Monday, December 18, 2017

Sonu Sood honoured with Punjab Ratan award

Governor of Punjab, V P Singh Badnore, honoured the actor at an event at Fazilka in Punjab.

Dec 18, 2017 || Press Trust of India, Mumbai || Hindustan Times
Actor Sonu Sood was honoured with Punjab Ratan award for his contribution to the welfare of people of Punjab

Actor Sonu Sood has received the Punjab Ratan award for his contribution to the welfare of people of Punjab, specially his hometown, Moga.

Governor of Punjab, V P Singh Badnore, honoured the actor at an event at Fazilka in Punjab.

During the ceremony, the 44-year-old actor also paid homage to the soldiers who fought the 1971 Indo-Pak war.

"I feel really honoured to get Punjab Ratan award from the governor of Punjab and that too at a venue which was full of the families of the martyrs in the 1971 war and several Majors, Colonels and soldiers who fought that war were also present," he said.

"It was a great honour. I can relate to it more because I just finished for one schedule of J P Dutta's 'Paltan' where I'm playing a Major and was in the uniform for two months. Meeting those families and people, who sacrificed their lives for their nation, was a huge honour. I feel blessed. It was all possible because of the blessings of my parents," Sonu said in a statement.

Monday, December 4, 2017

225 सैनिकों ने शहादत देकर बचाया था फाजिल्का सेक्टर : आज श्रद्धांजलि पर विशेष

25 सैनिकों ने शहादत देकर बचाया था फाजिल्का सेक्टर || आज श्रद्धांजलि पर विशेष 

शहीद मेजर नारायण सिंह को पाक सेना ने भी सलामी दी थी

3 दिसंबर 1971 में पाक सेना को रोकने के लिए भारतीय सेना ने उड़ाया था गांव बेरीवाला का पुल

संजीव झांब | फाजिल्का

3दिसंबर 1971 फाजिल्का सेक्टर में अंतरराष्ट्रीय सीमा पर बसे गांवों के लिए कभी भूलने वाला दिन है। 1971 के भारत-पाक युद्ध का सर्वाधिक भीष्म युद्ध इसी सेक्टर में हुआ था। 3 दिसंबर की शाम पाकिस्तानी गोले फाजिल्का के सीमावर्ती गांवों में ताबड़तोड़ बरस रहे थे। लोग पहले ही पलायन कर चुके थे। पाकिस्तानी सेना टैंकों के साथ लगातार आगे बढ़ रही थी। 3 अासाम रेजीमेंट, 15 राजपूत और 67 इनफेंट्री ब्रिगेड के जवानों ने इनका बहादुरी से मुकाबला किया। सेना ने 4 जाट रेजीमेंट के जवानों को भी युद्ध क्षेत्र में उतार दिया। बढ़ रही पाक सेना को रोकने के लिए भारतीय सेना ने गांव बेरीवाला के पुल को उड़ा दिया। दोनों तरफ लगातार गोले बरस रहे थे। भारतीय सेना का नेतृत्व मेजर नारायण सिंह कर रहे थे और पाक सेना का मेजर शब्बीर शरीफ। मेजर नारायण िसंह ने 8 पाक सैनिकों को मौत के घाट उतारा। युद्ध में मेजर नारायण िसंह समेत सेना के लगभग 225 जवान शहीद हुए। 450 के करीब जख्मी।
1970 के युद्ध में पाक सेना को रोकने के लिए गांव बेरीवाला की ड्रेन पर बना यही पुल सेना ने उड़ाया था। तब से अब तक गांव के लोग इसकी मुरम्मत करा इस्तेमाल कर रहे हैं। बता दें, बॉर्डर एरिया में ड्रेन पर बने पुल पक्के नहीं बनाए जा सकते। लकड़ी से ही बनाया जाता है ताकि किसी खतरे में इसे आसानी से उड़ाया जा सके। ऊपर फोटो में शरमाना टैंक, जिसे पाक सेना से छीना गया था।
भारतीय सेना की तरफ से मेजर नारायण सिंह को मरणोपरांत वीरचक्र से सम्मानित किया गया। युद्ध विराम के बाद जब पाकिस्तान की तरफ से शहीद सैनिकों के शव भारतीय सेना को सौंपे गए तो तब पाक सेना के अधिकारियों ने मेजर नारायण सिंह को उनकी बहादुरी के लिए सलामी दी थी। शहीद सैनिकों का सामूहिक अंतिम संस्कार गांव आसफवाला में 90 फीट लंबी तथा 55 फुट चौड़ी चिता बनाकर किया गया था। शहीदों के बलिदान से प्रभावित फाजिल्का के लोगों ने उनकी याद में एक स्मारक का निर्माण किया। हर साल यहां शहीद जवानों को श्रद्धांजलि दी जाती है।
मेजर नारायण िसंह ने 8 पाक सैनिकों को मौत के घाट उतारा था

Dainik Bhaskar, Page 2, Ludhiana Edition, 3rd December 2017

सरकारी व निजी इमारतों का सुंदरता को दाग लगा रहे पोस्टर

पर नगर कौंसिल अवैध पोस्टरों के खिलाफ नहीं कर रहा कार्रवाई

अमृत सचदेवा' : फाजिल्का शहर में सार्वजनिक जगहों पर पोस्टर चिपकाने पर लगने वाला पब्लिसिटी टैक्स का ठेका चढ़ा होने के बावजूद ठेका उठाने वाले ठेकेदार द्वारा केवल अपनी कमाई पर ध्यान दिलाया जा रहा है, जबकि शहर की सुंदरता बिगाड़ने वाले पोस्टरों पर कोई कार्रवाई नहीं की जा रही। जबकि फ्लैक्स से ज्यादा शहर की सुंदरता के लिए खतरनाक पोस्टर हैं, जिन्हें धड़ल्ले से सरकारी इमारतों, सार्वजनिक जगहों व निजी संपत्तियों पर चिपकाकर शहर को बदसूरत बनाया जा रहा है।1बता दें कि फाजिल्का नगर कौंसिल से शहर में इश्तिहारबाजी का ठेका ब¨ठडा की किसी फर्म ने ले रखा है। इस फर्म से नगर कौंसिल को सालाना करीब आठ लाख रुपये की कमाई हो रही है। ठेकेदार नगर कौंसिल को ठेका राशि देकर अपनी कमाई तो कर रहा है, मगर शहर की सूरत को बिगाड़ रहा है, क्योंकि वह सरकारी, निजी व सार्वजनिक संपत्तियों पर पोस्टरों को चिपका रहा है। ऐसा करने वालों के खिलाफ कोई कार्रवाई नहीं की जा रही है।1पोस्टरों से पटे चौक : नगर कौंसिल ने ठेका राशि से कमाई कर ली और ठेकेदार बड़े-बड़े फ्लैक्स विज्ञापनों या नगर कौंसिल द्वारा चिन्हित दर्जनों जगहों पर लगाए गए यूनिपोल के जरिये होने वाली पब्लिसिटी से कमाई कर रहा है लेकिन बड़ी कमाई के बीच न तो नगर कौंसिल और न ही ठेकेदार शहर की सार्वजनिक जगहों, सरकारी इमारतों, खंभों, बेरीकेडस व निजी इमारतों पर चिपकाए जा रहे पोस्टरों की अनदेखी कर रहे हैं। फाजिल्का के घंटाघर चौक, शास्त्री चौक, मेहरियां बाजार, बिजली घर व अन्य तमाम जगहों पर लोगों ने अपने समारोहों, विभिन्न आयोजनों, अपने प्रतिष्ठानों के प्रचार के लिए पोस्टर चिपका रखे हैं। सबसे ज्यादा पोस्टर धार्मिक संगठनों के चिपकाए गए हैं, जो धर्म के नाम पर ठेकेदार व नगर कौंसिल को अपने द्वारा लगाए जाने वाले फ्लैक्स बोर्ड की बनती फीस देने में आनाकानी करते हैं, बल्कि फ्लैक्स बोर्ड में मिली छूट का फायदा अपने आयोजनों के पोस्टर जगह-जगह चिपकाकर शहर का हुलिया बिगाड़ते हैं।1फाजिल्का के घंटाघर परिसर पर अवैध रूप से चिपकाया गया वोटर जागरुकता का पोस्टर (दाएं) फाजिल्का के घंटाघर बाजार में पावरकॉम के मीटर बॉक्स पर चिपके अवैध पोस्टर' जागरणफाजिल्का के सर्राफा बाजार में नगर कौंसिल के कार फ्री जोन की बेरीकेडिंग पर चिपगाए गए धार्मिक समारोह के पोस्टर, जिसके पीछे नगर कौंसिल के बेरिकेडिंग पर लिखा संदेश भी छिप गया है।सरकारी संगठन भी नहीं हैं पोस्टरबाजी में पीछे1कोई कमर्शियल संस्थान या फिर एनजीओ अपने पोस्टर तो शहर में नगर कौंसिल की मंजूरी के बिना लगाती ही हैं। साथ ही प्रशासनिक कार्यक्रमों व विभिन्न योजनाओं के पोस्टर भी सार्वजनिक जगहों पर चिपकाकर शहर की सुंदरता बिगाड़ने में पीछे नहीं हैं। इन दिनों वोटर जागरुकता के पोस्टर भी जगह-जगह सरकारी व निजी इमारतों पर चिपके देखे जा सकते हैं। इस बारे में नगर कौंसिल के सुपरिंटेंडेंट राजेश कुमार से बात की गई तो उन्होंने कहा कि पोस्टर हटाने का जिम्मा ठेकेदार का है। ठेकेदार अवैध पोस्टरों के खिलाफ कार्रवाई नहीं करता तो कौंसिल उससे जवाब तलब करेगी।

Monday, September 25, 2017

Camel Safari expedition reaches Fazilka covering 1052 KMs distance

Fazilka, September 23, 2017:  Camel Safari expedition by 20 brave women  squad of Border Security Force and Air Force, on International Balika Divas via Hindu Mal Kot, was given a warm welcome on entry the Punjab territory, after covering 1052 KMs, to make people aware about gender discrimination and Beti Bachao beti Padhai Abhiyan.

