The Environment Ministry has not yet prepared a nation-wide inventory of rivers and lakes," Parliament was informed.

The CAG's water audit has been prepared on the basis of wide ranging consultations with experts from India and abroad, stakeholders and public consultations. As many as 140 out of 1,079 pollution control projects on 24 rivers and 22 projects for conservation of lakes were scrutinised along with a study of administrative structures and activities related to water pollution in 25 states by the auditors.

Noting that neither the Centre nor the states had introduced any programme to prevent pollution of groundwater, the report observes: "They have also not addressed the concerns of pollution from agricultural sources."

Funds available for control of water pollution and restoration of wholesomeness of water are inadequate for the country as a whole and there are also instances of poor financial management, diversion of funds, non-disclosure of accrued interest, funds not utilised for implementation, funds parked in bank accounts and unspent balances not refunded, found the auditors.

The most polluting source for rivers is city sewage and industrial waste discharge. Such water, which ultimately ends up in households, is often highly contaminated and carries disease-causing microbes. Agricultural run-off is another major water pollutant as it contains fertilisers and pesticides.

With the exception of the Ganga in certain stretches, all other rivers test-checked by the auditors — including Sutlej, Yamuna, Gomti, Cauvery, Mandovi and Krishna — were found to have unacceptably high levels of organic pollution, low level of oxygen availability for aquatic organisms and bacteria, protozoa and viruses that have faecal-origin and cause illnesses.


Barely 10% of the country's waste water is treated. Millions of litres of sewage and industrial, agricultural waste flows into water bodies untreated Affected: 14 major rivers, 55 minor ones, several hundred smaller water bodies Extent of pollution and damage cannot be assessed without a detailed list of water bodies 'Water quality goals' and corresponding parameters could not, consequently, be developed

पटेल टी-20 किक्रेट टूर्नामेंट 25 से

जागरण संवाददाता, फाजिल्का

इंडियन टी-20 क्रिकेट फेडरेशन की तरफ से पंजाब टी-20 क्रिकेट की मांग पर फाजिल्का में क्रिकेट का तीसरा महायुद्ध 25 दिसंबर से शुरू किया जा रहा है। पत्रकारों को जानकारी देते हुए पंजाब स्टेट टी-20 क्रिकेट फेडरेशन के तालमेल अफसर पंकज धमीजा ने बताया कि 25 दिसंबर से फाजिल्का में सरदार वल्लभ भाई पटेल नेशनल क्रिकेट टूर्नामेंट करवाया जा रहा है। इस टूर्नामेंट को करवाने में पंजाब स्टेट टी-20 क्रिकेट फेडरेशन फाजिल्का टी-20 क्रिकेट फेडरेशन पूर्ण सहयोग कर रहा है। उन्होंने बताया कि यह टूर्नामेंट 25 दिसंबर से शूरू होकर पांच जनवरी तक स्थानीय एमआर कालेज स्टेडियम व सरकारी माडल सेकेंडरी स्कूल में होगा। इस टूर्नामेंट में देश के 28 राज्य व चार महानगरों की टीमें भाग लेंगी। उन्होंने कहा कि आईटीसीएफ का शुरू से प्रयास रहा है कि देश के ग्रामीण क्षेत्र से खेल भावना रखने वाले खिलाड़ियों को आगे लाया जाए। इस क्षेत्र में इआईटीसीएफ पिछले सात सालों से काम कर रही है। उन्होंने साथ ही बताया कि आईटीसीएफ की तरफ से करवाए जा रहे इस टूर्नामेंट में विजेता टीम को एक लाख रुपये व उप विजेता को 51 हजार रुपये की नगर राशि पुरस्कार के रूप में दी जाएगी। उन्होंने कहा कि आईटीसीएफ के फाउंडर सचिव पीयूष राणा के नेतृत्व में आईटीसीएफ पहले भी फाजिल्का में इंटरनेशनल क्रिकेट टूर्नामेंट करवा चुकी है।

