Saturday, December 29, 2012

सोच - एक छोटी सी कहानी

सोच - एक छोटी सी कहानी 
दो युवक एक एडल्ट हिंदी फिल्म का पोस्टर की तरफ़ देखते हुए, जिसमे एक औरत स्तनपान करवा रही थी बोले " यार क्या फिल्म है, सब कुछ दिखाया है इसमें, मस्त फिल्म है,चल देखने चलते है". तभी एक पास के स्कूल के दो छोटे बच्चे छुट्टी के बाद उसी पोस्टर के पास से निकलते हुए इशारा करते हुए बोले  "रामू देख देख माँ !!". 

Punjab Ecocabs [Mohali] : चालकों को रिक्शा कैब के प्रति करें प्रेरित : जिला उपायुक्त वरुण रुज्म ने अधिकारियों को बैठक के दौरान दिए निर्देश

जागरण संवाददाता, मोहाली : ईको रिक्शा कैब को प्रचलित करने के लिए जिले के अधिकारियों की बैठक उपायुक्त वरुण रूज़म की अध्यक्षता में हुई। जिसमें सब-डिवीजन खरड़, डेराबसी व मोहाली के एसडीएम तथा अन्य अधिकारी एवं पीएनबी के लीड बैंक अफसर पीके जैन भी हाजिर हुए।
इस दौरान वरुण रूज़म ने बताया कि ईको रिक्शा कैब को प्रचलित करने के लिए रिक्शा चालकों को प्रेरित किया जाए व रिक्शा कैब आसान ढंग से मुहैया करवाने का सिस्टम यकीनी बनाएं। उन्होंने बताया कि रिक्शा चालकों को ईको रिक्शा कैब खरीदने के लिए ऋण मुहैया करवाए जा रहे हैं। ईको रिक्शा कैब खरीदने के लिए ऋण लेने के लिए किसी किस्म की दिक्कत पेश नहीं आने दी जाएगी। ईको रिक्शा कैब लोगों के आरामदायक सफर के लिए सहायक है। उन्होंने बताया कि जिले में 23 ईको रिक्शा कैब पहले से ही चल रहे हैं और 32 ईको रिक्शा कैब 10 जनवरी तक और चल जाएंगे।
सब-डिवीजन स्तर पर 50-50 ईको रिक्शा कैब शुरू करवाने का लक्ष्य निश्चित किया गया है। ईको रिक्शा कैब में एक फस्टएड किट व एफएम रेडियो जैसी सुविधाएं उपलब्ध हैं। इस समय अतिरिक्त उपायुक्त (विकास) परवीन कुमार थिंद ने बताया कि जिलों के बैंकों के अधिकारियों को हिदायतें दी गई हैं कि कोई भी रिक्शा चालक जो ईको रिक्शा कैब खरीदने का इच्छुक हो उसे बिना किसी देरी से मुहैया करवाया जाए।

Sunday, December 16, 2012

अब अपना जिला, अपना न्यायालय

अमृत सचदेवा, फाजिल्का

समय सुबह 10.30

एक तरफ से आवाज आती है सरकार बनाम हजारी लाल, थोड़ी देर बाद दूसरी जगह से आवाज आती है राजो बनाम संदीप कुमार। यह वह पल थे, जिसका इंतजार भले ही फाजिल्का के जिला बनने के 16 माह बाद बाद समाप्त हो गया, लेकिन इन आवाजों को सुनने के लिए मानो कई दशक का इंतजार हो रहा हो। जी हा यह पल थे, फाजिल्का में शुरू हुई अतिरिक्त जिला सत्र न्यायालय में शुरू हुई मुकदमों की सुनवाई के लिए अर्दली द्वारा लगाई गई पहली आवाज के।

करीब दो दशक लंबे चले संघर्ष के बाद 27 जुलाई, 2011 को फाजिल्का को जिले का दर्जा मिला था। लेकिन न्यायापालिका की तरफ से फाजिल्का को पूर्ण जिले का दर्जा यहां अतिरिक्त न्यायाधीशों की नियुक्ति के साथ इस साल आठ दिसंबर को दिया गया। यहां पधारे पंजाब एंड हरियाणा हाइकोर्ट के चीफ जस्टिस एके सीकरी व अन्य माननीय न्यायाधीशों ने विधिवत रूप से अदालतों का शिलान्यास करने के बाद यहां नियुक्त किए गए अतिरिक्त जिला सत्र न्यायाधीशों को पदभार ग्रहण करवाया। फाजिल्का में फिलहाल दो न्यायाधीशों जेपीएस खुरमी और सुमित मलहोत्रा की नियुक्ति की गई है। इन नियुक्तियों से फाजिल्का के साथ-साथ इससे जुड़े अबोहर व जलालाबाद उपमंडल के हजारों लोगों को रोजाना सैकड़ों किलोमीटर का सफर तय कर फिरोजपुर स्थित अदालतों में जाने के चक्कर से मुक्ति मिलेगी।

लोगों की खुशी की हद यहीं समाप्त नहीं हुई बल्कि हाइकोर्ट बिल्डिंग कंस्ट्रक्शंस कमेटी द्वारा मंजूर किए गए जूडीशियल कांप्लेक्स का शिलान्यास भी चीफ जस्टिस सीकरी ने बार्डर रोड पर स्थित रेडक्रास भवन के साथ सटी 12 एकड़ जमीन पर किया। कांप्लेक्स निर्माण पर 50 करोड़ रुपये खर्च होंगे। नए भवन का शिलान्यास चीफ जस्टिस सीकरी ने विधिवत रूप से पूजन करवाकर किया। उन्होंने नए बनाए जा रहे भवन के मैप का अवलोकन भी किया।

सीकरी ने कहा कि वह यहां आकर खुद भी यह महसूस कर रहे हैं कि सही मायनों में फाजिल्का जिले के बाशिंदों को इंसाफ अब मिला है। इस मौके पर उनके साथ जस्टिस जसबीर सिंह, जस्टिस सूर्यकांत, हाइकोर्ट की बिल्डिंग कंस्ट्रक्शंस कमेटी के चेयरमैन जस्टिस रंजीत सिंह, जस्टिस जसवंत सिंह, जस्टिस आरके नागरा, जस्टिस आरपी गर्ग, केबिनेट मंत्री सुरजीत ज्याणी, सांसद शेर सिंह घुबाया, डीसी डा. बसंत गर्ग, एडीसी चरणदेव सिंह मान आदि मौजूद थे।

66 साल बाद फाजिल्का का इंतजार खत्म

अमृत सचदेवा, फाजिल्का

आजादी के बाद से फ्लोराइड युक्त पानी का संताप झेल रहे फाजिल्का के लिए रविवार को जैसे ही उपमुख्यमंत्री सुखबीर सिंह बादल और वनमंत्री सुरजीत ज्याणी ने गंग कैनाल से विशेष पाइपलाइन के जरिये पानी छोड़ा वैसे ही फाजिल्का के लिए नहरी पानी मिलने का सपना 65 साल बाद साकार हो गया।

फाजिल्का स्टेडियम में आज अंतरराष्ट्रीय कबड्डी मैच से ठीक पहले उपमुख्यमंत्री सुखबीर सिंह बादल ने खुईखेड़ा में गंग कैनाल के समीप स्थित नहरी पानी प्रोजेक्ट का लिवर घुमा फाजिल्का को 12 महीने नहरी पानी मिलने के प्रोजेक्ट की औपचारिक शुरुआत की। इस मौके इस प्रोजेक्ट का सपना सबसे पहले फाजिल्का वासियों को दिखाने वाले फाजिल्का के विधायक व प्रदेश के वनमंत्री सुरजीत ज्याणी विशेष तौर पर उनके साथ थे। करीब 12 करोड़ की लागत से बने इस प्रोजेक्ट के तहत गंग कैनाल से लेकर फाजिल्का की नहरी पानी परियोजना के लिए 14 किलोमीटर लंबी पाइपलाइन बिछाई गई है। इससे फाजिल्का को रोजाना पांच क्यूसिक नहरी पानी उपलब्ध होगा।

गौरतलब है कि फाजिल्का के पानी में पाए जाने वाले फ्लोराइड की वजह से यहां के बाशिंदों को दांतों व घुटनों की कई बीमारियां का सामना करना पड़ता था। 1997 में पहली बार विधानसभा चुनाव लड़ते समय वनमंत्री ज्याणी ने अपने घोषणा पत्र में कहा था कि वे फाजिल्का को नहरी पानी उपलब्ध करवाएंगे, तब फाजिल्का को सिर्फ छहमासी नहर से पानी सप्लाई होता था। 12 महीने पानी सप्लाई करवाना एक मुश्किल ही नहीं असंभव कार्य भी माना जाता था। लेकिन वनमंत्री के प्रयासों से राजस्थान ने इतिहास में पहली बार गंग कैनाल राजस्थान ने पाइप लगाकर फाजिल्का को पानी लेने की स्वीकृति दे दी।