Among those who welcomed the Camal Safari on the international border were Commandant Murari Parshad Singh, Assistant Commandant Narender Singh Bhati and Deputy Commandant, J.R,Choudhary besides Sarpanch Mahender Singh Bhobhria along with number of prominent persons of border village Roopnagar were present.

It may be mentioned that the concept of joint Camal Safari by BSF and Air Force was given by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to give a message of 'Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao' in the border villages.

Today, the Camal Safari entered the Punjab after covering 443 KMs in Gujarat  and 609 KMs in Rajasthan along with Pakistan border.  They will cover another 316 KMs distance to reach on Gandhi Jayanti at Attari border.

Welcoming the Camel Safari, Commandant Murari Parshad Singh said, the mission of expedition will be successful, if 5 to 10 percent of daughters of villages are motivated.

He said, BSF is already working various social events in the border villages to put them wiser about the pluses and minuses of illiteracy, superstitions besides touching the issues of Swachh Bharat and Beti Bachao and Beti Padhao and have high expectations on reaching of Camel Safari in border village Bekanwala.

Monday, September 18, 2017

TAPI remains of high regional importance

By Kamila Aliyeva

The energy-rich Turkmenistan is eager to successfully deliver the multi-billion dollars Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline project, which has been in the making for nearly three decades.

The pipe will link the regions of Central Asia and South Asia and transport up to 33 bcm of natural gas. Turkmen gas will help cover the growing need for blue fuel in India and Pakistan, where by 2030, the needs could jump up by half. The pipe will also reduce the constant shortage of energy resources in transit Afghanistan.

The construction of the Turkmen section of the TAPI was launched in December 2015. The total length of the pipeline is 1,814 kilometers, including 214 kilometers - on the territory of Turkmenistan, 774 kilometers - Afghanistan, 826 kilometers of Pakistan to the settlement of Fazilka on the border with India.

The trans-regional energy project expected to be inaugurated in 2019 is being hailed as a major initiative for bringing peace and enhancing connectivity in the region.

The construction pace and importance of TAPI was mulled at latest meeting between Afghan President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani and his Turkmen counterpart Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on September 17.

Ghani stated that the large-scale projects such as the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India initiated by Ashgabat will be an invaluable contribution to the peaceful settlement of the situation in Afghanistan and the sustainable social and economic development of the entire Central Asian region.

Turkmenistan, a de-facto leader of the project, will hold an international tender for the purchase of pipes and other equipment necessary for the TAPI pipeline construction in September 2017.

Preparations are also being made for the projects of the gas compressor station and other associated facilities that will be built on the pipeline route.

Currently, the Turkmen section of the gas pipeline is being laid in line with the schedule. The pipeline will run from Galkynysh – the largest gas field in Turkmenistan – through the Afghan cities of Herat and Kandahar, and finally reach the Fazilka settlement located near the India-Pakistan border.

Time frame for the Afghan and Pakistani sections of the pipeline construction has not yet been determined.

Nevertheless, the TAPI Pipeline Company Limited consortium developing the project has signed a contract with German ILF Beratende Ingenieure GmbH for the provision of services for the preliminary design and management of the project in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The technical work in the territory of these states has already started.

Why TAPI is of high regional importance?

Turkmenistan is a landlocked country with huge gas reserves. The three main export routes include Central Asia – Center Pipeline (CAS) to Russia, Central Asia – China pipeline (CACP) and two routes to Iran which are Korpedzhe-Kurt Kui (KKK) and Dauletabad-Sarakhs-Khangiran pipelines.

Turkmenistan lost Russia as a customer a year ago, and has since provided gas only to China and Iran. The country's relations with Iran were also seriously damaged by the gas dispute over Iran's debts. China remains Turkmenistan's biggest consumer.

However, Turkmenistan doesn't want to be solely reliant on a single customer. Therefore, the Central Asian country began to look for alternative consumers in the European and Asian markets.

The TAPI will make it possible to deliver gas from Turkmenistan, which ranks fourth in the world for its gas reserves, to large and energy starved markets of South and Southeast Asia.

The pipeline also has the potential to contribute to reconciliation in Afghanistan, by creating economic opportunity for the Afghan people. It could create jobs in the war-torn country.

The project also could help to improve relations between India and Pakistan reducing chances of conflict between these two nuclear powers.

From India's perspective, TAPI project will provide an alternative supply source of gas with dependable reserves leading to enhanced energy security. It will further diversify the fuel basket to the benefit of Indian economy as it would be used mainly in power, fertilizer and city gas sectors.

The main pitfalls for project's implementation

One of the main problems for the project's implementation lies in security issue as the pipeline is to pass through the territory of Afghanistan. Moreover, any downturn in India-Pakistan relation, while there is no guarantee that this would never happen, can negatively affect TAPI project.

Another problem which stems from the previous two is the financing issue. Though Asian Development Bank is assisting the project but funding from other sources is required which is difficult because international investors are doubtful about the project's success.

Over the past 22 years since the project was first approved by the four nations with the support of international companies, many important regional developments, which should be taken into account when talking about TAPI's implementation, have taken place, a senior oil and gas analyst at Vienna Energy Research Group Dr. Fereydoun Barkeshli said.

He told Azernews that pipelines diplomacy works well only through long-term security and stable regional territories. Therefore, it is important to resolve the issues of geopolitical threats in Afghanistan and Pakistan and then between the two adversaries namely India and Pakistan in order to successfully implement the project.

Barkeshli also noticed that during the last two decades, LNG has found to be less costly and time-consuming compared to building pipelines.

Currently, Pakistan and India are heavily investing in their LNG import infrastructure, thus their enthusiasm to complete TAPI soon is getting diminished. However, once LNG prices increase the TAPI project will regain its competitiveness and actuality, experts say.

This ambitious project has come a long way since it was first proposed in 1993, but it still has a long way to go.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

National Highway Toll : "Commercial Vehicles for Toll Plazas in Registered District to be Charged at 50% user fee"

"Commercial Vehicles for Toll Plazas in Registered District to be Charged at 50% user fee"
जिन व्यक्तियों का अपना कमर्शियल व्हीकल (नैशनल परमिट की गाड़ियों को छोड़ कर), उसी जिले में रजिस्टर्ड है, जिस जिले में नेशनल हाईवे का टोल पड़ता है, राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग फीस (दरों का निर्धारण और संग्रहण) नियमावली 2008 , की धारा 9 , के  उप नियम 3A, के तहत उनको निर्धारित टोल फीस का 50% ही देना है | यानी अगर आपकी बस स्टेट परमिट के अधीन लुधिआना ज़िले में रजिस्टर्ड हैं तो , नेशनल हाईवे पर लुधिअना ज़िले में जितने भी टोल आते है वहां पर आपको टोल का मात्र 50% फीस ही देनी है | यह नियम 12  January 2011 के बाद के सभी टोल कॉन्ट्रैक्ट पर लागू होगा | पंजाब में नैशनल हाईवे के ऊपर 10 टोल प्लाज़ा हैं | एग्रीमेंट और टोल प्लाजा ने फीस किस दिन से शुरू की की पूरी जानकारी आप इस टोल प्लाजा की वेबसाइट ( से देख सकते है, NHAI  ने हर टोल प्लाज़ा को एक यूनिक ID दिया हुआ है 

Cricketer Kapil Dev and Fazilka

#ILoveFazilka #1947PartitionStories
After Partition in 1947, Mr. Ram Lal Nikhanj,
father of famous Indian cricketer Kapil Dev, came from Rawalpindi and settled here in Fazilka. He was a Timber trader, later in 1956, he along with his family finally moved to Chandigarh.

A clip from the recent Interview of Kapil Dev Ji, where he narrated the saga of partition

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Hundreds of needy persons benefitted from wall of kindness in Fazilka

FAZILKA: The initiative of neki ki deewar(wall of kindness) is proving beneficial for the needy persons of the border district. A total of 3352 persons have been benefited from the wall in nearly 9 months. Fazilka deputy commissioner Isha Kalia had started the wall of kindnessnear the Shastri Chowk on December 15, 2016 with assistance from District Red Cross Society.

Deputy Commissioner Isha Kalia said that "the purpose behind starting "neki di diwar" is to provide necessary clothes for the poor and needy. The goods which were not used by the people were either thrown or burnt in the garbage but the district administration urged the people to handover these goods for needy persons as it is best to get rid of their household waste. Now general public is coming forward to handover their old clothes and other things which are now being used by the poor and needy persons". She said that by reaching the virtue of the noble wall of the city, many residents of the district have given their old clothes or other things which are further provided to the needy.

She said that whenever people have any extra things, they can send it to the "neki di diwar" and urged the needy people to take these things without hesitation if they need any clothes.

Secretary, Red Cross Society, Subhas Arora, informed that a women employee has been appointed by the Red Cross society to run the wall of virtue. On any working day from 9 AM to 5 PM, residents can deposit their spare clothes and other unutilized things here and the needy people can get the same as per their requirement.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

8 teachers to get national award - Lavjeet Grewal, Fazilka

Tribune News Service
Faridkot, September 1

Eight teachers of government schools in Punjab have been selected for the National Award to Teachers, 2017.

Four of these teachers are from government primary schools and the rest from senior secondary schools in the state. Teachers of government primary schools are Gurjant Singh of Punnawali village (Sangrur), Lavjeet Singh of Dona Nanka (Fazilka), Jaswant Singh of Rajgarh Pakhowal (Ludhiana) and Manmohan Singh of Bhatton (Ropar). In Government Senior Secondary Schools category, the teachers selected are Gopal Krishan of Pakhi Kalan (Faridkot), Sukhdarshan Singh of Kalyan (Patiala), Jatinder Pal Singh of Mahna Singh Road (Amritsar) and Paramjit Singh Kalsi of Aliwal (Gurdaspur).

The awards are given by the President on September 5 to give recognition to meritorious teachers in primary, middle and secondary schools.