उन्होंने कहा कि जल्द ही अफगानिस्तान में होने वाली इंटरनेशनल क्रिकेट टूर्नामेंट में अफगानिस्तान, बंगलादेश, पाकिस्तान व भारत की टीमें खेलेंगी। अफगानिस्तान टी-20 क्रिकेट फेडरेशन की तरफ से न्यौता दिया गया है। इस मौके उनके साथ इंडियन प्रीमियर कारपोरेट लीग के चीफ अंपायर राजेश शर्मा बंटी, मैनेजर रवि खुराना, नेशनल कोच नरेश गोगी व मीडिया सलाहकार संदीप अबरोल के अलावा जस्सी चावला, विवेक अनेजा, उपस्थित थे|

शहादत देने वालों की हो पहचान

भारत-पाक के 1965 और 1971 के युद्धों में शहीद हुए 206 जवानों के फौलादी जज्बे को सलाम करने के लिए रविवार को एक विशाल समारोह का आयोजन किया जा 
रहा है। यह आयोजन आसफवाला स्थित शहीदों की सम-ाधि पर होगा, लेकिन हैरानी की बात है कि इन शहीदों की समाधियां गांव पैंचांवाली के निकट श्मशानभूमि में बनाई गई हैं। वहां न तो कभी प्रशासन के किसी अधिकारी ने श्रद्धांजलि दी और न ही किसी नेता ने उसकी सुध ली। हालात यह हुए अब वह भी जर्जर हालत में हैं। 
बाकी रही 5 समाधियां श्मशानघाट में अब 5 समाधियां ही बची हैं। इनमें 15 राजपूत बटालियन के जवान शामिल हैं। यह शहीद जवान राजस्थान, जम्मू कश्मीर और उत्तर प्रदेश के हैं। इन्होंने 8 दिसंबर से 14 दिसंबर तक शहादत का जाम पिया था। सिपाही सुमेर सिंह ने 8 दिसंबर, लास नायक मुहम्मद सदीक वासी गाजीपुर यूपी, 13 दिसंबर को सिपाही मिट्ठू खान वासी राजस्थान और 14 दिसंबर को सिपाही हिज्र मुहम्मद कश्मीरी वासी कश्मीर ने पाक रेंजरों से लोहा लेते हुए शहादत का जाम पिया था। 

कैप्टन बेदी दिलाएंगे पहचान 
समाजसेवक कैप्टन महिंदरजीत सिंह बेदी को जब शनिवार इन गुमनाम समाधियों को जानकारी मिली तो उन्होंने मौके पर जाकर शहीदों को नमन किया। कैप्टन बेदी ने कहा कि वह जर्जर हो चुकी इन समाधियों के बारे में एकूडेंट जनरल ब्रांच (एजी), रेजीमेंटल सेंटर, बटालियन के यूनिट और 15 राजपूत बटालियन को लिखेंगे। इसके अलावा रविवार को शहीदों की समाधि आसफवाला में होने वाले समारोह में सेना अधिकारियों को इसकी जानकारी देंगे।