फाजिल्का के विकास में कोई कसर नहीं रहने देंगे : सुखबीर

जागरण संवाददाता, फाजिल्का

राज्य के नए जिले फाजिल्का के विकास के लिए कोई कसर बाकी नहीं रहने दी जाएगी। यह उद्गार राज्य के उपमुख्यमंत्री सुखबीर सिंह बादल ने फाजिल्का में गंग कैनाल से पाइपलाइन के जरिये पानी देने के प्रोजेक्ट की रविवार को शुरुआत मौके पत्रकारों के साथ बातचीत में किया।

उपमुख्यमंत्री ने पत्रकारों से बातचीत में कहा कि फाजिल्का के लिए वे जल्द ही कई और योजनाएं स्वीकृत करने वाले हैं इसके लिए ज्याणी लगातार फिर दबाव डाल रहे हैं। ये प्रोजेक्ट क्या होगा, इसका खुलासा इस विधानसभा सत्र के बाद किया जाएगा। जलालाबाद के अस्पताल में डाक्टरों की कमी को लेकर चल रहे धरने के बारे में पूछने पर जूनियर बादल ने कहा कि यह उनके नोटिस में है व शीघ्र ही डाक्टरों की कमी दूर कर दी जाएगी।

..तो पंजाब के फाजिल्का पर हो जाता पाकिस्तान का कब्जा

फाजिल्का [अमृत सचदेवा]। उन्नीस सौ एकहत्तर में सोलह दिसंबर को पूरा देश पाकिस्तान पर ऐतिहासिक जीत का जश्न मना रहा था। पंजाब के फाजिल्का के लिए भी यह दिन विशेष महत्व रखता है, क्योंकि उन्नीस सौ इकहत्तर के युद्ध में पाकिस्तान की सेना फाजिल्का पर कब्जे में कामयाबी के बिल्कुल निकट पहुंच गई थी, लेकिन भारतीय सेना के एक सौ अस्सी से अधिक रणबांकुरों ने बीएसएफ व होमगार्ड के साथ मिलकर उनका सामना किया और अपने प्राणों की आहुति देकर उन्हें आगे बढ़ने से रोका। इस तरह फाजिल्का को बचा लिया गया। उन वीर शहीदों की गांव आसफवाला में नब्बे फीट लंबी चिता बनाकर पूरे सम्मान के साथ अंतिम संस्कार किया गया। बाद में उक्त पवित्र जगह को स्मारक का रूप देकर वीरों को समाधि बनाई गई।

पाकिस्तान ने भारत पर वर्ष 1965 और 1971 में दो बार हमले किए थे और दोनों बार उसे मुंह की खानी पड़ी थी। दोनों जंगों के दौरान फाजिल्का सेक्टर में लड़ी गई लड़ाई में चार जाट रेजीमेंट के 82 जवान, 15 राजपूत रेजीमेंट के 62, असम रायफल्स के 39 तथा 18 अश्वरोही सेना के चार जवान शहीद हुए थे। इसके अलावा अन्य मोर्चो पर लड़ते हुए विभिन्न बटालियनों के जवानों की याद में आसफवाला समाधि को ही संयुक्त समाधि का दर्जा दे दिया गया। यह समाधि दोनों युद्धों में शहीद हुए भारतीय वीरों के लिए मां की गोद से कम नहीं है।

वर्ष 1972 में बनी समाधि का लोकार्पण प्रदेश के तत्कालीन मुख्यमंत्री व बाद में देश के राष्ट्रपति बने ज्ञानी जैल सिंह ने किया था। यह समाधि अब देशभक्तों के लिए जैसे तीर्थ स्थान बन चुकी है। समाधि परिसर में ही एक वार मेमोरियल बनाकर सभी शहीदों के चित्र, जंग के दौरान पाकिस्तानी सैनिकों से जब्त गए सामान और युद्ध का हाल बताती पेंटिंग्स सजाई गई है।

Fazilka Sulemanki Sector 1971 India Pakistan War

Monday, December 10, 2012

Fluoride-hit Fazilka to get water from Rajasthan throughout the year

For the residents of Punjab's Fazilka district hit by high level of fluoride in groundwater, there is some good news. The Rajasthan government has decided to release water to Gang canal that supplies water to Fazilka and nearby areas throughout the year. Earlier, the water was only for the six months — March to September — to coincide with the crop cycle.

The water was released into the Gang canal on Sunday. For this, a 14-km long pipeline costing at Rs 12.51 crore was laid to connect the Rajasthan canal to Gang Canal by the Punjab government and was inaugurated by Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir Badal.

This project will make the canal water available to the residents throughout the year. "Now, the health problems like joint problems, gums problem etc will be over. Our residents need not to drink ground water anymore. We took special permission for 7 cusec water in Gang canal from Centre and even from Rajasthan government," said Forest Minister Surjit Kumar Jayani.

Out of the five cusec water, two cusec will be given to Army and the rest for the city residents, said Jayani.

Authorities believe that five cusec water will be enough for the needs of the city residents. As of now, a large number of residents in Fazilka suffer from arthritis, poor oral health due to high fluoride content in ground water.

In return for the Gang canal water, Punjab will give provide more water to Rajasthan from Harike.

Fazilka promised new stadium

Fazilka will appear on the world sports map with the kabbadi world cup matches under floodlights in a new stadium next year. 
Deputy chief minister Sukhbir Singh Badal on Saturday was speaking during a third kabbadi world cup match in Fazilka when he made the promise to the new district. "The government will make sports education compulsory in the schools and promote various games at the grass-root level," said the deputy CM.
The women's team of India on Sunday defeated Canada 62-16, helping Denmark qualify for the semi-finals. In another women's match, Malaysia beat England 38-29 and also entered the semi-finals. In the men's category, Canada beat Norway 46-36.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Education department to get serious about students' health

The state education department plans to get serious about the health of students in government schools as, come December, it will team up with a non-government organisation (NGOs) to hold special camps aimed at diagnosing poor vision and hearing in students. 
An official on Monday said  the department, with the assistance of Sight Savers, the NGO, would organise camps at Ludhiana, Jalandhar, Patiala, Fazilka, Amritsar, and Faridkot districts, from December 11 to 20. The decision, director general of school education (DGSE) Kahan Singh Pannu said, was taken after 597 students were diagnosed with poor vision in a recent state-wide survey conducted by the education department.

"Following the camps in December, the children with poor vision will be provided with medical aid and the required instruments for free," Pannu said, adding that the department wanted to ensure that poor vision amd hearing were not a hindrance in the studies of the students.

During the recent survey, government schools in Ludhiana district had most number of students with poor vision - 111 were diagnosed with the condition. It was followed by Gurdaspur district (68), Fazilka district (57) and Faridkot district (51). The districts that fared better were Patiala (45 students), Mansa (25 students) and Sangrur (15 students). No such cases were detected in Bathinda district.

On how the department plans to help students with poor hearing, the DGSE said special audiometry camps would be organised at the block and district levels. "At the camps, students will be provided with cordless hearing aids on subsidised rates," he said.

In a communiqué to principals and heads of government schools, the DGSE said though the department had a list of students with poor vision, it wanted to ensure that no student was left out. "At the end of the day, these conditions have a bearing on studies. And we don't want any student to suffer because of ill health," he said.

Fazilka burns least paddy straw

Hindustan Times, Page 2, Chandigarh Edition

FEROZEPUR: Fazilka has recorded least straw-burning incidents in the state. It earned a round of applause on Tuesday. Karan Avtar Singh, Punjab principal secretary for science and technology and environment (pointing), during his special visit to a field in Fazilka district on Tuesday.
Karan Avtar Singh, principal secretary of science, technology and environment, shared the figures with a gathering of progressive farmers and horticulture experts during his special visit to Farmers' Training Centre at Zamindara Farm Solutions. The principal secretary applauded Zamindara Farm Solutions for its contribution in making farmers aware of the consequences of burning crop stubble after harvest. The venture won praise for promoting better agricultural tools such as Happy seeder and roller to straightway sow wheat without burning up the residue of paddy to clear the field.

The Jawala Bhai Nathu Ram Charitable Trust, led by Vikram Ahuja, won accolades for its campaign of administering oath to farmers about not burning paddy stubble in the interest of the environment. It educated farmers about the demerits of unsustainable methods of preparing new fields. Farmers of Fazilka, Mamdot, Ferozepur, Gidderbaha, Zira, and surrounding areas joined the campaign.

"Fazilka's Zamindara Farm Solutions is a blended value business based on technical knowledge coming from the Cereal System Initiative for South Asia (CSISA)," said Vikram Ahuja. "Farmers realise at last that by not burning the wheat or paddy straw, they save a huge amount of water because the fields, after days of burning, require hours of watering for the soil to recover the moisture for the sowing of paddy or wheat."
Many farmers who had stopped burning of s t raw shared their experiences with the principal secretary. "Four years ago, I tried sowing wheat with the help of Happy seeder," said Raj Krishan, a progressive farmer from Rana village. "Better results got me to prepare more than 22 acres of field without burning up any straw." Ferozepur's deputy commissioner, Basant Garg was present.