Friday, September 1, 2017

90 साल फाजिल्का के सिनेमा का सफर - A 90 Years Journey of Fazilka Cinema

फाजिल्का सिनेमा के सुनहरे इतिहास में आज जुड़ेगा नया अध्याय 
1st September 2017

फाजिल्का के सिनेमा का इतिहास भी देश के सिनेमा के साथ साथ आगे बढ़ा है। डॉक्टर भूपिंदर सिंह बताते है की सन 1921 में जब सुलेमनकी हैड सतलुज दरिया पर बन रहा था तो चलता फिरता सिनेमा फाजिल्का में आना शुरू हो गया था। पाकिस्तान की तरफ से चाननवाला गांव तक लोग पैदल या बैल गाडिय़ों पर बैठ कर आते थे और वहां से ब्रॉड गॉज ट्रेन पकड़ कर सिनेमा देखने फाजिल्का आते थे। 1931 में भारत की पहली बोलती फिल्म 'आलम आरा' आयी और यह चलते सिनेमा का प्रचलन और बढ़ा। बिजली न होने के कारण यह सिनेमा रात को खुले में जनरेटर चला कर फिल्म दिखाया करते थे। डॉ भूपिंदर बताते है की, फाजिल्का के जगन नाथ ग्रोवर ने 'रीगल टॉकीज' के नाम से शुरू किया गया था जो काफी देर तक चला। जहां पुराना राधा स्वामी सत्संग घर होता था, और गौशला के पीछे खाली मैदान में फिल्में दिखाई जाती थी। टिकट का रेट पांच आना, दस आना होता था और प्रतिस्पर्धा इतनी थी की एक टिकट पर तीन फिल्में दिखाई जाती थी। चलते फिरते सिनेमा का दौर राजा सिनेमा के बनने के बाद भी रहा, वह बताते है की उन्होंने एक टिकट लेकर दिलीप कुमार की 'जुगनू', 'मदारी' और 'थीफ आफ बगदाद' फिल्मे चलते सिनेमा में देखी। विजय टॉकी भी इस दौर में काफी मशहूर था। यह कहना गलत नहीं होगा की रीगल और विजय टाल्कीस फाजिल्का के पहले सिनेमा थे जो करीब राजा सिनेमा के बनने से 30 साल पहले से प्रचलित थे ।
आजादी के बाद की बात की जाये तो पहला सिनेमा फाजिल्का में जो आया वह 'सावनसुक्खा' परिवार की बदौलत 'राजा सिनेमा' के रूप में आया। 24 जुलाई 1953 में इसकी शुरुआत फिल्म 'अनारकली' की स्क्रीनिंग से हुई। जो फिल्म देखने आता था उसे लड्डू दिये जाते थे। प्रदीप कुमार, बीना रॉय, नूर जहां जैसे सितारों से जगमगाती फिल्म ने कामयाबी के सारे रिकॉर्ड तोड़ दिये। इस फिल्म के गीत 'यह जिंदगी उसी के है, जो इसी का हो गया' ने हिंदी संगीत को नयी कामयाबी की और पहुंचाया, उस समय के कुछ फाजिल्का वासी अपनी यादें तजा करते हुए बताते है , की अक्सर वह टिकट लेकर राजा सिनेमा में सिर्फ गाने के समय सिनेमा जाते थे। 1954 की बात है जब वैजयन्ती माला की 'नागिन' फिल्म राजा सिनेमा में लगी तो बीन की आवाज सुन कर असली सांप हाल के अंदर आ गया था । 1971 की भारत-पाक की जंग हुई तो जो पाकिस्तानी सिपाही पकड़े, उन्होंने माना (आर्मी के रिकॉर्ड में दर्ज है के अनुसार) जब जंग का ऐलान हुआ तब वह चोरी छिपे बॉर्डर पार करके राजा सिनेमा में फिल्म देखने आये थे ।
सिनेमा के 60 व 70 के दशक में सिनेमा का प्रचलन बहुत तेजी से बढ़ा। 1971 की भारत पाकिस्तान जंग के बाद फाजिल्का ने फिर से तरक्की की राह पकड़ी। फाजिल्का की आबादी के लिहाज से और सिनेमा की जरूरत महसूस हुई, फिर फाजिल्का के जमींदार सेठ राजा राम नागपाल ने अपने इकलौते बेटे के नाम पर 'संजीव सिनेमा' खोला। इसमें पहली फिल्म अमिताभ बच्चन, विनोद खन्ना, ऋषि कपूर की भारी भरकम स्टारकास्ट वाली मनमोहन देसाई द्वारा निर्देशित फिल्म 'अमर अकबर एंथोनी' से सिनेमा की शुरुआत 23  दिसंबर 1977 को हुई। अब फाजिल्का में दो सिनेमा हो गए थे, और लोगो ने राजा और संजीव सिनेमा को पुराना सिनेमा और नया सिनेमा के नए नाम भी दे दिए। 80 के दशक तक पाकिस्तान में बनी फिल्में भी फाजिल्का में लगती थी, मुझे याद है जब 1956 में बनी पाकिस्तान की ब्लैक एंड वाइट फिल्म 'दुल्ला भट्टी', 18 साल बाद 1983 में  राजा सिनेमा में लगी थी, उसका एक गीत  मुनावर सुल्ताना का गया हुआ 'वास्ता इी रब्ब दा तू जाई वे कबूतरा, चि_ी मेरे ढोल नूं पहुंचाई वे कबूतरा' आज भी बहुत मशहूर है। इस गीत को सुनने के लिए मुझे मेरे पिता जी स्पेशल गीत के समय राजा सिनेमा में लेकर गए। तब मेरी उम्र करीब छह साल थी। 1957 में आई पंजाबी पाकिस्तानी फिल्म 'यकके वाली' ने भी राजा सिनेमा में धूम मचा दी थी । मनोरंजन का साधन सिनेमा ही रहे, और साल में दो-तीन बार स्कूलों से भी बच्चो को फिल्म दिखाने लेकर जाते थे, जो प्रचलन अब शायद बंद या कम हो गया है ।
सिनेमा देखना ही नहीं बल्कि फाजिल्का की प्रतिभाओं ने सिनेमा का निर्माण भी किया। इससे भी बढक़र फिल्म में अभिनय कर भी योगदान दिया। सिनेमा में योगदान की बात की जाये तो मुख्य तौर पर दो लोगों का नाम सामने आता है, 1949 में फाजिल्का की बेटी पदमश्री पुष्प हंस की पहली फिल्म 'अपना देश' आई जिसका निर्देशन उस समय के जाने मानेे निर्देशक वी शांताराम ने किया। इससे पहले उन्होंने 1948 में पंजाबी की हिट फिल्म 'चमन' में 'चन्न किथा गुजारी ए रात वे', गाकर अपनी आवाज का लोहा मनवाया। यह वह दौर था जब शायद लड़कियों को घर से निकलने भी नहीं दिया जाता था पर, फाजिल्का क बेटियां अभिनय और गायकी में अपना सिक्का दुनिया में जमा रही थी ।
इसके बाद 1974 में फाजिल्का के मशहूर उर्दू शायर कुँवर मोहिंदर सिंह बेदी, ने पंजाबी फिल्म 'मन जीते जग जीत' को बतौर निर्माता बनाया । सुनील दत्त की मुख्या भूमिका में यह फिल्म सुपर हिट रही ।
टीवी कुछ एक घरो में था तब, तो फाजिल्का के लोगो को दुनिया को देखने और मायावी नगरी की बातें बॉर्डर तक पहुंचने का सिनेमा ही एक मात्र जरिया रहे। लेकिन 80 के दशक में जब टेलीविजन पर लाइसेंस सिस्टम खतम किया गया और उसके बाद प्रधान मंत्री राजीव गांधी के कार्यकाल में, टेलीविजन घर घर हो गया, उसके बाद वी.सी. आर का दौर आया और 90 तक टीवी ने फाजिल्का में अपनी पकड़ बना ली। फाजिल्का के सिनेमा ने यह सारे दौर देखे 90 और सन 2000 के दशक में सिनेमा को नयी टेक्नोलॉजी की खूब मार पड़ी, जो सिनेमा दर्शको से खचाखच भरे रहते थे वहां से भीड़ नदारद हो गई। एंटरटेनमेंट टैक्स की मार ने सिंगल स्क्रीन सिनेमा की कमर तोड़ दी। लेकिन फाजिल्का के सिनेमा ने अपना वर्चस्व नहीं खोया और अपनी होंद की लड़ाई लड़ता रहा।
पुरानी सदी का अंत और नयी सदी सिनेमा के लिए खुशखबरी लेकर आई, ऑनलाइन टिकट, यूएफओ टेक्नोलॉजी , डिजिटल डॉल्बी के दौर ने डिजिटल सिनेमा की और रुख किया,  सरकार ने  लगने वाले टैक्स कम करके सिनेमा को अपने पैरों पर फिर खड़ा होने का मौका दिया। भीड़ वापिस सिनेमा की तरफ आनी शुरू हुई तब 1994 में हिंदी सिनेमा की दो फिल्म 'दिलवाले दुल्हनियां ले  जायेंगे' और 'हम आपके है कौन' ने सफलता के नए आयाम स्थापित किये। फाजिल्का में यह दोनों फिल्में 7  से 10 हफ्ते से अधिक चली और कई रिकॉर्ड बनाये। करीब 2009-2010  के आस पास आते आते दोनों सिनेमा डिजिटल साउंड के साथ आगे बढ़ते गए, यूएफओ टेक्नोलॉजी के कारण जो फिल्म हिट होने के करीब 1-2 महीने बाद फाजिल्का के सिनेमाघरों में आती थी, पहले हफ्ते ही रिलीज होने लग गई। यादें ताजा करते हुए संजीव सिनेमा के प्रोजेक्टर ऑपरेटर श्री घनश्याम शर्मा जिनकी उम्र अब करीब 73 साल है, वह संजीव सिनेमा से पिछले 40 सालों से जुड़े है, बताते है की उन्होंने सिनेमा से जुड़े वह सारे उतार चढ़ाव देखे है, 'मामला गड़बड़ है', 'नूरी' और कई ऐसी सुपर हिट मूवी आई जिससे सिनेमा में दर्शको की भीड़ इस कदर होती थी कि कुछ लोग उनके साथ प्रोजेक्टर रूम में फिल्म देखते थे। पहली फिल्म 'अमर अकबर एंथोनी' चार हफ्ते चली थी। हर हिट फिल्म को देखने फाजिल्का के सभी परिवार आते थे। गौरतलब है कि रील वाले सिनेमा से लेकर अब राजा व संजीव सिनेमा पूरे डिजिटल दौर में पहुंच चुके है, घनश्याम जी संजीव सिनेमा में आज भी संचालन कर रहे है।
1 सितम्बर 2017 को फाजिल्का के सिनेमा इतिहास के सुनहरी दौर में गिल्होत्रा परिवार एम.आर कार्निवाल सिनेमा जोडक़र एक और अध्याय जोडऩे जा रहा है। दो स्क्रीन वाले, डिजिटल डॉल्बी साउंड व् यूएफओ तकनीक से फाजिल्का का तीसरा और सबसे बड़ा सिनेमा शुरू होने जा रहा है। नवीनतम तकनीक से लेस सिनेमा में अजय देवगन की नयी फिल्म 'बादशाहो' से शुरुआत की जा रही है । गिल्होत्रा परिवार और फाजिल्का को सिनेमा के इस स्वर्णिम दौर में जिसने 90 सालों का सफर तय किया है, दिल से बधाई।

नवदीप असीजा, चंडीगढ़/फाजिल्का
Story Published in Sarhad Kesri, Fazilka

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Curfew re-imposed in 3 districts : Movement also restricted in Fazilka, Jalalabad and 11 villages of Lambi segment

Gagandeep Sharma
Tribune News Service
Bathinda, August 28

Curfew was re-imposed in Bathinda, Mansa and Faridkot districts at 2 pm today. In Bathinda, however, curfew was relaxed between 7 pm and 10 pm. The district administration will review the situation and decide whether or not curfew should remain enforced.