शहीदों की समाधि बनेगी पर्यटन स्थल

भारत पाक युद्ध में शहीद हुए जवानों की आसफवाला स्थित समाधि पर रविवार को विजय दिवस के उपलक्ष्य में समारोह का आयोजन किया गया। जिसमें परिवहन मंत्री सुरजीत कुमार ज्याणी बतौर मुख्यअतिथि पहुंचे। इस अवसर पर सेना, सीमा सुरक्षा बल और सियासी नेताओं की ओर से शहीदों को श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित की गई। इस मौके पर बीएसएफ हेडक्वार्टर के कमांडेंट राम सेवक, कर्नल पंकज ध्यानी, कर्नल अनिल यादव, कर्नल राजेश साहा, कर्नल विक्रम, कैप्टन अशोक चौहान, पीआरओ चंडीगढ़ डॉ. उमा शर्मा, जिला शिक्षा अधिकारी संदीप धूडिय़ा, पूर्व एसडीएम बीएल सिक्का, आसफवाला शहीदों की समाधि कमेटी अध्यक्ष संदीप गिल्होत्रा, नगर कौंसिल अध्यक्ष अनिल कुमार सेठी, कैप्टन एमएस बेदी, इंजीनियर नवदीप असीजा, प्रफुल्ल नागपाल, पंजाब होमगार्ड के स्टाफ सदस्य हंस राज, लीलाधर शर्मा, एडवोकेट उमेश कुक्कड़, मार्केट कमेटी चेयरमैन अशोक जैरथ, अमर चंद भठेजा, मोहन लाल परूथी, शशि कांत, राजा राम नागपाल, इंजी. विनोद गुप्ता, एडवोकेट बलदेव धूडिय़ा, दिनेश ठकराल, रवि नागपाल, विजय छाबड़ा, डॉ. अंशु चावला तथा रंजना गिल्होत्रा व स्त्री आर्य समाज की संरक्षक सुदेश नागपाल ने श्रद्धासुमन अर्पित किए। 
इस अवसर पर एडीसी चरनदेव सिंह मान ने बताया शहीदों की स्मारक को टूरिस्ट स्मारक के तौर पर विकसित करने के लिए जिला प्रशासन की ओर से योजना बनाई जा रही है। इस अवसर पर विभिन्न कालेजों के विद्यार्थियों की ओर से देश भक्ति पर आधारित कविताएं, कोरियोग्राफी और पंजाबी सभ्याचार की झलक पेश की गई। 
कार्यक्रम में स्थानीय च्ज्योति बी.एड. कालेज, डीएवी बीएड कॉलेज, श्री गुरु हरिकृष्ण आईटीआई तथा लड़कियों के सरकारी सीनियर सेकेंडरी स्कूल के छात्र-छात्राओं ने हिस्सा लिया। 
इस मौके पर सुरजीत ज्याणी ने स्मारक को 5 लाख रुपए देने की घोषणा की। इस अवसर पर ब्रिगेडियर अरुल डेनिस ने शहीदों को श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित करते हुए कहा कि युद्ध में भले ही 206 जवानों ने शहीदी प्राप्त कर ली, लेकिन उन्होंने दुश्मनों को इस पवित्र धरती पर कदम नहीं रखने दिया। 

मैराथन दौड़ में लिया 429 ने हिस्सा :
इससे पहले लड़कों और लड़कियों की मैराथन दौड़ का आयोजन किया गया। जिसमें 429 लड़के और लड़कियों ने हिस्सा लिया। दौड़ को स्त्री आर्य समाज की संरक्षक समाज सेविका सुदेश नागपाल ने झंडी देकर रवाना किया। पहले 10 स्थान हासिल करने वाले लड़के लड़कियों को सर्टिफिकेट व स्मृति चिन्ह देकर सम्मानित किया गया। (लछमण दोस्त) 
गवफ को किया सम्मानित ग्रेजुएट वेलफेयर एसोसिएशन फाजिल्का के संरक्षक भुपिंद्र सिंह, अध्यक्ष उमेश चंद्र कुक्कड़, महासचिव इंजीनियर नवदीप असीजा तथा परिषद अध्यक्ष अनिल सेठी को सम्मानित किया गया। कार्यक्रम के समापन पर लंगर वितरण किया गया।

जिन्ने झल्ले मेरे पल्ले ने किया लोटपोट

जागरण संवाददाता, फाजिल्का

जन कल्याण परिषद की ओर से संजीव सिनेमा में शनिवार रात को नाट्य संस्था स्पर्श के सहयोग से हास्य नाटक जिन्ने झल्ले मेरे पल्ले का मंचन किय गया। नाटक में स्पर्श के कलाकारों ने जहां उपस्थित सैकड़ों दर्शकों को हंसा- हंसाकर लोटपोट किया वहीं सामाजिक बुराइयों के खिलाफ आवाज बुलंद कर भावुक संदेश भी दिया।