Friday, November 23, 2012

PUDA Colony Over Wetland in Fazilka : Apex court panel’s second notice to CS

23 Nov 2012 :: Hindustan Times (Chandigarh), Bathinda Edition, Page 3

FEROZEPUR: The Supreme Court central empowered committee dealing with forest and wildlife matters has sent its second notice to the state chief secretary about the sale of prime government property for a proposed residential colony. Navdeep Asija, a social activist who took the matter to the committee, also submitted that the district forest officer and state forest and wildlife preservation department reports had ignored the threat to the environment and biodiversity of the Badha lake in Fazilka region, if 400 old trees on its banks were cut to clear the space for 56 residential plots.

On the proposed colony of the Punjab Urban Planning and Development Authority (PUDA), the committee already has sent a notice to the CS on the various legalisation and environmental norms. The government property that was part of the wetland was sold under the non-legislative Optimum Use of Vacant Government Land scheme. No reply to the earlier notice was filed; hence, another notice has now been issued.

The Punjab and Haryana high court had disposed of the case based on an affidavit by the chief conservator officer, state forest and wild life preservation department, that the department had nothing to do with the land in question. This in spite of the fact that a 400 feet by 60 feet reserved forest along the Alam Shah minor would pass right thorough the middle of the colony. The project is not approved by the state pollution control board, which should ask for compensatory forestation. The green belt in Fazilka city is less than 1% and there's no provision to increase it. The existing green cover is under threat to facilitate unplanned development.

"It's clear PUDA is doing it to favor the land mafia," said complainant Navdeep Asija. "The colony project will jack up the price of the agricultural land nearby."
The local body responsible for the development of the city had proposed restoration of Badha lake under a master plan through resolution but PUDA took no approval from it before coming out with the colony project. "The government seems to be acting like property dealer but I have faith in the judiciary," said Asija.
The Supreme Court committee had sent its last notice to the CS more than a year ago, on August 9, 2011. The committee's role is to check the unsustainable cutting of forests and the threat of massive destruction of wildlife habitats.

Fazilka colony: SC panel directs state to guard area’s biodiversity

Praful Chander Nagpal

Fazilka, November 22
The Central Empowered Committee (CEC), constituted by the Supreme Court of India, has asked the Chief Secretary, Punjab, to initiate necessary action for allegedly compromising on environmental norms for the proposed PUDA Colony on the bank of the extinct Badha Lake wetland area in Fazilka.

Reacting on the complaint of Navdeep Asija, general secretary, Graduate Welfare Association Fazilka (GWAF), on the issue of damage to environment and biodiversity in the wetland area near the Deputy Commissioner's residence, where PUDA proposes to sell 56 residential plots by carving out a colony, the CEC has sent a letter to the Chief Secretary asking him to intervene.

Notably, the Central Empowered Committee is constituted by the Supreme Court to check pressure on the forests, the unsustainable removal and the real threat of massive destruction to wildlife. The Supreme Court intervened and played a pioneering role in its efforts to save India's forest and wildlife.

The petitioner, Navdeep Asija, has alleged that the authorities had ignored the report of the District Forest Officer (DFO), Ferozepur, in which he stated that there are 355 trees on different khasra numbers of the land where PUDA wants to carve out the colony.

The DFO has also admitted that with the felling of the trees, there could be an adverse affect on biodiversity in the area.

It is pertinent to mention here that the green belt in Fazilka city is alarmingly less than one per cent. "No sincere efforts to enhance the area under green cover are being made but contrary to it, the authorities have been sacrificing the existing green cover to facilitate unplanned development," regretted Asija.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Red Ribbon Express to halt at eights stations for aids awareness

The Red Ribbon Express, an exhibition train on HIV/AIDS, has been scheduled to halt at eight districts of the state in order to create AIDS awareness. Dr Harinder Bir, main streaming consultant, Punjab Aids Control Society (PACS), said the train focusing on the youth would halt at eight stations -- Nangal, Ludhiana, Jalandhar, Hoshiarpur, Faridkot, Fazilka, Tarn Taran, Amritsar and Rupnagar.
"The train, decked up with banners, posters, audio-visual clips and volunteer talks will start from Nangal on December 15 and will culminate in Amritsar on January 1. The multimedia-equipped train will halt at every station for two days except at Ludhiana, Jalandhar and Fazilka, where it will halt for three days," she said.

The train is on the move across the country to spread awareness on HIV/AIDS for the third year under the ministry of health and family welfare and National Rural Health Mission (NHRM). The state health authorities will launch awareness campaigns to encourage people to visit the train.

She said, "Mass campaigns through nukad naatak, especially in rural areas, will be conducted on five days in every region, asking people to visit the train. Workshops, Doordarshan, radio, cinema slides, railways station announcements, mobilised information, and education and communication vans will promote the campaign and encourage people to visit the train."
She said the volunteers in vans would also inform people about the symptoms and prevention of HIV/AIDS. She said district education officers had been asked to take senior secondary school students to see the train.

Dr Harinder said the train had four exhibition coaches with exhibits on HIV/AIDS and NHRM.
"The eight-coach train would comprise first three coaches containing information on HIV/AIDS, while the fourth coach would give information on NHRM exhibits on tuberculosis, malaria, reproductive and child health services and general diseases."

She said the fifth coach would provide training to people in batches of 60 and five batches would be covered in a day. The training session would be held even with stakeholders, including Asha workers, ANMs, Nehru Youth Kendra workers, self-help groups and other health workers.
To provide training to the people, special teams of volunteers including doctors, NSS officials, NGOs had been prepared.

"Coach No 6 will have counselling sessions and HIV testing services wherein two doctors, counsellors and lab technicians would be there, who would inform people about sexually-transmitted diseases. Coaches No 7 and 8 will be for officials."
She said the other attraction would be taped versions ongoing inside the train disseminating information on HIV/AIDS and other diseases. The train timing will be from 9.30am to 5pm.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Punjab steps up drive against illegal mining; 24 more FIRs

Chandigarh: Stepping up its drive against illegal mining, the Punjab government has registered 24 more FIRs during the last three days. 

Over 30 vehicles were also impounded, a spokesman said, adding that total number of FIRs in last one week has touched to 53. 

The industry department was continuing with stringent action against illegal miners, the spokesman said. 

District-wise details of FIRs registered are Pathankot (8) Amritsar (2), Ferozpur (2), Jalandhar (2), Kapurthala (2), Ludhiana (2) Moga (2) and Fazilka (1), Batala (1), Bathinda (1), Hoshiarpur (1). 

Pathankot district has turned out to be the worst affected area with 8 FIR's in the last three days and in total 12 FIR's have been lodged in this district in the last one week. 


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Punjab's Sukhbir bats for Indo-Pak border trade

Deputy chief minister of Punjab Sukhbir Singh Badal on Tuesday said Pakistan and India must make an initiative to increase the volume of trade through the Attari-Wagah land route.
Sukhbir said he favoured the use of land routes on Hussaniwala and Fazilka border to boost trade between the two nations. 
Sukhbir was speaking in Lahore at the Pakistan- India Business Round Table organised by Pakistan Board of Investment and Trade.
Sukhbir is leading a delegation of traders from India in Pakistan. Sukhbir said better economic exchange could help strengthen the relationship between the two countries. 
He added that the trade through the integrated check post (ICP) at the Attari-Wagah international border boosts the traders in both countries. He also hoped that the negative list of items, which are not importable from India, would be scrapped or shrunk by December 31.
"It would open new opportunities for trade and development in Punjab in India and Pakistan. We have to prepare for a quantum leap in trade by strengthening infrastructure and logistics at the checkposts on both sides. 
There should be no delay or bottlenecks in import and export of goods," Sukhbir said. Vikas Kahol in Chandigah

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Differently-abled Fazilka lad shines in cricket

Praful Chander Nagpal

Physically-challenged Neeraj Kumar of Fazilka in action at Navrangpur Stadium of Ahmedabad.
Physically-challenged Neeraj Kumar of Fazilka in action at Navrangpur Stadium of Ahmedabad.

Fazilka, November 5
He is like any another teenaged fast bowler, determined to send the batsman back to the pavilion. But the difference between him and the other bowlers is that Neeraj Kumar, 19, had lost his left hand in an accident six years back.

But the youth from Fazilka displayed courage and determination in the Indian Premier Cricket League (IPCL) that concluded today at Ahmedabad.

The son of a vegetable vendor, Neeraj Kumar, represented the India Blue team. The matches were telecast live on the DD sports channel. Neeraj took two wickets while conceding 33 runs in his four over quota against the South Eagles at Navrangpur Stadium.

Neeraj uses his other arm to bowl. The only limitation it imposes on him is that he can't bowl with a high arm action.

"Initially, I faced difficulties and was uncertain about my future in cricket but thanks to the unflinching support of my family, I was back on the fields," he said.

"My dream has come true. I cannot describe the feeling in words. I now want to prove myself in big tournaments," said the fast bowler. His parents, Hem Raj and Moolan Devi, said they were proud of their son's achievement.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fire at Fazilka tehsil office, arson suspected

The records room in the old office of the Fazilka tehsildar caught fire early on Tuesday, gutting all documents stored there. The security staff at the local crime investigation agency (CIA) located opposite the records room noticed the fire in one portion of the old tehsil complex, but  before it could be controlled, documents, including revenue records like mutations and jamabandi, were destroyed.
The police station is 25 metres away and the sub-jail 30 metres from the records room. It took the fire tenders more than an hour to control the blaze.
The police have started an investigation and registered a case against unidentified persons. An official said on condition of anonymity that it was a case of arson.