The police and security forces, meanwhile, carried out flag marches in several districts of Malwa after the CBI Special Court announced 20 years' imprisonment for the Dera Sacha Sauda chief. No incident of violence was reported in Bathinda, Muktsar, Mansa, Faridkot and Barnala districts.

Sources in the police said dera followers in the five districts had gone into hiding after the police had booked them.

Additional Director General of Police (ADGP) HS Sidhu remained in Bathinda throughout the day. Senior Superintendent of Police Naveen Singla said 11 companies of the paramilitary forces had been deployed in Bathinda district.

The Barnala police have arrested a man on the charge of violating Section 144. He has been sent to judicial custody.

Muktsar/Fazilka: Curfew was imposed today in Assembly constituency, and re-imposed in Malout and Abohar. A curfew-like situation prevailed in Muktsar as the police stopped commuters from moving on roads.

The Malout police, meanwhile, seized 34 petrol bombs, sharp-edged weapons and chilli powder from five bags lying abandoned near a marriage palace on the Fazilka-Delhi National Highway.

The damages to public property in Muktsar district during the violence on August 25 have been pegged at Rs10.41 lakh and that to private property at Rs14 lakh.

In Fazilka, the police reportedly forced shopkeepers to shut their shops. But on the intervention of Beopar Mandal president Ashok Gulbadhar, shops remained open till 1.30 pm.

Dampener on festivities

Abohar: With the town under curfew again, the Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations has been cut short. Devotees assembled at Gandhi Grounds here on Monday and performed aarti. At 11.30 am, an announcement was made from police vans that an indefinite curfew would be imposed at 2 pm. To avoid any trouble, devotees collected their belongings and returned before afternoon. — OC

Saturday, August 12, 2017

For Swachh Bharat: Will Punjab be third time lucky on cleanliness? Schools on test now

22 schools from state are among 643 vying for the first national Clean School Awards

After faring poorly in national rankings of cities and railway stations, Punjab will face another cleanliness test soon — in the schools this time.

Twenty-two government elementary and secondary schools are in the race for the first national-level Swachh Vidyalaya Puraskars (Clean School Awards) expected to be announced by the Union human resource development (HRD) ministry in the last week of this month. They are among the 643 government schools vying for top honours for "excellence in sanitation and hygiene practices". The Centre plans to award 100 schools each at elementary and secondary levels.

Punjab's schools in consideration are located in 12 districts with the maximum number of entries being from Fazilka, at five. Three entries are from Ferozepur, two each from Kapurthala, Hoshiarpur, Ludhiana and Tarn Taran, and one each from Nawanshahr (SBS Nagar), Faridkot, Sangrur, Patiala and Mohali.

These schools have been selected by the state education department and the MHRD after they emerged on top in the state on parameters of cleanliness, sanitation, availability of facilities such as toilets, clean and safe drinking water, clean and green campus, hygiene habits among children, and teachers' involvement in ensuring cleanliness.

Puraskar and process

The awards are part of the Swachh Bharat Swachh Vidyalaya (Clean India, Clean School) campaign started by the Narendra Modi-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government. The selection process, which was started 10 months ago, saw thousands of schools from across the country submitting their entries and go through a lengthy selection process. Besides Punjab, 25 schools from Haryana, 27 from Himachal Pradesh, 40 from Rajasthan and three from Chandigarh have been shortlisted.

Though Punjab had sent a list of 40 schools to the Centre, 11 primary and secondary schools each have made it to the final round. They are mostly located in rural areas.

Government Senior Secondary School in Dhaliwal Bet village of Kapurthala district, which is spread over four acres and has 350 students, is among them. Principal Mohinder Kaur said her school filled the self-evaluation form online last year. "The school has five parks and lawns with medicinal plants, constant supply of clean drinking water, 10 toilets, and a big auditorium. We take particular care of sanitation," she said.

Hoping for redemption

A school education department official said the HRD ministry has, in collaboration with UNICEF's water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) team, done its own independent assessment of the recommendations sent by the states. "The final awardees will be selected by a national-level committee headed by the Union secretary, school education. We are hopeful some of our schools will do well, but are keeping our fingers crossed," he said.

Maneesh Garg, joint secretary, school education, MHRD, has, in a letter to the state government, asked to complete the process of giving district- and state-level awards by August 15 and inform the ministry.

Under the Swachh Bharat campaign, the state has been a laggard so far. Not a single city from the state was among the top 100 in rankings released this year due to serious shortcomings in solid waste collection and processing and disposal. Barring the Beas railway station, most other stations in the state also did not do well in cleanliness rankings released three months ago. The Beas station, which was among the cleanest stations, is primarily maintained by Radha Soami Satsang's volunteers.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Dastan-E-Azadi : यहां जलती थीं गुलामी के प्रतीक विदेशी कपड़ों की होली -

अमृत सचदेवा - फाजिल्का : यहां का आर्य समाज चौक कभी स्वतंत्रता संग्राम में भाग लेने वाले शहर के अधिकांश सेनानियों का गढ़ था। ब्रिटिश अधिकारी उस क्षेत्र को 'उग्रवादियों का डेरा' बताते थे। इसी चौराहे पर स्वतंत्रता संग्राम की बैठकें होती थी। विदेशी कपड़ों की होली जलाने जैसे साहसिक कार्य भी इसी चौक में हुए थे। आज भी यह चौक स्वतंत्रता संग्राम की याद दिलाता है। 11903 में स्थापित आर्य समाज मंदिर में ज्यादातर आजादी के परवाने एकत्रित हुआ करते थे। इसकी मुख्य वजह यह थी कि आर्य समाज मंदिर के आसपास ही स्वतंत्रता सेनानी लाला सुनाम राय, हरीकृष्ण दास जसूजा, नंद लाल सोनी, दूनी चंद बाघला व पिता जी के नाम से मशहूर गौरी शंकर के आवास थे। इन्हीं के मार्गदर्शन में ही पूरे जिले के स्वतंत्रता सेनानी बैठकों के लिए इकट्ठा होते थे। यहीं पर महात्मा गांधी के आह्वान पर विदेशी वस्तुओं के बहिष्कार के तहत विदेशी कपड़ों की होली जलाकर पूरे क्षेत्र में स्वतंत्रता संग्राम की आग को हवा दी गई थी। लाला सुनाम राय के नेतृत्व में अंग्रेजों को भारत से निकालने के पक्षधर लोगों ने अपने घरों से विदेशी कपड़े लाकर उसकी होली जला ब्रिटिश सरकार को संदेश दिया था कि आर्य समाज चौक से चल रही मुहिम का समर्थन हर प्रदेशवासी कर रहा है। उससे पहले तक अंग्रेज सिपाही जब मर्जी आकर यहां रहने वाले स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों को उठाकर ले जाते थे और जेल में बंद कर देते थे, लेकिन इसी चौक से मजबूत हुए स्वतंत्रता संग्राम ने हर गली मोहल्ले को 'अंग्रेजो भारत छोड़ो' मुहिम का ध्वजवाहक बना दिया। आज भी इस चौराहे पर लाला सुनाम राय सहित अन्य स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों के परिवार रहते हैं और आजादी की लहर को अपने बुजुगोर्ं के जन्मदिन व पुण्यतिथि मनाकर ताजा करते हैं। 1अमृत सचदेवा ' फाजिल्का 1यहां का आर्य समाज चौक कभी स्वतंत्रता संग्राम में भाग लेने वाले शहर के अधिकांश सेनानियों का गढ़ था। ब्रिटिश अधिकारी उस क्षेत्र को 'उग्रवादियों का डेरा' बताते थे। इसी चौराहे पर स्वतंत्रता संग्राम की बैठकें होती थी। विदेशी कपड़ों की होली जलाने जैसे साहसिक कार्य भी इसी चौक में हुए थे। आज भी यह चौक स्वतंत्रता संग्राम की याद दिलाता है। 11903 में स्थापित आर्य समाज मंदिर में ज्यादातर आजादी के परवाने एकत्रित हुआ करते थे। इसकी मुख्य वजह यह थी कि आर्य समाज मंदिर के आसपास ही स्वतंत्रता सेनानी लाला सुनाम राय, हरीकृष्ण दास जसूजा, नंद लाल सोनी, दूनी चंद बाघला व पिता जी के नाम से मशहूर गौरी शंकर के आवास थे। इन्हीं के मार्गदर्शन में ही पूरे जिले के स्वतंत्रता सेनानी बैठकों के लिए इकट्ठा होते थे। यहीं पर महात्मा गांधी के आह्वान पर विदेशी वस्तुओं के बहिष्कार के तहत विदेशी कपड़ों की होली जलाकर पूरे क्षेत्र में स्वतंत्रता संग्राम की आग को हवा दी गई थी। लाला सुनाम राय के नेतृत्व में अंग्रेजों को भारत से निकालने के पक्षधर लोगों ने अपने घरों से विदेशी कपड़े लाकर उसकी होली जला ब्रिटिश सरकार को संदेश दिया था कि आर्य समाज चौक से चल रही मुहिम का समर्थन हर प्रदेशवासी कर रहा है। उससे पहले तक अंग्रेज सिपाही जब मर्जी आकर यहां रहने वाले स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों को उठाकर ले जाते थे और जेल में बंद कर देते थे, लेकिन इसी चौक से मजबूत हुए स्वतंत्रता संग्राम ने हर गली मोहल्ले को 'अंग्रेजो भारत छोड़ो' मुहिम का ध्वजवाहक बना दिया। आज भी इस चौराहे पर लाला सुनाम राय सहित अन्य स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों के परिवार रहते हैं और आजादी की लहर को अपने बुजुगोर्ं के जन्मदिन व पुण्यतिथि मनाकर ताजा करते हैं। 1

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Ode to Fazilka - by Dr Meeran Chadha Borwankar

Dear Fazilka

Dear Fazilka, it was a great moment when I visited you after a long time. Yes I agree this was a huge gap and highly avoidable too. Considering what you have done for me and my family, this long wait to befriend you again is unpardonable indeed. I apologies Fazilka.