कार्यक्रम की अध्यक्षता नासा एग्रो के एमडी इंजीनियर संजीव नागपाल ने की। नाटक में पागलखाने में भर्ती पागलों की गतिविधियों के जरिये समाज में व्याप्त नस्लवादी रवैये, सरकारी कार्यालयों के साथ न्यायपालिका में व्याप्त भ्रष्टाचार, ठेकेदारी प्रथा के जरिये बेरोजगारों का मजाक उड़ाती सरकार, गरीबी के मजाक वाले रवैये पर कड़ा कटाक्ष किया गया। पागलखाने के दौरे पर गए स्वास्थ्य मंत्री जब वहां भर्ती सभी झल्लों (पागलों) की हरकतों के बाद उनके दुख भरे पहलू को महसूस करता है तो बरबस ही उसके मुंह से निकल पड़ता है जिन्ने झल्ले मेरे पल्ले, इसी के साथ ही नाटक समाज में व्याप्त भेदभाव व कुरीतियों के खिलाफ जंग के आह्वान के साथ समाप्त हुआ। इस नाटक का निर्देशन प्रो. गौरव विज ने किया। नाटक के

समापन पर मेहमानों को जमींदारा फार्मसाल्यूशंस के विक्रम आहूजा व परिषद पदाधिकारियों ने स्मृति चिह्न भेंट कर सम्मानित किया । साथ ही दोना नानका के सरकारी प्राइमरी स्कूल के प्रांत स्तरीय पहाड़ा मुकाबले में अव्वल विद्यार्थियों को सम्मानित किया गया।

इस मौके पर नाटक में नगर परिषद अध्यक्ष अनिल सेठी, समाजसेवी कैप्टन एमएस बेदी, सर्जन डा. रमेश गुप्ता, नैशनल कालेज फार ग‌र्ल्स के चेयरमैन दविंदर सिंह धालीवाल, पीएडीबी चेयरमैन राजिंदर सिंह जमालके, वाइस चेयरमैन परमजीत सिंह वैरड़, गाडविन स्कूल घल्लू के एमडी जगजीत सिंह बराड़ व यूथ अकाली दल के उपाध्यक्ष सुखविंदर सिंह शिंदा ने बतौर विशिष्ट अतिथि शिरकत की। जिला ट्रांसपोर्ट अधिकारी गुरचरण सिंह संधू व अकाली नेता लखविंदर सिंह रोहीवाला ने विशेष रूप से शिरकत की। मंच पर सोनू बब्बर, अंशुमन गांधी, रुबी शर्मा, साहिल वधवा, सोनी टीवी के केस हिस्ट्री सीरियल क्राइम पेट्रोल के अदाकार अंजुम बत्तरा, शालू दावड़ा, सुमित चगती, नीरज सचदेवा, अजय, विक्रम ने अदाकारी की। मंच के पीछे कलाकारों में आशीष मक्कड़, तुषार नारंग, नवी, कपिल कुमार व मेकअप मैन बौबी संधा ने सहयोग किया। परिषद की ओर से महासचिव अमृत सचदेवा, प्रोजेक्ट इंचार्ज हरमीत सिंह, नवदीप असीजा, विनोद कुमार, निशांत अग्रवाल ने सेवाएं दीं।

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Fazilka girl dons olive cap

Praful Chander Nagpal
Fazilka, December 17

"My love for uniform and patriotism inspired me to join the Indian Army," said the newly-commissioned officer Sandhya Kataria (23) of Fazilka. A commissioned officer, who joined as a lieutenant and was promoted as captain three weeks after joining her first assignment, Sandhya has brought laurels to this border town.

A student of the local Army school, Sandhya got attracted to the olive green uniform. She later graduated as a Bachelor of Technology from the Rajiv Gandhi Technical University, Indore.