Captain (retired) MS Bedi questioned how the arsonists could dare to set the records room on fire when it was in the proximity of the CIA and the police station.

Deputy commissioner Basant Garg said the staff of the tehsil office had shifted to a new administrative complex. "We are trying to find out what kind of records were gutted in the fire," he added.

On February 27, 2011, the records room of the court had caught fire. Later, the persons involved in the incident were traced and they confessed that they did so to destroy evidence pertaining to a case that was being heard at that time.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

सेमिनार :इको कैब के नाम जुड़ी एक और उपलब्धि : रिक्शा चालक खुद को सिपाही समङो : एसएसपी

अमृत सचदेवा, फाजिल्का
ग्रेजुएट वेलफेयर एसोसिएशन के तत्वाधान में काम कर रही ईको कैब सोसायटी फाजिल्का के नाम एक और उपलब्धि जुड़ गई है।
मंगलवार को जिला पुलिस प्रमुख अमर सिंह चहल की अध्यक्षता में ईको कैब (फाजिल्का में ईजाद आधुनिक रिक्शा) की खूबियों, उपलब्धियों बारे एक सेमिनार का आयोजन किया गया। सेमिनार के मुख्य वक्ता एसोसिएशन के सचिव इंजीनियर नवदीप असीजा थे। जिसमें जिले के सभी आला पुलिस अधिकारी और सभी थानों के प्रभारी शामिल हुए। सेमिनार को संबोधित करते हुए इंजीनियर असीजा ने प्रदूषण कम करने, बुजुर्गो, महिलाओं व हर शहरवासी को फोन कॉल पर उपलब्ध ईको कैब के फायदों की जानकारी दी। उन्होंने बताया कि कार्बन उत्सर्जन को वैश्विक स्तर पर हुए समझौते के तहत देश के रिक्शा चालक जितनी कार्बन पैदा होने से बचाते हैं, उसकी एवज में उन्हें लाखों रुपये की प्रतिमाह कमाई हो सकती है। इसके अलावा नई रिक्शा इसे चलाने वालों की सेहत के लिए भी फिट है। इंजीनियर असीजा ने सोसायटी द्वारा रिक्शा चालकों के बच्चों की शिक्षा, उनकी नशामुक्ति, परिवार को दी जा रही स्वास्थ्य सुविधाओं के बारे में भी बताया। सोसायटी के कार्यो व नेटवर्क से प्रभावित एसएसपी चहल ने रिक्शा चालक से कहा कि वह खुद को रिक्शा पुलर नहीं बल्कि एक सिपाही समङों। वह अपराध रोकने में पुलिस के इंफार्मर बनकर पूरी मदद कर सकते हैं। साथ ही उन्होंने जिले के हर शहर में ईको कैब सोसायटी की तरह ईको कैब चलाने और रिक्शा चालकों का जीवन स्तर ऊंचा उठाने के लिए उनकी रजिस्ट्रेशन का ऐलान भी किया। इस मौके पर उनके साथ डीएसपी रामप्रकाश, अबोहर के एसपी वरिंद्र सिंह बराड़, जिला यातायात पुलिस प्रभारी हरप्रीत सिंह, फाजिल्का नगर थाना प्रभारी एसएस बराड़, यातायात प्रभारी नरेंद्र सिंह सहित अन्य अधिकारी मौजूद थे।

Dainik Jagran, 17 October 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Jyani announces opening of eye bank at Fazilka

Harish K. Monga

Fazilka, October 15, 2012: It was the third function organised by Social Welfare Society, Fazilka to honour families of eye donors.

So far, the SWC has arranged the eye donations of 177 persons after their death and Fazilka is now known as Eye Donors City.

Padamshree Vijay Kumar Chopra, chief editor, Hind Samachar Group of Papers was the chief guest and Surjeet Kumar Jyani, MLA and Forest and Labour Minister, Punjab, presided over the function.

On this occasion, Nirmla Jyani, Charandev Singh Maan, ADC, Sudesh Nagpal, patron Istri Arya Samaj, Surinder Ahuja, businessman, Dr. S. P. Garg, SMO, civil hospital, Dina Nath Sachdeva, president, Pacca Arthia Association and social worker and various prominent persons of the city and NGOs were present.

The members of the family, who have contributed for donating the eyes on the death of their nearest relatives were honoured by Vijay Kumar Chopra and Surjeet Kumar Jyani and Nirmla Jyani.

Surjeet Kumar Jyani, in his address said, Fazilka is now known as the city of eye donors and announced the opening of Eye Bank at Fazilka.  He further said that it is easy to say for eye donation but this service is not that easy as the people now shirk taking care of their parents even.

Charandev Singh, ADC said, eye donation is a big service to the society.  A man can donate his eyes before his next birth.  He thinks that the life is for him only but the real life is that if you are helpful to others.

Dr. Asha Goomber on this occasion said, the beautiful eyes are those, which are donate to give light to others after death.

 Raj Kishore Kalra, president, Kanwal Kishore Grover, secretary and Shashi Kant, chairman said, as on date, the society has managed the eye donation of 177 persons on their deaths besides arranging artificial limbs to 198 persons with the help of Bhagwan Mahavir Viklang Samiti, Ambala, Lala Durga Charan Charitable Artificial Limb Centre and Parvati Devi Trust, Ambala.

They further said that the society has also arranged number of social service camps like sugar check-up, education to poor students, regular medicines to poor families, woolen sweaters and organised seminars on social evils.

Padamshree Vijay Chopra in his address said, earlier there was a shortage of eyes but it not now.  The initiative of Social Welfare Society for managing eye donations is appreciable and motivational.  He said, "A man will live even after his death by donation one of his organ".

He further said, most of the social welfare works to be done by the government are being managed by the social organisations.  The government should arrange sufficient power supply, pure drinking water and cheap education. By providing these essential services, the society will prosper and economists of the country must think it over.  The youths should come forward by moving on the footsteps of elders and with the joint working of elders and youths, the society will be benefited.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Thursday, October 11, 2012

नशा न करेंगे तो सड़क पर सुरक्षित रहेंगे : Safe Rickshaw Drive Campaign at Fazilka by Traffic Police, Punjab

जागरण संवाददाता, फाजिल्का : अतिरिक्त पुलिस महानिदेशक आरपी सिंह के आदेशानुसार रिक्शा चालकों को भी ट्रैफिक नियमों के दायरे में शामिल कर लिया गया है। जिसका आगाज मंगलवार को फाजिल्का से किया गया। ट्रैफिक पुलिस की ओर से नवगठित फाजिल्का ईको कैब वेलफेयर सोसायटी के रिक्शा चालकों को रोड सेफ्टी की ट्रेनिंग दी गई। जिसमें 120 रिक्शा चालकों ने भाग लिया। इस मौके पर रिक्शा चालकों को नशे से दूर रहने की अपील की गई। पुलिस के सेमिनार के उपरांत दैनिक जागरण के मिस्टर नशामुक्तएडवोकेट संजीव बांसल ने भी रिक्शा चालकों को नशे के दुष्प्रभावों के बारे में बताया। ट्रैफिक पुलिस के एएसआइ नरिंद्र सिंह ने बताया कि नशा करके वाहन चलाने से करीब 60 प्रतिशत हादसे होते हैं। जिनमें कई मौत हो जाती है और कई घायल हो जाते हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि नशामुक्त नागरिक ही स्वस्थ समाज का निर्माण कर सकता है। रिक्शा चलाते समय चालक तंबाकू का सेवन न करें। सवारी इसे पसंद नहीं करती और चालक को इससे नुकसान होता है। नशेड़ी रिक्शा चालकों का प्रभाव स्कूल जा रहे बच्चों पर भी पड़ता है। उन्हांेने कहा कि रिक्शा चलाते समय मोबाइल फोन पर बात करने की बजाय थोड़ी देर रुकना बेहतर रहता है। ट्रैफिक पुलिस के हवालदार जसवंत सिंह व पवन कुमार ने कहा कि चौक को पार करते समय शॉर्टकट की बजाय नियमानुसार चलें। इस मौके पर सोसायटी के मनजिंद्र सिंह, गुरदीप सिंह और राज कुमार आदि मौजूद थे।

Dainik Jagran, Ludhiana Edition, Ferozpur-Fazilka Page 3, 11 October 2012

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

आरटीआइ कार्यकर्ता को जान से मारने की धमकी

जागरण संवाददाता, फाजिल्का : आरटीआइ कार्यकर्ता और अग्रदूत सोशल वेलफेयर सोसायटी के महासचिव अमर चेतीवाल ने एक भाजपा नेता पर उन्हें जान से मारने की धमकी देने का आरोप लगाया है।