It was most heart warming to be greeted by citizens and receive a photograph of my father, a Punjab police officer of repute, awarding a student for his brilliant academic performance that saw him through BITS Plani. The student had turned grey and my father is no more. He held the citizens of Fazilka in the highest esteem and valued their bravery, their steadfast fortitude in holding on to the  last inch of land as a sensitive border town. As the commandant of 22nd battalion of BSF, he had steered the border during 1971 Indo-Pak war and watched many of his young colleagues from 3rd Assam and 4 Jat loose their lives. He mourned for them deeply but duty came first for him and his team, so BSF fought the enemy with all its might.

Fazilka town had been evacuated. But soon came back the hardy citizens and took charge of their lives again. While constructing ' Asafwala' war memorial for the martyrs, they restored the prosperity of the region by tilling their land with that extra vigor  for which they are known all over Punjab. I admire you Fazilka, for your capacity to bounce back be it after a border conflict or an agriculturally disastrous year. Your love for innovation in agriculture, in water management,  new crops and cropping patters has earned you the place of pride in the country.  You are most deserving,  Fazilka.

Meeting with my Hindi teacher was overwhelming indeed. She has turned eighty and I have greyed too. But the pride she takes in all her students has made us what we are today. Fazilka, you should be proud of the fact that one of your daughters became the chairperson of Central Board of Direct Taxes. The honesty you grilled in her made her the most efficient tax collector in the country, so that we can invest in our infrastructure and upgrade the lives of poor and needy. As early as 1960s you had believed in equality of genders and invested in educating your daughters, I am so proud of you Fazilka.

How can I forget our teachers who went around house to house encouraging children to enroll in schools and excel in studies! Today if one of your sons has graduated from IIT and Wharton USA and another from Purdue USA it is because of you Fazilka. The culture of rigorous studies and a dedicated teaching community shaped future leaders. The air filled with inspiration, the right balance between studies and recreation was bound to develop versatile personalities. How can we forget our baths on tube wells, open green fields with us running all around, the hide and seek and 'chor sipahi'? The ludo and snake and ladder? You inculcated right values and encouraged creative thinking, credit rightly belongs to you Fazilka.

Can I share a small secret with you? I had cried when my cousins from Delhi mocked  at my vernacular school, calling the building shabby and there being no chairs in our classrooms. We sat on the ground and learnt How was I to understand that it is the quality of education and not mere infrastructure that matters. I was so young. Pardon me for under-estimating you, Fazilka.

But were you not  greener and cleaner? More open too. I did not hear the usual birds chirping in the morning nor the peacock chanting, I was so used to as a child. Where have the birds disappeared? I remember the heaps of cotton and groundnuts on the sides of roads. We would cycle our way to school passing by them. I remember the only cinema hall,  outside which we would buy goodies in paper bags. Women weaving ropes from our house in the BSF campus till the town. Roads were better too and parking not an issue. The area around 'Ghantaghar' was broad; spic and span too. Yes I do remember the bazar with lot many cycles. Why are you choked with polluting traffic today?  Restore your cycles and become pedestrian friendly. Go back to the green, clean town that you once were Fazilka. I am told many young and old are trying to restore the beauty, plant trees and ban plastic, strengthen their hands. Get your trees and birds back Fazilka.

Local industry has done well and shops are full. The enthusiasm is palpable. Fazilka heritage festival showed me the spirit. I saw high energy Bhangra, heard classical music, admired the local art and craft. Met the men and women who are interested in academics and environment, who have formed forums to invigorate the local administration with fresh thoughts and initiatives. Do not let selfish leaders kill your spirit Fazilka. Let the youth take over. Let them revive your spirit and reconstruct your broken roads and electric poles. Shun the selfish and value the ones who love you and take pride in their heritage. They are proud of you, we are all proud of you.

I am sorry I have been so late in showing my love for you but I am sure you were always aware of this deep affection that we all have for you. You are our roots, how can we not value you Fazilka!

Meeran Chadha Borwankar

Former Commissioner of Police Pune. Currently Director General Bureau of Research and Development BPRD, is Maharashtra cadre IPS officer.

The writer (and her family) spent her childhood in Fazilka. Her sister, Anita Kapur retired as Chair Person CBDT

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Fazilka’s Daara, Sikander among country’s big bulls

Archit Watts
Tribune News Service
Muktsar, July 27

Murrah bulls Daara and Sikander from Fazilka district have been selected for the 17th Progeny Testing Programme of the Central Government. These are the only two privately owned bulls in the country to be included in this programme.

These bulls are the offspring of "Rani" buffalo, which had made the record by producing 26.335-kg milk in a day in the National Livestock Championship, 2016, in Muktsar.

Dr Inderjeet Singh, Director, Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes (CIRB), Hisar, said, "Apart from 14 bulls belonging to government-run institutes, two private bulls from Fazilka district have been selected under the programme for the first time."

He added, "To include the bulls in this programme, several conditions were laid, including the DNA test of bulls and milk yield of their mother buffalo. Now, 4,000 doses of semen of each bull will be tried on the farm buffaloes for next about one-and-a-half years. Then calves from these bulls will also be observed."

"Sikander was the young bull champion in the National Livestock Championship-2016, while the younger one, Daara, bagged the award in this year's championship," said Sherbaj Singh, proud owner of these two bulls, who owns Lakshmi Dairy Farm at Chak Vairoke village in Fazilka.

"We have signed an agreement with the CIRB. The CIRB, by including these bulls in the programme, can provide bulls of high genetic record," he added.

Offspring of Rani buffalo

These bulls are the offspring of Rani buffalo, which had made the record by producing 26.335-kg milk in a day in the National Livestock Championship, 2016, in Muktsar
Sikander was the young bull champion in the National Livestock Championship-2016, while the younger one, Daara, bagged the award in this year's championship

Thursday, July 27, 2017

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Tuesday, July 18, 2017

NGO plants saplings at border, reaches out across to Pak

Jul 18 2017: The Times of India (Chandigarh)

Aiming to improve the micro-climatic conditions and ecosystem on the India-Pakistan border, a Fazilka-based NGO is making efforts to involve like-minded people from across the border to engage in environmental diplomacy. The NGO Graduate Welfare Association of Fazilka (GWAF) is in touch with some outfits and individuals from Pakistan through Facebook and is planning to organize planting of saplings on the border.

The idea is also to create conducive atmosphere by planting trees for security personnel from both countries working in hot and humid conditions, sometimes above 45 degrees Celsius. After the routine `Beating the Retreat' ceremony held in Fazilka sector, GWA planted a sapling with the help of Border Security Force (BSF) at the zero line from where Pakistan is clearly visible, hoping the message would go a long way in preserving the eco system.

"Under prevailing circumstances, people-to-people contact to carry out such environmental activities is not permitted but we are in touch with certain groups in Pakpattan, Haveli Lakha and Depalpur towns of Pakistan Punjab, which are near to Sadqi border in Fazilka through Facebook.We ask each other to plant saplings and want to create a congenial atmosphere. We plan to plant 1,000 saplings on our side of the border and hope of the similar effort from our associates in Pakistan," said GWAF secretary Navdeep Asija.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Area under cotton crop may rise in Fazilka

Praful Chander Nagpal
Mar 7, 2017

Fazilka, March 6 : Fazilka district, which is known for producing quality cotton in North India, is likely to witness an increase in the area under cotton cultivation due to remunerative prices being offered to cotton producers. The raw cotton (narma) is fetching Rs 6,000-6,100 per quintal these days in Fazilka.

Sources in the market committee said they had been getting Rs 4,000-4,500 per quintal in the last few years but after about five years, the cotton prices had touched the Rs-6,000 mark. Cotton was sown in 36,320 hectares last years. As per the recommendations of Punjab Agricultural University, the best period for sowing cotton is from April 15 to May 15. After witnessing financial losses in the last few years, cotton producers are delighted due to remunerative prices of cotton in Fazilka market.

Pawan Kumar, a farmer of the cotton producing belt of Kandhwala village, said he cultivated cotton in 9 acres and sold it at a price of Rs 6,010 per quintal. Farmers said this year the quality of cotton had also improved, resulting in increase in the yield to 8-10 quintal per acre this year as compared to 6-7 quintal per acre last year. Satinder Kaur, Chief Agriculture Officer, Fazilka, said 151 camps would be organised in cotton-producing 145 villages in Fazilka district in March. (Source:

Monday, May 29, 2017

फाजिल्का व्यापार मंडल के नाम एक खुला पत्र

बात सन की हैं 2008 , जब फाजिल्का की ऐतिहासिक धरोहर घंटा घर के पास से निकलना मुश्किल था, कयोंकि दुकानदार भाइयों ने उसे पब्लिक टॉयलेट बना रखा था | पहली बार फाजिल्का के कुछ शहरी आगे आये, बजरंग गुप्ता जी ने नगर कौंसिल का सहयोग दिलवाया और घंटा घर की सफाई कर हवन करवाया गया था | सरहद केसरी परिवार , ग्रेजुएट्स वेलफेयर एसोसिएशन, अमृत सचदेवा , आर्य समाज, सेवा भारती आदि सामाजिक संस्थाए और चंदर रेस्टोरेंट , हरमीत वाच कंपनी , नागपाल बूट हाउस, अदि कुछ घंटाघर की मार्किट के दुकानदार साथ आये | ज़्यादातर दुकानदार विरोध में की अब हम मूत्र विसर्जन कहां करेंगे | इतनी बड़ी दुकाने , कुछ एक कब्ज़े पर भी, पर मूत्र विसर्जन के लिए ऐतिहासिक धरोहर घंटा घर | पहली बार फाजिल्का विरासत महोत्सव के समय घंटाघर को सफाई करवा कर सजाया गया | अनिल सेठी नगर कौंसिल प्रधान बने और इसके बाद इसके काया कल्प की जिम्मेदारी उठाई गयी और आज वही घंटा घर शान फाजिल्का की | जिसपर फाजिल्का ज़िले का आंदोलन हुआ | जब धरोहर को बचाना था तब कहां था व्यापार मंडल और उनके सदस्य ?