"In the university, during the final year, Army officers came to inspire the students to join the Army. This was a turning point in my life as I got the right opportunity at an appropriate time to fulfill my desire," said Sandhya. "Besides, my maternal aunt Navneet, a teacher at Central School, Bathinda, also inspired me to sit in the qualifying test," she added.

Sandhya was selected after clearing the test conducted by the Services Selection Board, Bhopal, on July 3 last year. She completed her one-year training at the Officers Training Academy, Chennai.

She was commissioned as an officer on September 17 this year after the passing out parade. She was posted as a Lieutenant in Electronic and Mechanical Engineering at Jodhpur and got the promotion as captain on account of her technical qualifications.

The daughter of Rajinder Kumar Kataria, a pharmacist and Ankur, a teacher, Sandhya loves studying the lives of great people. Kishore Chand Punchhi, her grand-father, said, "My attempt to join the Indian army in 1964 failed but I have realized my dream with my grand-daughter joining the Army."

Thursday, December 15, 2011

PNB appointed lead bank for Pathankot and Fazilka

Mumbai, Dec 15 (PTI) The Reserve Bank today assigned to state sector lender Punjab National Bank the responsibility of being the lead bank in newly created districts of Pathankot and Fazilka in Punjab. "It has been decided to assign the lead bank responsibility of the two new districts viz Pathankot and Fazilka to Punjab National Bank," the Reserve Bank of India said in a statement. The two new districts were created by the Punjab government in July this year. While Pathankot was carved out of the Gurdaspur district, Fazilka has been carved out from the Ferozepur district. "The lead bank responsibility of existing Gurdaspur district and Ferozepur district will continue to be with Punjab National Bank and Oriental Bank of Commerce, respectively," the RBI added.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Fazilka-Abohar rail link likely to be operational

Praful Chander Nagpal

Fazilka, December 8
The Fazilka-Abohar rail link is likely to be operational as running of train on the newly laid track shall soon become a reality. Senior Divisional Operation Manager, in a letter issued to the in-charge of seven railway stations enroute 42 kilometer rail track, said that the competent authority has accorded the administrative approval for opening of Abohar-Fazilka new railway section.

In this letter the Manager has mentioned the codes of the stations, distance between the stations, alpha codes and fare tariff.

Northern Railway Passengers Samiti, president Amar Lal Baghla, quoting the Northern Railway Baroda House New Delhi sources point out that Chief Engineer from Baroda House New Delhi shall visit for inspection of the track on December 12. There after in a week or so Commissioner Railway Safety Lucknow shall also conduct the final inspection and grant formal approval.

The Railway safety commissioner is likely to give the final green signal after which the train shall run on the track.

Friday, December 9, 2011

National Award of Excellence in the area of best Non Motor Transport practice in India

National Award of Excellence-2011, in the area of best Non Motor Transport practice in India to Graduates Welfare Association Fazilka by the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Fazilka Ecocabs bags National Award

A non-government organisation Graduates Welfare Association Fazilka (GWAF) and Municipal Committee Fazilka have been jointly honoured with a national award for designing the best non-motorised transportation project, Ecocab. Union urban development minister Kamal Nath handed over the award in New Delhi. Navdeep Asija and Dr Bhupinder Singh received the award on the behalf of GWAF and Anil Sethi, president, Municipal Council Fazilka jointly received a cheque of Rs 5 lakh and a plaque.

Ecocabs is a service offering dial-a-cycle-rickshaw on the lines of dial-a-cab. The project was initiated in 2008. The idea was to strengthen the existing unorganized network of cycle rickshaws. The vehicle is also promoted as modern and clean for short-distance within the city travel.

"The credit goes to people of Fazilka, who made the project possible. This recognition of our small city community effort will surely set a trend in mitigating the problems in urban transport and environment protection," said Navdeep Asija, founder Ecocabs and secretary (admin) GWAF.

The Punjab Heritage and Tourism Promotion Board (PHTPB) has also implemented Ecocabs in tourist cities like Amritsar and Patiala. In both the cities Ecocab pilots are also trained as tourism guide.