चेतीवाल ने कहा कि उन्होंने विभिन्न विभागों में हो रहे भ्रष्टाचार के बारे में आरटीआइ के तहत सूचना मांगी है। इसी की खुन्नस में सात अक्टूबर को उनके मोबाइल फोन पर किसी ने फोन किया। उक्त व्यक्ति ने अपना नाम राकेश सहगल बताया और उन्हें जान से मारने की धमकी दी और आरटीआइ के तहत सूचनाएं मांगना बंद करने को कहा। चेतीवाल का आरोप है कि उक्त व्यक्ति भाजपा का नेता है। उन्होंने पुलिस से इस मामले में कार्रवाई की मांग की है।


नहीं दी धमकी : सहगल

भाजपा नेता राकेश सहगल ने कहा कि उन्होंने फोन जरूर किया था, लेकिन कोई धमकी नहीं दी। उन्होंने कहा कि चेतीवाल भाजपा के जिला महासचिव रहे हैं। एक जिम्मेवार पद पर रहने के बावजूद वह आरटीआइ की आड़ में पार्टी की छवि खराब कर रहे हैं। फोन पर हुई बात में उन्होंने चेतीवाल से आरटीआइ की बजाय सीधे पदाधिकारियों से जवाब मांगने की सलाह दी थी। यहां तक कि उन्होंने चेतीवाल को सूचना मांगने से भी नहीं रोका।


शिकायत मिलते ही कार्रवाई : एसएसपी

अमर चेतीवाल ने खुद को मिली धमकी की शिकायत रजिस्टर्ड डाक से एसएसपी व नगर थाना पुलिस को भेजी है। इस बारे में एसएसपी अमर सिंह ने कहा कि अभी तक उन्हें ऐसी कोई शिकायत नहीं मिली। शिकायत मिलते ही बनती कार्रवाई की जाएगी।


सूचना न देने पर ईओ सहित तीन चार्जशीट

फाजिल्का : आरटीआइ कार्यकर्ता अमर चेतीवाल ने नगर परिषद की ओर से खरीदे गए सीवरेज मेनहोल के ढक्कनों, सलेमशाह बाजार में बनाए गए डिवाइडर सहित विभिन्न विकास कार्यो सहित दो दर्जन सूचनाएं मांगी थीं। लेकिन समय पर न दी गई, आधी-अधूरी व गुमराह करने वाली सूचनाओं के आधार पर चेतीवाल ने प्रदेश सूचना आयुक्त से शिकायत की थीं। उसी के आधार पर प्रदेश सूचना आयुक्त ने नगर परिषद के कार्यकारी अधिकारी, एसओ व क्लर्क को चार्जशीट कर दिया है।

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Term "Act of God" or "Natural Disaster"

This term "Act of God" used by Insurance companies or Authorities needs to be looked upon. In 2001 during Bhuj, Gujrat earthquake in India, more than 20,000 people died and its magnitude at Richter scale was 7.6, now almost at the same time, there was an earthquake in El Salvador (Latin America) with richer scale intensity 7.7 and in that 852 people died, further the one in California with same intensity and in the year 2001 only caused death of about 50 people. So, if I go by the definition of insurance companies by saying these incidents as "Act of God" or "Natural Disaster" , statistically it is proved that God love Latin American people 25 to 100 times more than we Indians. Important here to understand  is that there is nothing called 'Act of God" and everything is man made. With the Development of Science, we understand the behavior of nature very well, but we are not prepared enough to handle that and for that reason we end up blaming god for it. The way we safeguard our houses from Rain, also can be protected for earthquake or tsunamis but dear human beings stop blaming god and act fast. Thanks to the movie "OMG" for starting this though proving debate

Monday, October 8, 2012

Civil Hospital ailing in Fazilka : Health services at the 103-year-old hospital crippled due to shortage of doctors

 Praful Chander Nagpal

Fazilka, October 2
Medical services at the 103-year-old Civil Hospital, formerly known as Dane Hospital, Fazilka, which was established by the British, has been crippled following an acute shortage of specialised doctors and the paramedical staff.

Following the promotion and transfer of specialist doctors two years back, the office of the Civil Surgeon here fell vacant and has not been filled up yet despite Fazilka being a district headquarters.

As per the Senior Medical Officer (SMO), Civil Hospital, Fazilka, Dr SP Garg, out of the total 13 sanctioned posts, eight have been lying vacant for long and a pathologist, Dr Renu Dhuria, has proceeded on long leave.

The sanctioned posts of surgeon, gynaecologist, paediatrician, medical specialist, dermatologist and MBBS doctors are also vacant.

For the last few months, the doctors have been braving all odds to run the emergency services and OPD besides attending to duties like conducting the postmortem, attending the courts and sending the reports on a regular basis to the higher authorities.

The schemes run by the Centre and the state government for the poor sections of society have also been hit adversely due to the shortage of doctors. The aim of the state government-- to perform maximum deliveries at the Civil Hospital-- has also been affected in the absence of a gynaecologist.

It has become difficult for the staff to run the blood bank for want of a Blood Transfusion Officer (BTO).

The operation theatre and the ultrasound machine are virtually lying defunct. The ambitious DOTS project, for treating the tuberculosis patients, has been hit due to the non-availability of a physician. The hospital staff has to refer the seriously ill patients to the medical college at Faridkot for specialised treatment.

As per official sources, the number of patients at the OPD has declined to 200-250 on a working day. Earlier, the figure used to be around 400.

The number of indoor patients has also come down as the physicians, surgeons, heart specialists and the gynaecologists, who used to admit the patients, are presently not serving the hospital, thanks to the indifferent attitude of the state health department.

The patients hover around the OPD which often wears a deserted look even during the working hours. The posts of paramedical staff have also been lying vacant. Out of the total 24 sanctioned posts of nurses, 15 are lying vacant, which in turn, has affected the indoor services also.

"We have sent the report to the higher authorities but the vacant posts are yet to be filled up," said the SMO Dr Garg.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Three from graduate category elected to PU senate

Counting for other seats still in progress

Three members were elected to the Panjab University (PU) senate early on Friday morning as the first round of results of the registered graduates constituency was declared.

Sandeep Kumar from Fazilka was the only candidate to clear the quota of 3,950 after receiving 4,996 votes. The Principal of DAV College, Abohar, Sanjeev Kumar Arora, won the election by garnering 3,236 votes, and Dayal Partap Singh Randhawa of Chandigarh received 2,422 votes. Arora and Randhawa, won as reserved candidates from Punjab and Chandigarh respectively.

After his victory, D P S Randhawa said: "I was re-elected because of my contribution to the University in the past years. I will continue to raise the issues of students as well as teachers in the senate." He is a sitting senator and was also the PU student council president from 1998 to 2000.

A delighted Arora, the Principal, of DAV College, Abohar, said, "I will work on the promotion of better research in the University making it a knowledge hub. Reforms should be initiated to benefit the students".

The ballot boxes for the registered graduates constituency were opened early on Wednesday morning. There are over four lakh registered voters in this constituency but just about 74, 520 votes were polled. The total number of valid votes were 63, 996 and invalid votes were around 10, 600, before the process was stopped. About 65 candidates were contesting for 15 seats. First round of results for the registered graduates' constituency of the Panjab University senate were expected to be declared by Wednesday night, but counting had been suspended after a discord between the candidates and the polling staff. The elections had been held on September 23. A total of 15 rounds of counting had been done before it was closed for the day at 6 pm.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

असीजा प्रशासन सुधार आयोग के सलाहकार

संवाद सूत्र, फाजिल्का : राज्य सरकार ने सड़क सुरक्षा व यातायात विशेषज्ञ नवदीप असीजा को प्रशासन सुधार आयोग में सलाहकार मनोनीत किया है। नवदीप इस आयोग में मुख्य रूप से बढ़ रही यातायात समस्या व सड़क दुर्घटनाओं को कम करने के लिए सुझाव देंगे।

आयोग का कार्य राज्य में विभिन्न सरकारी कार्यो में सुधार लाना है ताकि लोगों को बेहतर प्रशासन मिल सके। बता दें कि पंजाब प्रशासन सुधार आयोग का गठन पूर्व सरकार के कार्यकाल के दौरान हुआ था। उसके अंतर्गत ही सेवा आयोग का गठन किया गया था जिसके चेयरमैन डा. प्रमोद कुमार हैं। नवदीप असीजा पंजाब पुलिस के पूर्व प्रमुख एए सिद्दिकी की अध्यक्षता में बनी समिति के साथ सलाहकार के रूप में काम करेंगे। नवदीप पहले भी राज्य के मुख्य सचिव की अध्यक्षता में गठित ट्रांसपोर्टेशन सोसायटी आफ पंजाब के सलाहकार एवं गवर्नेस बॉडी के सदस्य भी हैं और पंजाब स्टेट रोड सेफ्टी कौंसिल के सदस्य हैं। इसके अलावा वह चंडीगढ़ सेक्टर 26 स्थित महात्मा गांधी लोक सेवा संस्थान में ट्रेनिंग के लिए आए 60 नए पीसीएस अधिकारियों व तहसीलदारों को भी सड़क सुरक्षा व यातायात की ट्रेनिंग देंगे।