नगर कौंसिल की सफाई कर्मचारी सुबह रोज आठ बजे सड़कों की सफाई करके जाते हैं , दुकानदार भाई नौ बजे दुकान खोलते हैं और कूड़ा सड़क पर | मैंने तो नहीं देखा कभी व्यापार मंडल को दुकानदारों को यह आदेश देते हुए की एक डस्टबिन रखो , कूड़ा सड़को पर मत फेंको | मैंने तो आपातकाल बैठक नगर की सफाई के लिए कभी होते नहीं देखी | 

दुकानदार रेहड़ी खड़ी करने के एवज में रोजाना 200 से 300 रुपए लेते हैं , कौनसा नियम कानून यह कहता हैं | अगर गरीब रेहड़ी वाला रोटी खा लेगा तो क्या | नगर निगम की सड़क और पैसे ले दुकानदार | इस गैर कानूनी काम पर कयों नहीं बोला व्यापार मंडल कभी ?

गौशला रोड पे केवल पांच पेड़ , लगाना तो दूर मिट्टी का तेल डालकर उसे ख़तम कर दिया , सत्ता के करीबी थे तो कोई बोल भी न सका , धन्य है , डॉक्टर भूपिंदर सिंह और एडवोकेट जयपाल सिंह संधू जिसने इस पेड़ को काटने से रोका , पर मिटटी का तेल जड़ो में ड़ालकल मार दिया , कयों नहीं बोला तब व्यापार मंडल फाजिल्का | 

पैदल चलने की जगह कब्जे करे आपके दुकानदार , घंटाघर पर शौचालय बनाकर मूत्र विसर्जन करे आपके सदस्य , सड़क पर कूड़ा फेंके आपके सदस्य, पेड़ काटे आपके सदस्य तब फाजिल्का व्यापार मंडल कहीं इसका बहिष्कार करते नहीं दिखा ?

फाजिल्का में 70,000 लोग हैं और शहर केवल 2000 दुकानदारों का नहीं , सफाई , ऑक्सीजन , चलने की सुविधा आपको भी चाहिए ?? आपके बंद से लोग तंग होंगे और कोई समर्थन भी नहीं मिलना है पदाधिकारियों की शान जरूर बन जाएगी | 

पार्किंग ठीक होने से और जाम लगने बंद होने से व्यापार काम हो गया , यह तथय सही नहीं , कुछ अच्छा करने की प्रशाशन ने कोशिश की हैं , कोई कमी है तो मिल बैठ उसे ठीक करो और शहर को आगे बढ़ाओ | रोज रोज बंद की धमकी , फाजिल्का है कोई कश्मीर नहीं | 

ऑनलाइन का जमाना हैं समय के साथ बिज़नेस में क्या बदलाव चाहिए फाजिल्का व्यापार मंडल बैठके इसपर चर्चा करने की बजाये पदाधिकार बंद के आह्वान से दुकानदारों का और नुक्सान | एक यही एक दिन की कमाई से पूरे शहर में डस्टबिन रखे जा सकते हैं | माननीय व्यापर मंडल जी व्यापर और फाजिल्का को आगे बढ़ाइये नाकी नकारात्मक सोच से फाजिल्का को एक सदी पीछे | 

एक फाजिल्का निवासी 

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

सड़क सुरक्षा, स्पीड और हम

भारतीय सड़क सुरक्षा इस उदहारण से बेहतर तरीक़े से बताई जा सकती है | हमने सब छोटे बच्चो को एक एक चॉकलेट का पैकेट बाँट दिया और बोला की इसमें से सिर्फ एक ही स्लाइस खाना हैं और अगर ज्यादा खाया तो आप बीमार पड़ जाओगे | इसी बीच एक NGO को फंडिंग करके बोला की देखो भारतीय बच्चे कैसे चॉकलेट खाते हैं | अब बच्चे हैं , कौन एक स्लाइस से मानता हैं , सभी ने पूरी चॉकलेट खा ली | चॉकलेट कंपनी ने रिसर्च वाले को विदेश घूमने के पैसे दिए और बोला जाओ और पूरी दुनिया को बताओ की "भारतीय बच्चो को चॉकलेट खानी नहीं आती" | जब यह रिसर्च छपी तो विदेश से चॉकलेट बनाने वाली कंपनीओ ने रिसर्च, सरकार और NGO के माध्यम से पैसे भेज कर यह बोला की जाओ भारतीय बच्चो को चॉकलेट खानी सिख़ाओ | भारतीय बच्चे तो बदनाम हुए पर चॉकलेट की सेल बढ़ गयी |  अब आप सोचेंगे की इसका सड़क सुरक्षा से क्या लेना देना | सड़क बनाने वाली और गाड़ी बनाने वाली कंपनी कुछ ऐसा ही कर रही हैं | हमारे या दुनियाँ के सभी शहरों में ज्यादातर शहरों में कानूनी गति 50 KMPH है | हम सड़क बनाते हैं 100KMPH वाली और उसपे बनाकर गाड़ी देते हैं 200 KMPH से चलने वाली | गाड़ी और सड़क बनाने वाले रसुकदार और अमीर ठहरे , वह सभी महानुभावों को पैसे देकर बोलते हैं , सेमीनार लगाओ और भारतीय ड्राईवर को गाड़ी चलाना सिखाओ | कभी भी फ़ोकस अपने ऊपर आने नहीं दिया , और यही कारन हैं की सेमीनार पे सेमीनार और दुर्घटनाएं कम होने का नाम नहीं ले रही और गाड़ियाँ बिक रहीं हैं , एलिवेटेड और सुपर एक्सप्रेसवे बनते जा रहे है , जहा सिर्फ पैदल चलने की व्यवस्था की जरूरत थी | और कुछ नहीं तो ट्रैफिक पुलिस को भ्रष्ट बता दो ताकी उन्ही पे सारी ज़िम्मेदारी पड़ जाये | अमरीका , स्वीडन , यूरोप या कहीं भी अगर दुर्घटनाओं में कमी आयी है तो उन्होंने ड्राईवर या चलने वाले व्यक्तियों पर से ध्यान हटा के रोड इंजीनियरिंग अथवा गाड़ी की स्पीड़ कम करने पर ध्यान दिया , नतीजा आपके सामने हैं , स्वीडन देश की आबादी पंजाब जितनी हैं लेकिन वहां पिछले साल केवल 263 लोग मरे और पंजाब में 5077 लोगों को सडक़ दुर्घटनाओं में अपनी जान गवानी पड़ी | हमारी बीमारी का वायरस स्पीड यानी गति हैं , और हम सोचते हैं की शहर के बीचो बीच चौड़ी सड़कें बना कर इस वायरस को मार देंगे | आप वायरस को मार नहीं रहे  आप और बढ़ा रहे हैं इस उम्मीद के साथ की लोग दुर्घटनाओं मैं कम मरेंगे | सरकारे भी एम्बुलेन्स दे कर ख़ुश होती है और कहती हैं की देखो सड़क सुरक्षा पर काम कर दिया , अरे भाई ज्यादा एम्बुलेंस का मतलब यह है की इंजीनियरिंग से लेकर एनफोर्समेंट तक किसी ने काम नहीं किया इस लिए एम्बुलेंस की जरूरत पड़ी | बाकि कुछ कमियाँ देश के कानून में हैं जो केवल व्यक्ति के दोष के ऊपर ही लगता हैं , सड़क के बीच अगर कोई पेड़ या खम्बा हैं तो उसके लिए IPC की कोई सीधी धारा नहीं जिससे दुर्घटना को होने से रोका जा सके | भारतीय ड्राईवर बाकी दुनियाँ से से काफी अच्छे हैं , जो ऐसी निर्दयी सड़कों पर भी गाड़ी चला लेते है | ड्राईवरो को कोसना बंद करके जिनकी ज़िम्मेवारी हैं उनको ज़िम्मेदार ठहराया जाये , सड़क दुर्घटनाओं का आंकड़ा तभी कब होगा , तब तक कोसते रहिये भारतीय ड्राईवर और पुलिस को | 
जय  हिन्द 

नवदीप असीजा 

Unsafe streets: Mohali zeroes in on 21 accident-prone spots

Diljot Singh

The office of the traffic adviser (Punjab) has conducted a study on the reason behind accidents in Mohali and has identified 21 accident-prone spots.

The death zones are Phase 8 industrial area towards Radha Swami chowk, Phase 7 industrial area towards Spice Chowk, Phase 6 new bus stand towards Balongi barrier, Phase 35 light point, Landran and Saneta Road and SohanaLakhnaur Road.

The traffic advisor, Navdeep Asija, and his student Abhishek Bajaj conducted the study, which showed an increase in accidents. The number of pedestrians and cyclists killed in mishaps shot from 38% in 2013 to 56% in 2015, the study revealed.

As many as 16 accidents happened between 9pm and noon between 2013 and 2015.During midnight to 3 am, 12 people died between 2013 and 2015 in road mishaps, the study said.

The findings revealed that pedestrians and bicyclists were most vulnerable on Mohali roads. Over 50% percent of the victims were pedestrians and bicyclists.The traffic police records corroborate the findings.