"Our city has set new trend in local governance-community participation. This award will firm up our commitment to launch more such projects.Fazilka Ecocabs is an ideal example of Mahatma Gandhi's idea of with less for more, for many," said Anil Sethi, president, Municipal Council Fazilka.

"Our drivers (traction men) are the real green warriors. I congratulate our team of youngsters like Navdeep, Nitin, Gautam, Ashok Felix on this success and we are also thankful to Mr Anil Sethi, President Municipal Council Fazilka, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL), Hi-bird Cycles Ludhiana , Sandeep Enterprises and our all donors who helped us to make it big and grand," said Dr Bhupinder, patron, founding member, GWAF.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sh Kamal Nath Launches the National Common Mobility Card

Sh Kamal Nath Launches the National Common Mobility Card 

The Union Minister for Urban Development Shri Kamal Nath today launched the National Common Mobility Card (NCMC), by the name 'More', on the concluding day of the four day Urban Mobility India 2011 Conference-Cum-Exhibition. The brand name has been chosen "More" signifying the national bird "Peacock" as also literally in English meaning 'more' to convey that you get more and more by using this card. 

The idea of NCMC is to promote the user to perceive it as a single transport system and provide the commuter with a seamless, efficient and hassle free travel experience across the length and breadth of the country. Seamless connectivity across multiple modes of transportation will increase the popularity and acceptability of public transport nationally and make public transport more appealing to the end user. The Ministry of Urban Development, under the National Urban Transport Policy, envisages a single ticketing system over not only all modes of public transport in India but also for parking and toll. For this purpose, it is spearheading a national program of inter-operable Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) systems. This means that a single CMC card can be used across cities and different modes of transport. The implementation of 'More' will be partly funded by Central Government under the JnNURM scheme covering the buses sanctioned under the scheme. 

It is hoped that NCMC would benefit the Public Transport Organisations by significantly increasing overall efficiency; provide control and better management of tariff structure; reduce cash handling and hence lesser pilferage & fraud; better planning based on passenger statistics. To roll-out the card on all India basis, to ensure the standardization of the CMC Project, UTI Infrastructure Technology and Services Limited (UTIITSL) has been appointed as the technology aggregator to implement the CMC project. UTIITSL is a Government of India, Ministry of Finance Company. So far Agreement has been signed with JCTSL, Jaipur and by the end of this financial year, roll-out in Jaipur is anticipated. Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation, Bangalore and Bhopal Municipal Corporation are also at advance stage of entering into the agreement. A Task Force has been set up under the Chairmanship of Secretary (UD) for taking it in Mission Mode. 

Addressing the gathering, Sh Kamal Nath said that challenges of resource crunch and service delivery have to be met, to provide better transportation methods for the growing urban population. He said development has to precede growth. The Minister emphasised that out of the box thinking is required to solve mobility issues. Innovative financing mechanisms under PPP mode, land monetization to raise extra budgetary resources is the need of the hour, he stated. The Minister also honoured exemplary work shown by State organizations and gave away Awards for Excellence in Urban Transport, on the occasion, 

In the category of Best PPP Initiative in urban transport, Bhopal Municipal Corporation won the award. Graduates Welfare Association, Fazilka won the award for their project of Fazilka Ecocabs dial-a-rickshaw. Award for Best Clean Development Mechanism Project for modal shift was won by Delhi Metro Rail Corporation. Pune Commissionerate of Police were awarded in the category of Best Intelligent Transport System Project (runners up). For New Initiative in Traffic Engineering and Management, the Joint winners were also Pune Commissionerate of Police and Karnataka Commissionerate of Bangalore. The Mumbai Air Traffic Control System were awarded in the Commendable Emerging Initiatives Category. For Inclusive development KSRTC were awarded for Introduction of Modern City Bus Service in Tumkur

(Release ID :78167)

Friday, December 2, 2011

Punjab govt clears 19 projects just ahead of polls

CHANDIGARH: The Empowered Committee on mega projects in Punjab has approved 19 mega projects worth Rs 4457.77 crore in the state just ahead of assembly elections due in February, apparently to create an impression that the Akali-BJP dispensations is business friendly at the fag end of their term.