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

कहीं याद ही न रह जाये फाजिल्का बाधा झील - Badha Lake Fazilka

कहीं याद ही न रह जाये फाजिल्का बाधा झील 

Sarhad Kesri, Page 4, Fazilka Edition

Thursday, September 13, 2012

अपनी जड़ों को नहीं भूला पाकिस्तान का शाही परिवार

अमृत सचदेवा, फाजिल्का

इंसान दुनिया के किसी भी कोने में चला जाए, अपनी जन्मभूमि को नहीं भूल सकता। हमें आज भी अपने गांव की मिट्टी की वह सोंधी खुशबू याद है, जिसमें हम पले-बढ़े हैं, जहां हमने बचपन में किलकारियां भरीं। ये उद्गार हैं पाकिस्तानी पंजाब के पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री मियां मंजूर अहमद वट्टू के बड़े भाई नसीब अहमद वट्टू के, जिन्होंने पाकिस्तान से दैनिक जागरण के साथ फोन पर अपनी भावनाएं सांझा कीं। वह मुख्यमंत्री रहे अपने भाई मंजूर अहमद के भारत दौरे के तहत पैतृक गांव मौजम आने के बारे में अपने करीबी एक हिंदू परिवार के सदस्यों से बात कर रहे थे।

नसीब अहमद ने बताया कि बंटवारे के वक्त दोनों भाई 10 साल से भी छोटे थे। लेकिन इतना याद है कि गांव छोड़ते वक्त उनके अब्बू जंगीर खान वट्टू व सारा परिवार बेहद दुखी था। होता भी क्यों नहीं, गांव मौजम उनके पड़दादा मौजम खान के नाम पर ही तो बसाया गया था। उनकी यहां सैकड़ों बीघा जमीन थी। खैर, खुदा को यही मंजूर था। उन्होंने नेकनीयत से राजनीति के जरिये लोगों की सेवा की और अल्लाह ने उन्हें एक अच्छा मुकाम बख्शा। अब तो ढल रही जीवन की शाम में उन्हें जब भी हसरत होती है, अपने जन्म स्थान की खैर खबर लेने आ जाते हैं। मंजूर अहमद के 1993 में मुख्यमंत्री बनने से पहले 1990 में दोनों भाई फाजिल्का आए थे और अपने पैतृक गांव मौजम की मिट्टी को चूमा था।

उन्होंने अपने परिवार के करीबी रहे बुजुर्गो से भी मुलाकात की थी। उन्हीं में से एक परिवार के मुखिया बिहारी लाल चलाना हैं, जिनका परिवार गांव में करियाने का काम करता था। बंटवारे के वक्त बिहारी लाल चलाना भी 6-7 साल के थे, लेकिन उन्हें उनके वालिदान के नाम याद हैं। इस बार 12 सितंबर को भी उनके भाई मंजूर बिहारी लाल चलाना से मिलेंगे।


22 साल बाद भी याद है पनीर पकौड़ों का स्वाद

फाजिल्का: फाजिल्का के डा. राजकुमार चलाना के पिता बिहारी लाल चलाना, जिन्हें खुद वट्टू बंधुओं ने 1990 में पहचाना था, आज भी वट्टू परिवार से संपर्क में हैं। चलाना ने दैनिक जागरण को बताया कि 1990 में दोनों वट्टू भाई उनके घर भी आए थे और काफी समय उनके परिवार के साथ बिताया था। चलाना ने बताया कि वट्टू बंधुओं के फाजिल्का आगमन मौके उन्होंने पाकपटनी हलवाई के पनीर के पकौड़े उन्हें खिलाए थे। आज 22 साल बाद भी जब कभी बात होती है, तो वट्टू बंधु पकौड़ों के स्वाद का जिक्र करना नहीं भूलते।

Wednesday, September 12, 2012









Mouzam (Fazilka), September 12-

            Punjab Chief Minister Mr Parkash Singh Badal today urged the National Governments of India and Pakistan to open trade through Fazilka and Hussainiwala borders of the state to herald a new era of economic development in the region besides promoting people to people contact in the sub continent.

            Addressing a mammoth gathering here today in a function organized to felicitate the Federal Minister of Pakistan Government Mr Mian Manjur Ahmed Watoo, who was here to visit his native village, the Chief Minister said that the opening of these borders was the need of the hour as it would promote trade activities between both the countries which would be pivotal in the development of both the eastern and western Punjab. Mr Badal said that he had already taken up this issue with the Government of India adding that he was hopeful of positive outcome on the issue He said that the time has come when both these countries should, as a part of their confidence building measures, remove these physical barriers thereby allowing the free flow of trade and commercial activity between both the countries.

            The Chief Minister said that with the inflow of trade and commerce a new era of prosperity and development would be ushered in the Indian Sub Continent in general and in both the eastern and western Punjab in particular. He said that ever since independence the people of border areas of both the countries have lagged behind during the pace of development as they have not got their due share in economic development. However Mr Badal said that if the borders are opened today the borders districts of both the countries would emerge as business hubs.

The Chief Minister said that with the opening of ICP at Wagah border the trade activity has already been set up in motion between the both countries but it would get the much needed fillip only if the Fazilka and Hussainiwala borders are also opened. Mr Badal said that apart from promoting economic activity the opening of these borders would also help in further strengthening the socio-cultural ties amongst the people of both the countries. He said that the opening of trade activity from these borders is of immense significance for us because it would open new avenues of trade for our farmers and traders.  

            Going down the memory lane the Chief Minister recalled his college days spent in Lahore and shared his vivid memories with the gathering. Mr Badal also said that even today he aspires to visit Pakistan for reviving his vibrant memories of college days adding that even today he was very fond of the delicious Pakistani food.

            In his emotional address the federal Minister of Pakistan Mr Mian Manjur Ahmed Watoo expressed gratitude of the Chief Minister for fulfilling his cherished desire of visiting his ancestral house in the village. Mr Watoo also advocated the opening of more trade routes within both the Punjabs so that people on the both the sides of borders could be benefited from it. He said that the matter was under the active consideration of the Pakistani government adding that decision on it is likely soon. Terming himself as 'messenger of love', the Pakistani federal Minister said that he would make all out efforts to ensure that trade between both the countries is boosted.

            Earlier Mr Badal also announced a grant of Rs 8 lakh for upgrading the infrastructure of Primary school where Pakistani Federal Minister had studied. Later on the Chief Minister along with Mr Watoo and his family members also paid visit to the ancestral home of the Pakistani Minister and the Primary Government School where he had studied.

Prominent amongst those present on the occasion included Cabinet Minister Mr Surjit Kumar Jiyani and Lok Sabha MP Mr Sher Singh Ghubaya.

Home greets eminent visitor from Pakistan

Pakistan federal minister Mian Manzoor Ahmad Wattoo on Wednesday was a visitor in his pre-Partition home. When he landed at this native village of his family in Fazilka district, Wattoo found chief minister Parkash Singh Badal present to greet him. Claiming to be the "messenger of love", Watoo 

agreed to work on the CM's suggestion for more trade between the hostile neigbhouring countries.

"I do advocate the opening of more trade routes between the two Punjabs so that people on each side of the border can benefit," said Wattoo at a ceremony in his honour. "The matter is under the active consideration of the Pakistani government, and an early decision is likely."

"India and Pakistan should consider opening the Fazilka and Hussainiwala (Ferozepur) borders for trade and traffic," said Badal. "It will herald a new era of economic development in the region and promote people-to-people contact in the subcontinent."

The opening of bilateral trade through the proposed points would help business in both the east and western Punjab, especially, said Badal. "Since Independence, the people on the border areas of both countries have lagged behind. If the borders were opened, these would emerge as business hubs."

The opening of the integrated check post (ICP) at the Attari-Wagah border has set the bilateral trade activity in motion, said Badal, adding that the fillip would come only if the Fazilka and Hussainiwala borders were also opened. "It will also strengthen the socio-cultural ties among Indians and Pakistanis and open new avenues for even farmers," he said.

The veteran politician recalled his college days in Lahore and shared these memories with the gathering.

CM declares Rs. 8 lakh for Wattoo's old school

The chief minister also announced a grant of Rs. 8 lakh for the upgrade of the infrastructure at the village primary school where Pakistani federal minister had studied. He along with Wattoo and his family also visited the ancestral home and old school of the Pakistani minister.

Pakistan minister for Kashmir affairs arrives in India, to visit his birthplace

Pakistan federal minister for Kashmir affairs Mian Manzoor Ahmad Wattoo along with his family  arrived in India through Wagah border on Wednesday morning. He is on a private tour and will visit his ancestral village and birthplace Muazzam near Fazilka.

Wattoo who has arrived here on invitation of the state government said, "Pakistan was committed to resolve the Kashmir issue and it is possible through dialogue, and understanding of what Kashmiris want since they are the main stakeholders in this issue." Stressing that Kashmir issue has pushed India and Pakistan too far from each other, Wattoo said that Pakistan was committed to resolve the Kashmir issue through dialogue and advise of Kashmiris.

When asked whether both the countries are stuck on this issue, Wattoo said, "Resolving Kashmir issue is our top priority and we are consistently working on that. I personally feel that the kind of atmosphere created now wherein dialogue is on, solution to this long pending issue is possible, he added."

He also appreciated the way both countries have initiated talks on key issues, especially the recent foreign ministers' meet in Islamabad. He denied commenting when questioned on Pakistani delegates in the past meeting the fundamentalists in Kashmir first, and then their Indian counterparts.