Official data available with Asija revealed that 25 people were killed in 24 accidents in 2015 and out of these 25, eight were pedestrians and six of them were bicyclists. Similarly in 2014, out of 25 victims, five were pedestrians and seven were bicyclists. "Car drivers and truckers are the main culprits as they cruise at very high speeds thinking that these roads are racing tracks," said Asija.

Car and truck collisions contributed to 71% of the crashes in Mohali city in the last 3 years. Fifty-three percent of crashes were caused by reckless car drivers, mentioned the study.

Traffic from Balongi barrier to Phase 11-sector 66Phase 9 Industrial Area Intersection, this particular road corridor has caused 19 of 73 road accidents between 2013 and 2015.

"We have also identified the accident zones. Besides the study by the traffic adviser on various parameters also include the flow of traffic, rush hour or peak hours on the roads, length and breadth of the motorway, traffic junction presence, number of accidents on these roads, the presence of streetlights," said SSP KS Chahal.

The study lists some solutions like installation of speed-calming devices to slow down the speed of vehicles.The traffic adviser wants safe and efficient non-motorized transport infrastructure to be constructed in the city.

Another solution envisages that phasing and synchronization of traffic lights according to the volume of traffic. It also proposes timers to be installed at the intersections to avoid the signal jumping. There is also a demand to install global standard road markings and signages to guide pedestrians and motorists.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Poll code curbed number of deaths in road accidents - Punjab

Vibhor Mohan | TNN | Apr 26, 2017, 08.33 AM IST

CHANDIGARH: The Punjab assembly elections early this year had the whole government machinery on its toes and an indirect benefit of it for the general public was a considerable 9% dip in number of deaths in fatal accidents in January.

Data shows that though there has been a consistent rise in number of fatal accidents on the state's roads after the code of conduct came into effect on January 4, the numbers were less in all three months when compared to the previous year. The check on overspeeding due to barricades put up across Punjab, besides enforcement agencies keeping unauthorized flow of liquor under scanner resulted in more safety for commuters.

ADGP traffic M K Tiwari told TOI that it was an encouraging sign and traffic police would take effective steps to ensure that violations such as overspeeding and drunken driving are checked to ensure safety of commuters.

There were 343 deaths in January this year, compared to 374 in January 2016, a dip of 9.4%. After the polling on February 4, the difference in deaths was reduced to 4.9% (402 deaths in 2016 and 383 in 2017) and the gap with previous year further narrowed down further to 3.4% (422 in 2016 and 408 in 2017) in March, as by that time new government was sworn and election process was over.

Otherwise, the graph of deaths in road accidents in the state has constantly been spiraling up over the last three years (see box).

Punjab's traffic adviser Navdeep Asija said overspeeding and drunken driving were the key factors responsible for fatal accidents and intervention in form of police barricades every 30 kilometers and an eye on carrying unauthorized liquor resulted in a check on these violations. "The data can be taken as a pilot study and similar steps can be continued," he suggested.

Majority of the traffic on the core network of highways comprises two wheelers (40%) and cars (30%). Share of tractors in the total vehicle population of Punjab is 9%, but they are responsible for 20% road fatalities, same is the case of trucks and autorickshaws. These modes need special focus and mode-wise related strategies need to be prepared by the government.

Meanwhile, the Punjab government has decided to set up a 'Punjab Road Safety Authority' to study the causes of road accidents and deaths with a view to minimize the same through effective planning. The plan has been approved in the first cabinet meeting of the Congress government on March 19.

Friday, April 21, 2017

PM to honour Janisar Village Panchayat of Fazilka with "Empowerment Award" at Lucknow

Fazilka, April 21, 2017:  On the eve of National Panchyati Raj Divas celebrations on April 24, at Lucknow, Prime Minister, Narendera Modi will honour Janisar Village Panchayat with Empowerment Award.

Janisar village fallses under Jalalabad Assembly constituency having population of 2600 and panchayat headed by lady sarplanch Veerpal Kaur, said Isha Kalia, DC Fazilka.

Congratulating Janisar village panchayat, DC Fazilka said, the other village panchayats should also come forward for over all development of their villages like Janisar village having its new Panchayat Ghar, Civil Hospital, Gym, Stadium, Animal Husbanda hospital, Electricity Sub Station, SC Dharamshala, metalled streets and four-wall of pond.

Surinder Singh Dhillon, DDPO said, in the village, two important places called 'Sathan' have been constructed in the village with special arrangements of solar light fittings besides maintaining cleanliness in the village and village roads, streets are garbage-free.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Groundwater tables dipping in 67% of Punjab

CHANDIGARH: The new Congress government has not hinted at any changing the policy of free electricity to farmers, though the water tables in the state continue to decline in most districts. In the 67% of area of the state, there was a general decline of water levels in 65% of the wells in August 2016, as compared to August 2015.

According to the Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) which is going to release its annual report next month, groundwater levels declined in the range of 0-2 meters in 57% of the area, 2-4 meters in 8% of area and more than 4 meters in 1% of the state.

The decadal mean fluctuations (2006-2015) shows decline in 75% of observation wells monitored covering about 81% area of the state. The decline has been observed across Punjab and there is dip of 2-4 meters in 20% of the state's area.

At the same time, says S K Jain, regional director of CGWB, there has also been rise in water levels in 35% of wells monitored, which cover 33% area of the state. "The efforts to convince farmers to delay their paddy cropping could be a factor," he said.

Water levels have risen in Pathankot, Gurdaspur, Amritsar, Tarn Taran, Kapurthala, Hoshiarpur, Nawanshahr, Jalandhar, and Mohali. The positive trend is based on data collected in August 2016, and it was also observed in all the districts of southwestern parts of the state.

Irrigation experts, meanwhile, point out that the rise in water table in particular pockets could be due to the poor quality of water, which results in locals turning to other alternative sources. "Unless the state government goes in for some unpopular policy decisions such as removing power subsidy and capping boring of tube wells, things will not improve," said environmentalist.

Very shallow water levels of 0-2 m (causing waterlogging) occur in more than 1% of wells and is spread over 1% of the state in south-western parts in Muktsar and Fazilka districts. Water levels between 5-10 m have been observed in the northern part (Pathankot, Gurdaspur, Amritsar and Hoshiarpur districts), south and southwestern parts (Fazilka, Ferozepur, Faridkot, Muktsar, Bathinda and Mansa districts), eastern parts of Ropar and Mohali districts.

Ban on cobra fencing re-notified in Fazilka to save animals, human lives

Gaurav Sagar Bhaskar
19th April 2017
The Fazilka administration has re-notified the ban on the sale and use of 'cobra fencing' (bladed edged iron wire mesh) in the entire district in a bid to protect wild animals in the open wildlife sanctuary in Abohar, a subdivision of Fazilka district. Three persons and a dozen of animals have become prey to cobra fencing in the past one year.

Due to the installation of the cobra fencing, especially in farms as well as the other landholdings in the area that also has a sanctuary, various animals have been sustaining serious and even fatal injuries. while crossing over.

On April 3 last, one Vinod Kumar. 28, of Seed Farm Colony, Abohar, was killed and his friend Sunehri Pal sustained injuries when the motorcycle they were riding barged into a cobra wire that a farmer had installed around his fields near Jandwala Hanvanta village on the Abohar-Sri Ganganagar road.

The representatives of various animal welfare societies as well as the local Bishnoi community had demanded a ban on the use of cobra fencing near the sanctuary area.

"The district administration had last year invoked powers under Section 144 of the CrPC to ban the sale, purchase and installation of cobra wire fencing around agricultural farms. Yet three persons and a dozen cattle heads had died in such mishaps," said  Nand Kishore Bhobhria, president of the Shri Hanuman Gau Sewa Samiti, an NGO,

"Even presently such wire mesh  is being sold by iron and hardware shops in Mukherjee Market, Gandhi Ground, Circular Road and other markets," said Nand Kishore.

Fazilka deputy commissioner Isha Kalia on Monday re-issued the order prohibiting the sale, purchase and installation of the cobra fencing in the entire district.  When contacted, she said that orders were issued to save humans as well as animals.

"I will seek a report from SSP Fazika regarding the action or cases registered for violation above orders and also ensure the implementation of the order in letter and spirit in future," she claimed.

Last year, the ministry of environment, forest and climate change, considering the environmental resources of incomparable value in the the wildlife sanctuary, issued a notification to declare the sanctuary as an eco-sensitive zone (ESZ), intended to help protect its inhabitants and also promote tourism in the vicinity.Around 100m diameter area of the sanctuary was declared an ESZ under Section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, wherein, inter alia, identified projects or activities would be regulated or prohibited as the case may be, in a site-specific manner.

The sanctuary is known for the highest number of black bucks in India, besides other protected species.

The sanctuary is Asia's largest open wildlife sanctuary with an area of 46,513 acres in 13 villages, reportedly having 1,812 male and 2,120 female black bucks besides 368 kids.

Chinkara black buck is a scheduled animal and highly endangered like tigers and lions. The sanctuary has 3,732 male, 2,486 female and 804 kids of blue bull, besides 5,000 'titars', about 121 peacocks, innumerable rabbits, besides other birds in huge numbers, according to the last count conducted in last March.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

A meal for Rs 10 in Starts in Fazilka | Daily Post Punjabi

11th Fazilka Heritage Festival-2017 from April 13-16

Fazilka, April 1, 2017:  Graduates Welfare Association Fazilka and Punjab Milkfed Verka will organize 11th Fazilka Heritage Festival -2017 from April 13-16, 2017.
Giving information, Navdeep Asija, Secretary of GWAF said, the first night of the festival has been given the name of Vaisakhi Bunglows to be presided over by Dr.Meera Chadha, IPS as Chief Guest who is the product of Fazilka schools.
On the second day, “Udaan” programme will he organized to be addressed by Dr.Meera Chadha to the aspirants students for government jobs, IPS or senior officer in the police department.
The third day of the festival has been given the name of “Umeed”.   On this day, the achievements of the youths and their future plans will be discussed besides honouring those who have excelled in the shining of Fazilka.
The last and the concluding day will be dedicated to the tourism in Fazilka under “Mehak Sarhad Di” titled programme to be presided over by the officers of Border Security Force.
Media Partner of the festival will be Sarhad Kesari, Social Media Partner Fazilka Online and Creative Partner Trilesh Creations.