A decision to this effect was taken by the empowered committee chaired by Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal here at Punjab Bhawan.The empowered committee approved 7 new manufacturing industrial mega projects worth Rs. 2492.04 crore besides 12 agro based industrial units with an outlay of Rs.1965.73 crore.

The mega projects approved under manufacturing category included the units of M/s Nector Lifescience Limited at village Nabha (SAS Nagar) worth Rs. 200 crore, M/s Shasmanji Yarns Pvt. Ltd. at village Lakhowal (Ludhiana) worth Rs. 144.82 crore, M/s Vardhman Special Steels Ltd. at village Jamalpur Awana (Ludhiana) worth Rs. 134.97 crore, M/s SEL Textile Ltd. at village Punjaba-Lambi (Muktsar) worth Rs.1485 crore, M/s Sportking Ltd. at village Jeeda (Bathinda) worth Rs. 303 crore, M/s Supreme Texmart Ltd. at village Kanganwal (Ludhiana) worth Rs. 103.25 crore and M/s Satlut Spintex Limited at village Gehle (Mansa) worth Rs. 121 crore.

The mega projects approved under agro based Industry included that of M/s Pepsico India Holdings Pvt. Limited which proposes to set up a beverage manufacturing facility at village Zahura (Hoshiarpur) at a cost of Rs 205.84 crore, M/s Soma Punjab Warehousing Pvt. Limited to set up 12 agri godowns at different locations in the state with an investment of Rs. 579.30 crore, M/s Nasa Agro Industries Ltd. to set up Agro Industrial Park worth Rs. 353.15 crore at Fazilka, M/s Soma Punjab Agro-Power Infra Private Limited to set up 5 Rice Mills with Power Co-Generation facilities at different locations in Punjab with an investment of Rs. 162.90 crore, extension unit of M/s Sunstar Overseas Ltd of paddy processing at village Tangra (Amritsar) worth Rs 129.33 crore, extension unit of M/s Pepsico India Holdings Private limited to set up potato chips manufacturing facility at village Channo (Sangrur) worth Rs. 125.79 crore, M/s Dunar Foods Ltd. to set up expansion unit at its existing mega project at village Pandori Ran Singh(Tarn Taran), M/s Saastha Warehousing Ltd. to set up warehousing project at village Rail Majra (Nawansahar) at a cost of Rs. 110.44 crore, M/s Indian Sucrose Ltd. to set up paper manufacturing unit worth Rs. 101 crore at village Chack Alla Baksh, Mukerian (Hoshiarpur), M/s Sampuran Agri ventures Pvt. Ltd. to set up a bio-fertilizer, power generation& cattle feed units and other dairy farm activities at village Painchanwali (Fazilka) worth Rs. 33.56 crore and M/s Bajaj Basmati Pvt. Limited to set up paddy parboiling and shelling unit at Jalalabad (Ferozepur) with an investment of Rs. 30.56 crore.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Punjab okays 19 projects worth Rs 4,458 crore


Punjab has approved 19 projects, including those of PepsiCo India and Nectar Lifescience, which will bring investment worth Rs 4,457.77 crore in the State.

The Empowered Committee chaired by the Chief Minister, Mr Parkash Singh Badal, approved seven new manufacturing industrial mega projects worth Rs 2,492.04 crore in the State, which would generate direct and indirect employment for about 62,691 persons, besides 12 agro-based industrial units with an outlay of Rs 1,965.73 crore, a spokesperson said here today.

Nectar Lifescience will invest Rs 200 crore in Nabha village (SAS Nagar), Vardhman Special Steels will invest Rs 134.97 crore at Jamalpur village in Ludhiana, SEL Textile will come with an investment of Rs 1,485 crore in Muktsar and Sportking will invest Rs 303 crore in Bathinda, he added.