Earlier, getting emotional about his visit to India, Wattoo said, "My ancestors lived in Muazzam village near Fazilka and I was born there. I was a child when our family moved to Pakistan." It was always a desire to see the village again and I feel lucky that the day has come, he added.

When asked about his stay in India Wattoo said, "I will like to see the house where my family lived, the streets, meet people and spend some time in the village. You can understand how eager a person can be to see his birth place." My wife, two sons, daughter and son-in-law are accompanying me and they all are very keen to see the village, he said.

The minister will stay at village Badal for one night and then move towards New Delhi. The minister, on his arrival, was received by Ajnala MP Rattan Singh, cabinet minister Surjit Jayani, Amritsar deputy commissioner Rajat Aggarwal, BSF officials and others.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Realty check for lake campaign - Badha Lake Fazilka

A blow has come to the efforts of a Right To Information (RTI) activist to save the Badha lake of Fazilka. A division bench of the Punjab and Haryana high court on Wednesday dismissed a civil writ petition against a proposed residential colony on the site. The project belongs to the Punjab Urban Planning and Development Authority (PUDA).

RTI activist Navdeep Asija of Fazilka, who was behind the dismissed petition, will now move the Supreme Court of India. "Anything to save the lake," he said after the division bench comprising acting chief justice Jasbir Singh and justice Rakesh Jain dismissed the matter after many hearings.

Asija claims to still have the evidence that the lake existed at the site. In reply to his RTI petition, the state forest and wildlife preservation department had accepted that the site held more than 350 green trees and 40 saplings that required care. However, in the court it said it had nothing to do with the land and the case should be dismissed.

Asija also cites a reply from the Punjab state council for science and technology that says the Badha wetland is 30 hectares only, while it can regulate only a wetland bigger than 500 acres. "Nevertheless, the lake to be protected," said Asija.

The state government acquired the land under its "optimum use of vacant plots", overlooking that it was in an eco-sensitive zone. "In the high court, the Punjab state science and technology council accepted the expert report of Dr SS Ladhar and recommended every possible effort to save wetlands," said Asija.

PUDA had failed to seek project permission from the forest and wildlife department and pollution control board and the executive engineers concerned of the drainage, electricity, pubic works, and town and country planning departments.

In 1844, British administrator Patrick Vans Agnew chose the banks of the Badha lake as the site for Fazilka city. The wetland's biodiversity attracted him to build his first bungalow by its waters.

Till 1980s, the lake was Fazilka's main source of drinking water. Mankind's greed choked the natural flow of the Sutlej river that used to recharge the lake with fresh water every year. Revenue record submitted to the court during one of the hearings suggest that from 1977 to 1995, the lake was the fish-farming ground and panchayat made revenue from it.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Mystery shrouds cranes' deaths

Something mysterious is killing common cranes at their newfound habitat near Pakki Tibbi village of the Lambi constituency. Hundreds of the birds have already died this season, while dozens are falling prey daily.  Pakki Tibbi village was never known for its wildlife attractions but the problem of water logging provided favourable conditions to the common cranes to make colonies on kikar trees along the Abohar-Fazilka railways line adjacent to the village. "Young birds of the specie die every year when their attempts to fly fail, but deaths of mature cranes this season is new phenomenon. Now, the death rate has decreased, but around 40-50 cranes were dying daily till a few days back," said Amreek Singh, a villager.

Four common cranes died during an hour-long stay of the HT team at the colony of cranes on Sunday. Birds fell unconscious before dying. A few days back, forest range officer Jeeta Singh had collected some of the dead birds. However, no postmortem was conducted to find out the reason behind their deaths. On Saturday, some officials of wildlife department and doctors again collected dead cranes and a postmortem report has been promised in 24 hours.

It has been found that the villagers were not comfortable with the presence of a large number of birds near their village. "We have been facing problems of foul smell due to the large population of cranes for the last three years. It has become difficult to live here," said Amreek Singh.

"Reason of the deaths of the cranes will be known only once the postmortem report comes. Villagers say that most the young cranes die while taking their first flight from the top of the Kikar tree. But we are waiting for the postmortem report to know the exact reason," said Kulwant Singh, incharge wild life sanctuary, Abohar.

Locals are of the opinion that there was some problem in the food chain of the common cranes as there are paddy fields in the vicinity where pesticides are used in large scale. People also have a suspicion that some miscreants could have added poison in the pond near the birds' colony.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Illegal sand mining thrives in Satluj riverbed, sand dunes

Dinesh K Sharma, TNN | Sep 2, 2012, 02.26AM IST, Times of India
FEROZEPUR: Despite a ban on removing sand from riverbeds and small sand dunes, illegal mining of sand on the banks of Satluj in Ferozepur district and small sand dunes falling under Fazilka district has been going on a large scale.

This is in contravention of the directions of Punjab and Haryana high court, which had imposed a ban on mining of sand in the state from August 17, without getting environment clearance certificate from the concerned department.

Hundreds of tractor trolleys illegally excavate sand from the Satluj riverbed in the area daily. Though no company or individual has got permit for removing sand from riverbed, the practice continues unabated in the absence of strict monitoring, sources said.

In Fazilka, illegal mining of sand continues unabated in Ganjuana Hastya, Miani Bast, Salemshah and Kawwanwali villages and hundreds of trucks and tractor trolleys, carrying sand, can be seen plying daily, they said.

According to sources, a well-organized sand mafia has been indulging in this lucrative business. As the mafia enjoys political patronage, officials concerned refrain from taking action against them, they said.

The mafia members have even hired goons, offering them handsome amounts, to prevent anyone from trying to expose this illegal business, they added.

Residents of nearby villages said that mining of sand is common in the area. According to them, a few villagers had even lodged a complaint with the local administration in this regard, but no action has been taken so far.

When contacted, Gurcharan Singh, general manager of district industries department at Ferozepur, said that the department had registered over 15 cases for illegal sand mining, but the activity continues unchecked in the district. Interestingly, the environment department has not given clearance to anybody for removing sand from the total 57 sand dunes falling under the district, sources said.

Recently, the forest department had unearthed an illegal sand mining racket, which was going on in a clandestine manner in a protected forest (PF) area, close to the Indo-Pakistan border near Bareke village under Ferozepur. A case was also registered against three persons in this regard.

Ferozepur deputy commissioner S Karuna Raju said he had directed the SDM concerned and the district administration to stop illegal sand mining in the area and ensure that violators are not spared.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Maiden train starts on Ferozepur-Sriganagnagar route

Gaurav Sagar Bhaskar, Hindustan Times
Fulfilling the long-pending demand of area residents, MP Sher Singh Ghubaya on Saturday inaugurated the maiden train between Ferozepur and Sriganganagar at the local railway station. Locals welcomed the train at Fazilka and Abohar railway stations with much fanfare as it spread cheer among the area residents, who have been demanding a rail link between Ferozepur and Sriganganagar since Independence. The fare for over three-hour journey would cost less than the bus journey. While train journey from Ferozepur to Abohar will cost Rs. 41 and Rs. 50 for Sriganganagar, the bus travel costs Rs100 and Rs. 125 for two stations, respectively.

The daily train will start at 5.10 am from Ferozepur and return by 4.30 pm, revealed railway sources.

Earlier, as there was no rail link between Fazilka-Abohar, a Ferozepur-Sriganganagar train was not feasible. However, on July 13, the Fazilka-Abohar rail link was started, which made a Ferozepur-Sriganganagar train journey possible. Congress MLA Parminder Singh, Ferozepur DRM Naresh Chand, besides a battery of senior railway officials, were present on the occasion.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Good Harvest : Zamindara Farm Solutions’ pay-as-you-go model helps small farmers avoid a debt trap