Youth feted at Fazilka Heritage Festival

Our Correspondent
Fazilka, April 16

Fazilka youths who brought laurels to the town were conferred with the Youth Icon Award on Saturday night in the four-day heritage festival being organised by the Graduates Welfare Association, Fazilka (GWAF), an NGO, in association with Verka and Punjab Heritage and Tourism Promotion Board.
On the third night, “Umeed” was dedicated to youths of Fazilka.
GWAF general secretary Navdeep Asija said young educationist Dr Amit Juneja, renowned painter Anil Gehlot, noted cricket commentator Dr Sunil Taneja, urban planner Arsh Doda, theatre artiste and actor Mintu Kappa, musician Manjinder Taneja and sarpanch of Awa village Shavinder Singh were honoured.
On Friday night, which was dedicated to Fazilka women, Dr Meera Chadha Borwankar, Director General of Police, Bureau of Police Research and Development, Delhi, was conferred with “Fazilka Ratna” award.
Dr Purnima Nagpal, an economist from Fazilka, who is the Director of Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt, Germany, and Anukriti Jhamb, a noted travel blogger, presently studying in London, were also presented the Youth Icon Award.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Power women ask young girls to fly high to achieve big dreams

Neel Kamal| TNN | Apr 15, 2017, 05.43 PM IST

BATHINDA: The four power women having a connection with the border town of Fazilka got together on Friday under the flagship conclave 'Uddan' aiming to set an example for the younger generation especially the girls to dream big and make a flight(uddan) to realise those dreams. 'Uddan' though is the flagship project of 2009 batch IAS officer and Fazilka Deputy Commissioner Isha Kalia but 1981 batch IPS officer of Maharashtra cadre Meeran Chadha Borwankar, who is native of Fazilka, made all the flights and gave tips for youngsters to achieve big.
'Uddan' was held under the aegis of the 11th Fazilka heritage festival, an annual art and cultural festival of the Fazilka region being organised by Graduate welfare association, Fazilka led by traffic advisor Punjab Navdeep Asija. A score of young girls and women participated in the 'Uddan'. The fest started in the evening of April 13 will continue till 16. Apart from Meeran Chadha and Isha Kalia, the 2010 batch IRS officer Swati Chopra and 2013 batch IPS officer Kanwardeep Kaur, who is posted as SP(Headquarters)Fazilka shared their vision.
'Uddan Conclave' is aimed to empower girls and women to conquer their dreams. The main objective of the initiative is to inspire girls to have a vision of what they want to achieve and work towards attaining it. Taking it forward Meeran Chadha, who is Director General of Police, Bureau of police research and development in Mumbai, said that "the person needs to have clarity in mind as to what he or she aspires to do in life and the person need to be focussed on achieving the goals". Pointing towards the young girls she said that never feel the gender inequality and not feel it a hurdle being a woman. In Maharashtra I have seen more confidence among girls and women and the society too accepts it. In a sense of pride she told that the people in Maharashtra like the women officers more and have more faith in women officers than male counterparts".
In the conclave moderated by sports commentator Sunil Taneja, Isha Kalia said that one need to dream big to achieve big but need to differentiate between your official and personal life. When you are of official duty put everything behind and focus only on your work and think about welfare of people but at home turn into a daughter, mother or wife.
Swati Chopra, who is wife of Fazilka SSP Ketan Baliram Patil, said that while discharging your duties everyone need to focus on mental health. A mentally healthy person could do justicve with what he/she destined.
Kanwardeep Singh talked about role of women officers in maintaining law and order. Meeran Chadha Borwankar was honoured with Fazilka Rattan award whereas two young girls Anukriti Jhamb and Purnima Nagpal will be honoured late in the evening with youth icon award for being super achiever.
Meeran Chadha was first IPS officer from Fazilka. She was first ever women to be posted as Commissioner of Mumbai Crime Branch in its 150-year long history. The 2014 movie Rani Mukerjee starrer 'Mardani' was inspired from Meeran Chadha' role as Mumbai crime branch head.

महिलाओं को समर्पित रही विरासत महोत्सव की दूसरी नाइट

जागरण संवाददाता, फाजिल्का
16th April 2017
स्थानीय प्रताप बाग में ग्रेजुएट वेलफेयर एसोसिएशन द्वारा आयोजित 11वें चार दिवसीय फाजिल्का विरासत महोत्सव की दूसरी नाइट 'उड़ान' महिलाओं को समर्पित रही। भारी संख्या में पहुंचे लोगों ने प्रस्तुत मनोरंजक व ज्ञानवर्धक कार्यक्रम का आनंद लिया। दूसरी नाइट के कार्यक्रम का आगाज बतौर मुख्य मेहमान शामिल डीजीपी ब्यूरो ऑफ पुलिस रिसर्च एंड डेवलपमेंट मुंबई मीरा चढ्डा बोरवांकर, डिप्टी कमिश्नर कस्टम स्वाति चोपड़ा, एसपीएच कंवरदीप कौर ने दीप प्रज्जवलित करके किया। महिलाओं को समर्पित इस कार्यक्रम में लंदन स्कूल ऑफ इकानॉमिक से शिक्षित, प्रमुख अर्थशास्त्री बैं¨कग, बोर्ड ऑफ डायरेक्टर को सीधी रिपोर्ट करने के लिए अधिकृत डायचे बैंक जर्मनी फ्रेंकफर्ड में नियुक्त इस सीमांत नगर की पूर्णिमा नागपाल व देश-विदेश के शहरों के प्रमुख व्यंजनों पर शोध कर लेख प्रकाशित करने वाली भारत की दस प्रमुख महिला लेखकों में शामिल, स्कूल टिफिन व इस नगर की प्रमुख मिठाई तोशे से लेख माला शुरू करने वाली अनुकृति झांब को यूथ आईकॉन अवार्ड से सम्मानित किया गया। अनुकृति की गैर हाजिरी में उनके माता पिता सीमा-गोल्डी झांब द्वारा सम्मान हासिल किया गया।

इस मौके पर मीरा चढ्डा को फाजिल्का रत्न से अलंकृत किया गया। मंच संचालन नितिन सेतिया, चंदन कामरा, पंकज धमीजा व रवि खुराना द्वारा किया गया। मेहमानों ने आयोजित कार्यक्रम की मुक्तकंठ से सराहना की। गवफ के सचिव इंजीनियर नवदीप असीजा ने सभी मेहमानों का आभार व्यक्त किया। इससे पूर्व विभिन्न स्कूलों की बच्चियों द्वारा दिलकश कार्यक्रम प्रस्तुत किया गया। सीमांत गांव चक्क खीवां की खीवा सिस्टर्स 13 वर्षीय पूजा व 8 वर्षीय वीरपाल द्वारा सुरीली आवाज में प्रस्तुत कार्यक्रम आकर्षण का केंद्र रहा। कार्यक्रम का आगाज फाजिल्का रत्न से अलंकृत मास्टर कृष्ण शाम द्वारा 'राग कल्याण' सितार वादन करके किया गया। प्रमुख संगीतकार मन¨जदर तनेजा के संगीत के स्वरों ने श्रोताओं के दिल को छुआ व प्रसिद्ध गायक हैप्पी डिलाइट ने खूब वाहवाही लूटी। इलाके के उभरते गायकों ने गीत प्रस्तुत कर दर्शकों की खूब तालियां बटोरी।

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Friday, March 24, 2017

Punjab’s Finance Minister Manpreet Singh Badal pays homage to martyrs at Hussainiwala

Announces Rs 4-crore grant for the upkeep and beautification of the memorial where Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev were cremated
Written by Raakhi Jagga | Ludhiana | Published:March 24, 2017 4:37 am
Punjab news, Manpreet Singh Badal, Hussainiwala, Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev, India news, National news, National news, latest news, India news, National news,
State's Finance Minister Manpreet Badal pays tribute to martyrs at Hussainiwala in Ferozepur Thursday. Gurmeet Singh

Punjab's Finance Minister Manpreet Singh Badal Thursday visited the National Martyrs Memorial at Hussainiwala in the border district of Ferozepur to pay tribute to martyrs Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev who were cremated here on March 23, 1931.


This was Badal's first official function after taking charge as minister in the new Congress government.

The minister announced Rs 4-crore grant for the upkeep and beautification of the memorial, along with the border areas. "The state government will also be organising a state-level function to commemorate Baisakhi at Jallianwala Bagh on April 13 this year," he said. "I am aware of the problem of unemployment in this area. I had promised during my election campaign to bring industry in Punjab. We will open industrial units in border areas of Punjab to generate employment opportunities," Badal said.

Relatives of Bhagat Singh and Sukhdev, who stay in Punjab, were not present at the function at Hussainiwala. Tribhubhavan Thaper, a relative of Sukhdev, told The Indian Express said, "We got an invitation for Khatkar Kalan function about 10 days back from the CM's office and hence we planned to go there. Invitation from Hussainiwala came only two days back. Though the CM did not come to Khatkar Kalan, we have given a memorandum to cabinet minister Rana Gurjit Singh who has sought 15 days to get our pending demands met."

Earlier, Fazilka SSP Ketan Patil came to Hussainiwala leading a bicycle rally 1,400 cyclists from Fazilka to pay tribute to the martyrs. Patil said it was a way of the district administration to inculcate patriotism among masses, besides giving them a message about healthy living. Local MLA Parminder Pinki was also present on the occasion apart from other Congress MLAs of Ferozepur district. Former state BJP chief Kamal Sharma, who belongs to Ferozepur city, also paid homage to martyrs.

Demand of relatives

Relatives of Sukhdev reminded Badal that the promise of Rs 1 crore grant for the upkeep of the martyer's house in Ludhiana that he made in 2007 as the then finance minister was yet to be met. The minister promised to fulfill the demand.

They also said that the UPA government had sanctioned Rs 81 lakh in 2012, of which only Rs 5 lakh had been spent on the upkeep of Sukhdev's house and asked Badal to find details about the unspent money lying with the previous state government. Ashok Thaper, a relative of Sukhdev, said, "We will meet Rana Gurjit Singh whom we submitted memorandum after a fortnight again. We have demanded from the government that a chapter be introduced in history books for all national-level martyrs."