Among agro-based projects, PepsiCo India Holdings has proposed to set up a beverage manufacturing facility at Zahura village in Hoshiarpur at an investment of Rs 205.84 crore. An extension unit of PepsiCo would also set up potato chips manufacturing facility at Channo village (Sangrur) entailing an investment of Rs 125.79 crore.

Besides, Soma Punjab Warehousing would set up 12 agri-godowns at different locations in the State at an investment of Rs 579.30 crore, while Nasa Agro Industries would set up Agro Industrial Park worth Rs 353.15 crore at Fazilka.

Indian Sucrose would set up paper manufacturing unit worth Rs 101 crore at village Chack Alla Baksh, Mukerian in Hoshiarpur, while Sampuran Agri ventures would set up bio-fertiliser, power generation, cattle feed units and other dairy farm activities at village Painchanwali in Fazilka with a sum of Rs 33.56 crore, the spokesperson said.

Fazilka eco-cab clinches National Urban Mobility Award-2011

Praful Chander Nagpal
Fazilka, November 30

The eco-cabs of Fazilka have become a national benchmark for the best transportation project for the country in the area of non-motorised transportation (NMT). A leading NGO of the border town, the Graduates Welfare Association Fazilka (GWAF), has been declared as winner of the country's most prestigious National Urban Mobility Award-2011 by the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, today evening.

The award was selected amongst the best and unique practices being followed across the country. The award would be given by the Union Minister of the Urban Development Kamal Nath on December 6 at the concluding day ceremony of the fourth Urban Mobility India Conference-2011 in New Delhi.

Notably, the best non-motor transport practice award is given annually to a city that uses non-motor transport innovations to increase mobility for all residents while reducing transportation greenhouse and air pollution emissions by increasing accessibility, safety and comfort.

The award would jointly be received by the GWAF general secretary Navdeep Asija, patron Dr Bhupinder Singh on behalf of the GWAF, Deputy Commissioner Dr Basant Garg and Anil Sethi, president, Municipal Council, Fazilka.

"The first credit goes to traction men at Fazilka, who made it possible and this recognition of our small city community effort would surely set trends of many other cities in the area of urban transport and environment protection," said Navdeep Asija, founder, ecocabs and secretary (admin) GWAF.

Eco-cabs are basically dial-a-cycle-rickshaw similar to dial-a-cab started in the year 2008 at Fazilka with an idea to strengthen existing unorganised network of cycle rickshaw and its promotion as a post-modern technology for a short distance travelling. The concept was launched for the first time in the World at Fazilka, an Indian border town and district headquarters of Punjab near the India-Pakistan Border by the GWAF. Later, in the year 2010, principal secretary (Tourism) Geetika Kalha decided to launch the same scheme in the holy city of Amritsar around the Golden Temple area.

At present, the scheme is successfully initiated in 22 cities of Punjab. Now, at Fazilka, city is being served via nine eco-cab call centers from where the user can dial for rickshaw at doorstep. Each traction man carries mobile phone for direct calling facility and Its android application is also available in the market.

The eco-cab dial-a-rickshaw project is with light weight rickshaw equipped with luggage space, FM radio and drinking water facility.

Fazilka eco-cabs got a big boost when on April 28, last year, the Punjab and Haryana High Court took suo-moto in one of the news item and ordered the Government of Punjab, Haryana states and UT Chandigarh to implement it in various cities of Punjab, Haryana and UT Chandigarh.

Notably, the prizes are given under nine different categories and Fazilka eco-cabs have been adjourned as the best innovative practice using cycle rickshaw under non-motor transport category, this year.

Municipal Council (Fazilka) has constructed new eco-cabs stands for the rickshaw pullers."Our traction men are real green warrior and project eco-cab is nothing but a support to these eco-warriors, who pedal everyday for the sustainability of the planet," said Dr Bhupinder, Patron, founding member (GWAF) and retired professor from the IIT Roorkee.