"Explaining the economics to 40 farmers converts just five. They ask us what our political agenda is" —Vikram Ahuja , Founder, Zamindara Farm Solutions
Good Harvest
Zamindara Farm Solutions' pay-as-you-go model helps small farmers avoid a debt trap
Zamindara Farm Solutions
  • Started April 2005
  • Initial investment Rs 10 lakh
  • Working with Small farmers
  • Social impact Small farmers get access to modern farm machinery/implements at lower cost. They need not buy a costly tractor and spend rest of their life repaying loans.
Pakistanis reached until here during the 1965 war," says a local waving his arm around. "The border is just about 4 km away." This close to the India-Pakistan border in Punjab's Fazilka district, boundaries get fuzzy. Farmers cross into no-man's land to tend their fields, with passes issued by the Border Security Force, and tall tales of war and opium smuggling are dusted off for the entertainment of any newcomer. But soon enough, the conversation shifts to debt and farmer suicides.
Neighbouring districts like Sangrur and Bathinda may have grabbed the headlines but Fazilka is no stranger to farmer suicides either. But the state government and Centre don't recognise Punjab as a suicide-affected state and there is great disagreement over the number of deaths — the numbers quoted by various agencies range from 50,000 to 90,000 in the past 20 years. According to the National Sample Survey Organisation, 65% farmers in Punjab are in debt with an average per acre debt of Rs 18,000. Clearly, the country's bread basket is crumbling. And it's taking the small farmer with it.
For several years, Vikram Ahuja was a mute spectator to the crumbling. Born in a land-owning family of Fazilka, his family successfully ventured into selling tractors and farm equipment in the 1960s. Ahuja joined the family business after completing his education; 20 years later, he decided he could no longer just watch from the sidelines. "Small farmers are neck deep in debt; the size of holdings is not viable, yields are stagnant, water table is receding and labour costs are headed north," he lists.
Renting a tractor will cost Rs 1,200 a year per acre whereas owning it means spending about Rs 83,000 every year on interest alone
Ahuja may not be able to solve all that ails Punjab but he made a start by setting up Zamindara Farm Solutions in 2005. "If you want to fly to Mumbai, do you buy a plane? If you want to read a book, do you buy an entire library?" he asks. "That's the folly small farmers commit — buying the equivalent of an airplane." Zamindara (from the Punjabi word for land husbandry) is Ahuja's version of an implement bank, quite like a library. His workshops house 170 machines: tractors, harrows, JCBs (excavators), rotovators, seed sowers, harvesters, fodder choppers and many more. Farmers call to hire equipment for as long as they want, paying a daily rental. Where needed, operators and know-how is provided. It's convenient and cheaper than owning the machinery: for instance, a farmer may need a tractor for a week during sowing, which will cost him about Rs 14,000. That's less than half the cost of replacing a tractor's tyres (Rs 35,000). In fact, the average rice or wheat farmer needs a tractor for just six hours every year for each acre of land. Renting the machine would cost Rs 1,200 a year per acre whereas owning it means spending about Rs 83,000 every year on interest alone. So unless a farmer owns 70 acres of land, it doesn't make financial sense. The average land holding in Punjab, though, is just 1.75 hectares (4.3 acres).
Revolution baggage
Punjab's farmers are weighed down by the legacy of the Green Revolution. The high-yield grain introduced in the late 1960s came at a cost — it requires intensive use of irrigation, fertilisers and machines. Anu Nagpal, director, Zamindara, explains that just a tractor and its accessories costs Rs 6.5 lakh. But, "Farmers like to own a tractor — even if they die of the debt — because they think a farmer isn't a farmer without one," says Kulvinder Grewal, a farmer with 18 acres of land. But he concedes that maintenance is costly. "I prefer Zamindara's services. God knows how the others manage."
The company organises meetings at gurudwaras and distributes pamphlets — even the logos on the machines have been replaced with Zamindara's to build brand visibility. But convincing farmers remains a challenge. "Explaining the economics to 40 farmers converts just five," laughs Ahuja. "They ask us what our political agenda is." In the past seven years, 6,000 farmers in a 300 km radius around Fazilka — including Ferozpur, Mukstar and Sangrur in Punjab and Sriganganagar and Hanumangarh in Rajasthan — have availed of this service. There are implement lenders in the unorganised sector but few offer the expertise that Zamindara does. Which is why Ahuja's Rs 10-lakh investment has grown to a Rs 6-crore business.
Tweaking the model
Ahuja started Zamindara with a simple business model. The company would borrow from banks to buy machines. The hourly rent was arrived at by taking the 13-14% bank borrowing cost, and adding depreciation, operating expenses and margin of 5-6%. "This way, an implement breaks even in three years," says Ahuja. There were several hurdles: borrowers used the machines roughly, switched new tyres with old…. The company introduced a better checking system, but the biggest change came from engaging farmers as partners. In 20 villages, Zamindara brought on farmers as co-owners of machines — they invest Rs 30,000 and get a cut from the rent received. More importantly, they ensure the machines are in good repair and the local partner becomes a hub for nearby villages.
At Taliwala village, 23-year-old Parminder is one such entrepreneur. He joined Zamindara after having been a customer for a few years. He's impressed by the economics of renting. "If you have 4 acres and spend Rs 9 lakh on machines, you will end up in a debt trap," Parminder says. He hires out tractors and keeps 10% of the rent as his cut. "We need thousands of Parminders to solve India's agrarian problems," says Ahuja. Meanwhile, a start has been made.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

In this village, cancer is a way of life

DanGarkhera Disease claims 11 lives, 30 more diagnosed

Cancer patients — that is what Dangarkhera in Balluana constituency of district Fazilka is infamous for. In the last two years, 11 patients have died in this village because of cancer, while more than 30 others are suffering from the disease.

No specific reasons have yet been identified for the large number of cancer cases in the village and there are not even any properly detailed health records of the patients, despite the Health Department having organised a health camp twice there in 2010. The village cultivates cotton and paddy in rotation through the year, and uses pesticide sprays on its crops, though villagers admit to have reduced their use in recent years.

With time, the villagers themselves have learnt to detect and act on early warning signs of the disease. Bihari Lal, whose wife Tarawanti is suffering from breast cancer, says, "We have minimised the spray in the fields and we even take special care in the rearing of cattle. I have got an inverter installed for my wife because after radiotherapy, she cannot bear the heat, and power cuts are common these days. Though an RO system has been installed in the village recently, we are going to install our individual RO system at home. We do not want to take any more chances now."

Tarawanti tells the tale of villagers like her. "I was diagnosed with breast cancer about 3 years ago when around 7 other women had also been diagnosed, and we all got our treatment done from Jaipur Hospital. All of them have passed away and only I am alive. No one knows what has brought so many cancer patients to our village," she says.

The RO was installed in this village only a few months back, when the water samples in our village were found unfit for drinking. Before that, the villagers drank water from the canal or made their own arrangements. Recently, a pond renovation project was also started, after many demands by the village panchayat. The filthy village pond is being cleaned with NREGA funds after more than two decades.

Parmeshwar Devi, another breast cancer patient, says, "Who knows what is the reason for the cancer cases? So whatever is being done, is for the best. The drains still need to be strengthened so as to make the village cleaner."

Parmeshw'r Devi's father-in-law had also died of cancer few years back. Another villager, Shanti Devi, was left with no means of livelihood after her husband Krishan Lal died of throat cancer last year. 'rishan's mother was also a breast cancer patient and had died two years ago. "I have five daughters and two sons and now only my sons are studying in government schools and my teenage girls are working in the fields as labourers to earn money."

Roshani Devi and Chandravali - two other breast cancer patients - also died about a month ago, while a third, Vidhya Chand, is suffering from breast cancer. The patients in the village who are still alive have learnt extra caution with regard to cleanliness and drinking water. Dewan Chand, Vidhya's husband, says, "We are far more aware now, but still no one knows the root cause."

Registering cases: Pvt labs not cooperating

The cancer registry programme has been badly hit in Punjab due to lack of cooperation by diagnostic centres, private labs and hospitals, as they are not sending data to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), sources said on Friday adding that information was being held by private institutes for their own vested interests.

Manjeet Singh Bal, Principal Investigator of Population Based Cancer Registries of Punjab, confirmed that ICMR had received 40 per cent of information of cancer patients.

He said many private institutions in remote areas of Amritsar, Gurdaspur, Hoshiarpur, Ferozepur, Patiala were not cooperating and there was a need to create more awareness about the programme.

"Data gained after the state government initiated steps to facilitate a Cancer Atlas, is throwing up new patterns of cancer among people," he added.

"So far, the department of pathology, Government Medical College, Patiala has registered 3,900 cancer patients in the past three years," he said.

Meanwhile, ICMR has written to Punjab to mobilise private diagnostic labs, hospitals to report details of cancer patients.

The project officer of National Cancer Registry Programme of ICMR, Bangalore, A Nandakumar has urged Punjab to call a meeting of health officials who have been regulating private diagnostic labs and hospitals in the state.

The Punjab government had issued a notification in October which made it mandatory for all public and private hospitals and labs to report online details of cancer patient within a week of diagnosis or suspicion.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Job fair at Fazilka, 750 get offers

After having passed his Class XII in 2010 and unable to pursue further studies due to his family's financial condition, Fazilka resident Sambhav Mittal had been idle at home for nearly two years. All that, however, is set to change as Sambhav is now spoilt for choice after receiving job offers from various companies at the first-ever Fazilka job fair on Monday. The companies have offered him a salary in the range of Rs 5,000- 7,500 a month.

Mittal was among 750 applicants, who received offers at the job fair, organised by Fazilka MLA and Forest Minister Surjit Kumar Jayani.

Around 1,340 people had turned out for the fair, of whom, 1,100 were shortlisted. Of these 750 received jobs including 90 women. The applicants possessed education qualifications ranging from Class VIII onwards to MBAs and engineers.

"The majority of the youngsters recruited by the companies are the skilled workforce who will work as fitters, electricians, welders, foreman, while a few with MBA degrees have got jobs in the human resource and finance departments," said Kashmir Singh of the state labour department. Around 30 companies from Punjab (a majority from Ludhiana) had turned up at the fair.

Company representatives stated that they were in dire need of skilled workers and hence were more than happy with the response. They added that Class VIII and Class X pass applicants, who received jobs, will be trained by the industries.

"It is a welcome step that Punjabis are coming forward to work as we were dependent on unskilled workforce from UP and Bihar," a company representative said. Meanwhile, Forest Minister Surjit Kumar Jayani promised another job fair for professionals after three months.